Training news of the masses..

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Moti Dichne

2022/08/23 14:55:322022/08/23
To: Sumo Newsletter2

Quick roundup from the last few days:

August 19th- Takayasu went to Tatsunami for degeiko. "My new son was born last night. It's a boy (Mrs. Walker), it's a boy. I want to do genki sumo and show him some good stuff," he said. He faced Houshouryuu and Meisei for some bouts and was 11-4. "His sumo is young and he can do anything he pleases.. I can benefit from facing these kind of guys," he said about Houshouryuu.  He is 32 and getting on but says he still feels he is young and has much to offer.

August 21st- Wakatakakage faced Hokutofuji and Nishikigi who came to visit and was 9-5 against them."I'd like to slowly up the keiko pace from this point on and properly face the basho. Ozeki? I can only properly prepare myself and properly do my own kind of sumo. I'll be coming at my opponents from down under.." he said.

                          Nishikigi came to Arashio beya to train, after training at Tokitsukaze the last few days. "If i don't mount the dohyo, I cannot become strong. I'm aiming to do good keiko, " he said. Last basho he was forced to leave the basho towards the end because of the COVID outbreak at his heya. It was the first time he was away from the dohyo since he entered sumo in 2006. "I was thinking to myself- spare time, huh? Spare time in the middle of the basho?? Strange feeling..I really wanted to finish the basho, although I already had my kachikoshi. And I wasn't even sick at all.. I'm glad to be back in the joi next basho. I made it up there before, then I dropped down to Juryo- it's been about five years since I was at the top ranks (3 years, but who's counting..). I'm glad to be back.." he said.

                          Ounoshou visited  Arashio beya as well. facing  Wakatakakage and others and going 6-4. "I think I was able to face the others well. The speed here is different than at my heya (where he has no sekitori  to train with..). It's fun, going for degeiko. After my wedding? I'm calmer-we are so very much alike, my wife and myself. It's really great to have someone to come home to."

                           Hokutofuji was at the same Arashio session, and he also went to Tokitsukaze for the last few days and faced Shoudai there. Today, he faced Wakatakakage and others. "It's important to face other sekitori. I plan on gradually building my body till the start of the basho," he said. He showed symptoms on the final  day and felt sluggish and had a runny nose and later dropped 8 kilos. "I'm still not totally over it,  but if I train  well I will slowly get stronger. There are rikishi who died from the virus. It's scary. I was battling my fears as well. i will do my best to avoid injury and will concentrate to be able to win," he summed. " 

August 22nd:Cup holder Ichinojou visited Tamanoi beya facing Juryo Azumaryuu and Touhakuryuu for 19 bouts, going 13-6. "First i need to get my kachikoshi, otherwise it was all for nothing. Kachikoshi, double digit wins-  I guess that's the target. A lot of Makushita guys here, so I was practicing grabbing the front of the mawashi. I'm always facing the larger guys and have problems with opponents that move to the side..It was good keiko.  The yusho? That's behind us, and i will be taking the good points from last basho and will be properly concentrating on my sumo and training. This basho, my opponents will probably be thinking more on how to face me, after I got  the yusho. I already mostly know what I need to do. If I can channel this confidence I shouldn't regret anything.." he said.

August 23rd::  Asanoyama trained at home today. "I don't have the courage to visit my hometown yet.. I was always encouraged by my local supporters when i was ranked at the top. I will do my all I can to show them at my best again, and then I hope to return home.." he said. Today he faced visitors from Miyagino- Enhou and Hokuseihou and Oushouma from Naruto and went 15-4. He overpowered the last two and had some problems with Enhou. Miyagino Oyakata (ex-Hakuhou) was there. They were seen conversing. "You can tell that he has something special. When I told people I was going to see Asanoyama they all asked me to pass on him to gambarize, and that I did,' he said. "Today I had large, medium and small rikishi to face, so the keiko was good. Ex-Hakuohu''s presence had me stressed after not feeling that way for a while..When we went on jungyo, he was always around , and it was the same feeling I felt back then. I'm happy he said good things about me," said Asanoyama. "The Sandanme yusho is only a starting point on my journey back. I wasn't congratulated by many fans after the basho so i want to continue with this feeling of still having a lot to do. I lost some weight, but I'm around 170 kilos and hope remain at 173 kilos. My body is moving well No use in adding useless weight," he added. "I'll be in Makushita next, but I'll be going about it as if I'm ranked at joi and go all out and gambarize," he summed.

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