Photoblog, Foreign Keys and Safe Mode On

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Mar 24, 2007, 10:50:47 PM3/24/07
to Summer of Gallery

my name is Luiz Paulo, I've look your ideas for summer of code 07, and
i'm interested in 3 of then

1- do the Gallery 2 to act as a PhotoBlog.
I want to know what u want to know in a project, like, my Ideas, what
can be done for this, and others thigs....

2- Add foreign keys to database schema
What the real job here, if I will have to change some parts of the
code to the Gallery still working... Or if the job is just at the data

3- Allow G2 to work in Safe Mode on
like the first, in this case i want to know about want you wants to
know in the "pre-project" that i have to send at googles page

so, im sorry about the language errors above, my english is not so
god... :D


Mar 25, 2007, 9:11:56 AM3/25/07
to Summer of Gallery
It's part of your application to identify the challenges involved in
your task and how you would tackle them.

On Mar 25, 4:50 am, "lupa" <> wrote:
> Hi
> my name is Luiz Paulo, I've look your ideas for summer of code 07, and
> i'm interested in 3 of then
> 1- do the Gallery 2 to act as a PhotoBlog.
> I want to know what u want to know in a project, like, my Ideas, what
> can be done for this, and others thigs....

>From the ideas page:
"The ability for site admins to add static content like photographer
profiles, set future publish dates for photos and albums, notify
subscribed members of changes and other similar task are not currently

Deliverable: Several small modules to enable new photoblog specific
features, including (but not limited to) a small CMS module, future
posting and subscriber notification. "

I think that's a good starting point.
I'd also investigate the basic feature-set of available photo-blog
software as well as taking a closer look at the Wordpress-G2

> 2- Add foreign keys to database schema
> What the real job here, if I will have to change some parts of the
> code to the Gallery still working... Or if the job is just at the data
> base

The ideas page gives a very concise overview of things that need to be
Part of the task will be
- identifying what FK to set,
- how to add FKs to our XML schema which describes the storage,
- update the generate-sql.php script to add FK DDL to the generated
- update GalleryStorage and possibly other classes to execute their
queries in an order that works with the new FK constraints.

> 3- Allow G2 to work in Safe Mode on
> like the first, in this case i want to know about want you wants to
> know in the "pre-project" that i have to send at googles page

A good starting point is reading the large safe-mode discussion topic
in the gallery 2 forum (there's also a link to it in the G2 FAQ).

- Andy

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