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ignoring some of the output files

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May 17, 2017, 8:57:59 AM5/17/17
to sumatra-users

I started exploring sumatra for my trainings. I got to save a run and view it with gui.
As far as I know, it only saves record when the program terminates by itself, not when users stops it (ctrl+c), is this configurable in any way?
I haven't managed to save any output files. It hangs when it should terminate, I guess its because output files are quite big and it tries to compress and save them. Is it possible to only save '.png' or '.npy' files?

Your answer would be much appreciated!

Andrew Davison

Sep 10, 2017, 10:15:11 AM9/10/17
to sumatra-users
Hi Joanna,

This feature of saving crashed or interrupted jobs has now been added to Sumatra (see You will need to install Sumatra from the Github master branch.

At present, the only way to avoid registering large output files is to save them to a different directory to the small files; you can then use `smt configure -d` to set the directory where Sumatra looks for files to the small-file directory. If you would like to be able to exclude files based on their extension, please could you open a new issue on Github? (


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