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Evgeniy Kuklin

Aug 19, 2016, 6:40:32 AM8/19/16
to sumatra-users

Maybe I'm going to ask a silly question. However, is there a way to make backups using "--archive", while retaining the original files?
Although "make an archive COPY" is written in the documentation, the option does not preserve the originals, or I am doing something wrong.
The idea is to keep the general archive of supercomputer experiments, while allowing users to do with their output files whatever they want.


Andrew Davison

Sep 10, 2017, 10:37:03 AM9/10/17
to sumatra-users

The use case I had in mind when implementing the "--archive" option was where the output files have the same filenames on subsequent runs, and so they need to be archived under a unique name to avoid them being overwritten. Yours does sound like a common use case. Please could you create a ticket in the issue tracker requesting this functionality?

As a possible workaround:

The `ArchivingFileSystemDataStore._archive()` method has a `delete_originals` argument, which is true by default, but there is no way to change this from the command line.
Probably the easiest way to achieve this at present is to make a local copy of `ArchivingFileSystemDataStore`, modify it as desired, and then register it as a plugin (see, over-riding the built-in version.


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