It's quiet around here...

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Travis Illig

Nov 12, 2012, 3:13:30 PM11/12/12
I'm noticing it's pretty quiet in the Subtext world. Last commit was in June (five months ago!) and the last downloadable package is from October 2010 (two years ago!). As noted in a different topic, a 2.6 version of Subtext is sort of "out" but it's never actually been made available.

I take some of that blame - I'm a contributor and my day job has gotten busy just like everyone else's. Subtext is in a [reasonably] stable place.

That said... I'd love to have something as easily skinnable as FunnelWeb. I'd love to actually be able to use the latest Subtext but it doesn't sound like it works in medium trust (issue 13, issue 14). I get error logs FULL of security exceptions from Ninject (oooooold Ninject) that I can't do anything about without doing a fully custom build of (since, again, 2.6 doesn't work in medium trust).

I know I could just start hammering these things out myself, but it'd be nice to get some help... and from a pragmatic standpoint, I honestly have to weigh the cost of "fixing it myself" vs "moving to a new platform."

Is this beast still alive? Are folks planning on coming back? Or are we potentially heading into "abandonware?" Again, not trying to pressure anyone, just trying to get a heartbeat.

Travis Illig

Nov 12, 2012, 3:14:28 PM11/12/12
(And, yes, I see that "Roadmap" thread a couple back, but it's from May and I wanted to just verify the contents.)

S Krupa Shankar

Nov 12, 2012, 4:11:49 PM11/12/12
As for issue #14 (with #13 being a related one), the issue seems to require some discussion to proceed further. I very recently moved to AWS from shared hosting, but it would be definitely helpful for most of us if the medium trust issue is resolved.
I submitted a pull request for #23 just a few days ago, and another minor feature (partially implemented in a page) awaiting review and comments/acceptance.
It would be nice to see some more features and frequent new releases, or to know what would happen to Subtext.

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Nov 28, 2012, 2:01:56 PM11/28/12
As far as I know it has been abandoned?

Steven Harman

Nov 29, 2012, 9:48:05 AM11/29/12
I moved my blog off of Subtext and onto Octopress nearly a year ago. Partly b/c I was tired of having to have a Windows VPS running, and partly b/c I finally admitted to myself that blogs are read-mostly, so static sites just make more sense). 

But mostly the decision for me was based on no longer being interested in .NET nor Windows. Back in 2004-ish, Subtext was a perfect side project - I was learning the .NET stack (coming from a Lisp -> C++ -> Java prior), and wanted to start blogging. It was a great way to both learn, and help build something that I really wanted. Times have changed, as have my interests... hence, I stopped contributing some time ago. However, I hope that others who are interested in those things pick up and continue to build Subtext while learning and improving their craft.

That said, I like to keep my ear to the ground as I do still support and appreciate the aim of Subtext - to be a programmer's blog engine. Also, I still consider Phil, Simone, etc. friends.

Sorry for the rambling, and good luck going forward, friends of Subtext!

-steven harman

Simone Chiaretta

Nov 30, 2012, 8:47:09 AM11/30/12
to subtext
Personally I think subtext is kind of dead. At the beginning of this year Phil and I kind of tried reviving it, we even started doing something but at the end nobody did something and the guy that decided to help us got pissed off by lack of responses to his questions and left.

I think I will try to implement one last feature in Subtext, which is a better export of contents (either by fixing our BlogML export or by implementing a export feature to the Wordpress exchange format) and also myself move to another platform.

I came to subtext as a learning exercise at the beginning, and because I wanted a .net blog with supports for plugins... nobody had it at that time. We were dragged off and our plugin implementation never really took off and was even deleted at one point... and now subtext has become a legacy blogging engine still built with webforms... and would need too much effort to bring it back on track.


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Simone Chiaretta
Microsoft MVP ASP.NET - ASPInsider
twitter: @simonech

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
"Life is short, play hard"

Phil Haack

Jan 3, 2013, 12:24:31 PM1/3/13
I was able to export my comments using SQL Server's Open XML feature into the WordPress eXtended RSS format. I'll blog about that. I think that's probably the way to go for implementing an export feature. I've been meaning to write about the future of Subtext.

Subtext is really close to another release, but the problem is there are a lot of breaking changes to how skins work. The default skins have been updated of course, but anyone with a custom skin would be broken. I updated SubtextUpgrader.exe to update custom skins, but it's not well tested. Ideally, Subtext itself should do this upgrade to the skins at runtime. If it can't modify the files, it should prompt the user to give it permissions to do so.

In order to cut another release, I think at minimum we just need to make sure the SubtextUpgrader works, is documented, and that any other critical bugs we want fixed in the next release are fixed. At this point, I don't have the time to invest much in Subtext. I'm probably going to build a tool that allows exporting content into a Jekyll format for hosting on GitHub pages. :) As far as I'm concerned, after this next release, Subtext is in maintenance mode. It's done unless someone else wants to take over. I'll help with any critical security fixes. But that's about it.


Simone Chiaretta

Jan 3, 2013, 12:39:25 PM1/3/13
to subtext
I'm about to migrate to another blog engine, and in preparation for this I was looking into exporting all the blog (posts and comments) to WXR. And then make it either a command line tool for those who have access to the SQL Server or hook into the web UI.
To me running on Sql Server is becoming a huge pain being on a private VM with both IIS and SqlServer on the same machine.
I'm moving to something that runs on a document db, like racoonblog or dexter (both on RavenDB)

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Jan 3, 2013, 12:40:40 PM1/3/13
Of course Azure will allow you to spin up a Wordpress instance *grin*

Simone Chiaretta

Jan 3, 2013, 12:42:43 PM1/3/13
to subtext
And definitely move to Azure... is another goal :)
if PHP was not sucking that much I'd definitely move to WP

Travis Illig

Jan 3, 2013, 12:43:10 PM1/3/13
to Subtext Mailing List
If you guys figure out how to get WXR with all the comments and trimmings, do blog (or otherwise release) it. For me the idea would be something hooked into the web UI since I'm on a shared VM and don't have command line access, but if the algorithm's available in source or something else, I can always convert it to ASP.NET myself.



Jan 3, 2013, 12:48:06 PM1/3/13
Yea. I'm considering just spinning up a word press blog on Azure. Maybe I might even blog again.

Christopher Pelatari

Oct 7, 2013, 3:36:28 PM10/7/13
Welp, I went and figured out how to export to WXR via sql for xml path. It's not pretty, and it's missing a couple of things like categories (I didn't feel like figuring out the subquery with a many-to-many relationship, and don't care about categories that much)

But it does grab all of your content and comments and packages it up for importing into wordpress. Here's what I came up with:
with xmlnamespaces

select Title as 'title',
Host as 'link',
SubTitle as 'description',
Language as 'language',
'1.0' as 'wp:wxr_version',
select Title as 'title',
DateAdded as 'pubDate',
Email as 'dc:creator',
Text as 'content:encoded',
ID as 'wp:post_id',
EntryName as 'wp:post_name',
'publish' as 'wp:status',
'post' as 'wp:post_type',
DateSyndicated as 'wp:post_date',
select Id as 'wp:comment_id',
Author as 'wp:comment_author',
Email as 'wp:comment_author_email',
IpAddress as 'wp:comment_author_IP',
DateCreated as 'wp:comment_date',
Body as 'wp:comment_content'
from subtext_FeedBack
where FeedbackType = 1 and EntryId = content.ID
for xml path('wp:comment'), type
from subtext_Content as content
where PostType = 1 and PostConfig <> 6 
for xml path('item'), type
from subtext_Config
where BlogId = 1
for xml path('channel'), root('rss')

There are more attributes that could be added, but this worked for me. I used this link [] for the definitions and explanations, and also found a google code project that had examples of the <comment> tags, as the link above doesn't explain those very well.

To save it as xml, I just clicked the result grid in SSMS and did a save from there. A couple of notes:

- you may have to manually add the version="2.0" attribute into the root rss node, I did just to be safe. I imported nearly 400 posts this way.
- this script only grabs published posts. it may require some kind of CASE/IF logic to do drafts or non-public posts.
- sql for xml is pretty rad.

I may also blog the solution, but since this thread is what comes up when you search for "export subtext wxr" I figured I'd put it here first.


-Christopher Hendrix Pelatari | Vice President - Velocity Databank, Inc.


Oct 9, 2013, 8:54:02 AM10/9/13
That's great... I was planning on making an export since long time... maybe this might finally get me started on the project :)
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