SubSurface 4.8.5 on OSX Mojave can't download from Cressi Leonardo

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Howell Strain

Feb 18, 2019, 9:17:57 AM2/18/19
to Subsurface Divelog
My wife is running  SubSurface 4.8.5 on OSX Mojave and trying to connect a Cressi Leonardo that works fine on PC. I am a PC guy so I may call something OSX related the wrong name.

I plugged in the computer interface and tried connecting to the dive computer (in PC link mode) on each of the existing "Device or Mount Point" but no joy. When I unplug the interface no devices go away so I'm thinking I'm missing what I need. See Screenshot 1.

The Appendix A section of the manual is a bit vague on information I can use to help myself but I have tried some random suggestions to other people from the forums. 

"On a Mac users sometimes have to manually hunt for the correct driver." How do I know if I'm one of those people?

Under System Information > Hardware > USB the Cressi interface shows up as shown in screenshot 2.

I did download and install the FTDI drive from their website but still no joy. What do I do next?


Screen Shot 1.png
Screen Shot 2.png

Robert C. Helling

Feb 18, 2019, 10:05:29 AM2/18/19
to Subsurface Divelog

Am Montag, 18. Februar 2019 15:17:57 UTC+1 schrieb Howell Strain:
My wife is running  SubSurface 4.8.5 on OSX Mojave and trying to connect a Cressi Leonardo that works fine on PC. I am a PC guy so I may call something OSX related the wrong name.

I plugged in the computer interface and tried connecting to the dive computer (in PC link mode) on each of the existing "Device or Mount Point" but no joy. When I unplug the interface no devices go away so I'm thinking I'm missing what I need. See Screenshot 1.

 For me it looks like this. There should be an entry "FTDI" which should work as well as one like the last one /dev/tty.usbserial-somecypticnumber . Are you sure those aren't there?

Screenshot 2019-02-18 at 16.03.21.png

Howell Strain

Feb 18, 2019, 12:13:58 PM2/18/19
to Subsurface Divelog
Thanks for the screenshot. I am sure the only entries on the pull-down menu are shown in my screenshot, and that clicking the ellipsis does not do anything.

The box seems to accept free form entry but I am not sure what I would type there.


Dirk Hohndel

Feb 18, 2019, 12:20:43 PM2/18/19
to Howell Strain, Subsurface Divelog
Try typing


In reality there's always a fair chance that I messed up building the binaries and somehow managed to ship them without user space FTDI support.

I have a long checklist to test and much of this is automated, but embarrassingly often I get something wrong (but then, I do build quite a few different binaries...)

I'll look into this when I get to my computer later today

From my phone

Dirk Hohndel

Feb 18, 2019, 1:29:17 PM2/18/19
to, Howell Strain
And indeed, this was my mistake.

I have replaced the Subsurface-4.8.5.dmg with an updated version (you can tell by the file date being today instead of Jan 24).
Please redownload and try that one. It will show the FTDI dropdown.

My apologies


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Howell Strain

Feb 19, 2019, 8:44:18 AM2/19/19
to Subsurface Divelog
Thank you Dirk. We were able to download the file and reinstall but are now getting a different error: unable to open ftdi. We tried an uninstall/reinstall but no luck.

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Screen Shot 3.png

Dirk Hohndel

Feb 19, 2019, 9:42:37 AM2/19/19

> On Feb 19, 2019, at 5:44 AM, Howell Strain <> wrote:
> Thank you Dirk. We were able to download the file and reinstall but are now getting a different error: unable to open ftdi. We tried an uninstall/reinstall but no luck.

That's disappointing.

Can you post the output of

/Volumes/Subsurface-4.8.5/ -v > logfile.txt 2>&1

(run this in a window - this assumes that you have the Subsurface DMG opened)



Howell Strain

Apr 12, 2019, 9:48:28 PM4/12/19
to Subsurface Divelog
-bash: /Volumes/Subsurface-4.8.5/ No such file or directory

I can confirm that when the Subsurface application is open and the cradle is plugged in with the dive computer in mode, the /Volumes/Subsurface-4.8.5/ folder does not exist.

Dirk Hohndel

Apr 13, 2019, 1:06:03 AM4/13/19
On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 06:48:27PM -0700, Howell Strain wrote:
> -bash: /Volumes/Subsurface-4.8.5/
> No such file or directory

This pathh only exists when you have the DMG mounted. If you have
installed Subsurface locally by dragging it into your /Applications folder
(I believe that folder name gets localized for non English versions of

/Applications/ -v > logfile.txt 2>&1


Howell Strain

Apr 13, 2019, 9:06:07 AM4/13/19
to Subsurface Divelog
Thanks for the help.

objc[18251]: Class FIFinderSyncExtensionHost is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Versions/A/FinderKit (0x7fff941b8210) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FileProvider.framework/OverrideBundles/FinderSyncCollaborationFileProviderOverride.bundle/Contents/MacOS/FinderSyncCollaborationFileProviderOverride (0x122408dc8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
[0.000097] ERROR: No such file or directory (2) [in ../../src/serial_posix.c:295 (dc_serial_open)]
Subsurface v4.8.5,
built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (072bef16666e0ec397b8236e92722b2f1347b59b)
built with Qt Version 5.11.1, runtime from Qt Version 5.11.1
built with libgit2 0.26.0
"validateGL(): created OpenGLContext."
"validateGL(): obtained QOpenGLFunctions."
"validateGL(): detected OpenGL version 2.1."
Plugins Directory:  QDir( "/Applications" , nameFilters = { "*" },  QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
loading dive data from ("/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/[username].xml")
File locations: cloud URL set as "<>[]"
Local git storage: /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/cloudstorage/6e6e9f29e7758575 Cloud URL:<>[]
Image filename table: /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/hashes Local picture directory: /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/picturedata/ Starting download from FTDI Finishing download thread: "Unable to open FTDI Cressi (Leonardo)"

Dirk Hohndel

Apr 13, 2019, 11:42:28 AM4/13/19
The output seems a bit out of order... but from the looks of it it seems
like I managed to build the release binary without user space FTDI
support. I have just made a 4.8.6 release, but since it used the same
build process on the same machine, I'm guessing this has the same flaw.
Since 4.8.6 hasn't been announced, yet, maybe I can fix this in that
binary before too many people update...

I'm quite literally on an airplane right now which makes moving multi
megabyte installers a bit harder - but I'll try to look into this at some
point this weekend.



Dirk Hohndel

Apr 13, 2019, 12:49:51 PM4/13/19
rsync to the rescue - it's impressively good in transferring huge files with only small changes.

Would you please download Subsurface 4.8.6 from our server and try with that?



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Howell Strain

Apr 13, 2019, 4:04:03 PM4/13/19
to Subsurface Divelog
I updated and still have the same error.

[0.000095] ERROR: No such file or directory (2) [in ../../src/serial_posix.c:295 (dc_serial_open)]
Subsurface v4.8.6,
built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (e4698c484461426a4cf4ef3fc1bdbb304b676f06)
built with Qt Version 5.11.1, runtime from Qt Version 5.11.1
built with libgit2 0.26.0
"validateGL(): created OpenGLContext."
"validateGL(): obtained QOpenGLFunctions."
"validateGL(): detected OpenGL version 2.1."
loading dive data from ("/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/<username>.xml")
Starting download from FTDI Finishing download thread: "Unable to open FTDI Cressi (Leonardo)"

Dirk Hohndel

Apr 13, 2019, 4:37:16 PM4/13/19
That output does not look like you used '-v' when calling Subsurface. Something is odd here...


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Howell Strain

Apr 13, 2019, 5:17:43 PM4/13/19
to Subsurface Divelog
I ran it again to confirm and saw the same results. In the previous post I had removed the file locations section since i did not include error messages. For what its worth I do see the light on the interface come on when it is plugged in but I get the same errors if I run your command without it plugged in.

This is the full text:

[0.000095] ERROR: No such file or directory (2) [in ../../src/serial_posix.c:295 (dc_serial_open)]
Subsurface v4.8.6,
built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (e4698c484461426a4cf4ef3fc1bdbb304b676f06)
built with Qt Version 5.11.1, runtime from Qt Version 5.11.1
built with libgit2 0.26.0
"validateGL(): created OpenGLContext."
"validateGL(): obtained QOpenGLFunctions."
"validateGL(): detected OpenGL version 2.1."
loading dive data from ("/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/<username>.xml")
File locations:

cloud URL set as "
Local git storage: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/cloudstorage/6e6e9f29e7758575
Cloud URL:<emailaddress>[<emailaddress>]
Image filename table: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/hashes
Local picture directory: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/picturedata/

Starting download from FTDI Finishing download thread: "Unable to open FTDI Cressi (Leonardo)"

Dirk Hohndel

Apr 13, 2019, 5:59:28 PM4/13/19
On Apr 13, 2019, at 2:17 PM, Howell Strain <> wrote:

I ran it again to confirm and saw the same results. In the previous post I had removed the file locations section since i did not include error messages. For what its worth I do see the light on the interface come on when it is plugged in but I get the same errors if I run your command without it plugged in.

This is the full text:

Local picture directory: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Subsurface/picturedata/
Starting download from FTDI Finishing download thread: "Unable to open FTDI Cressi (Leonardo)"
Hmm - I now tried this again with my FTDI dive computer... and it turns out that illogically you need to use "ftdi" and not "FTDI" as device name (I'll fix that so that either works).
And you need to select "Save libdivecomputer logfile" to get all of the log information.

And then of course there is another oddity - on my Mac on which I have native FTDI drivers installed. I get an error that states

Starting download from  FTDI
INFO: in ftdi_open
INFO: serial_ftdi_open called
INFO: setting up ftdi_ctx
INFO: initialize ftdi_ctx
INFO: call serial_ftdi_open_device
INFO: serial_ftdi_open_device called
INFO: FTDI tried VID 0403 pid 6001 ret -5

ERROR: unable to claim usb device. Make sure the default FTDI driver is not in use
INFO: serial_ftdi_open() failed
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open FTDI Heinrichs Weikamp (OSTC 3)"

Not sure if that's the problem for you as well - or if it's just the incorrect case for the device name.

I think I'll need to create yet another test build in order for you to be able to test this. I'm rather surprised that no one else ran into this before...


Dirk Hohndel

Apr 13, 2019, 6:14:02 PM4/13/19
OK, I once again replaced the 4.8.6 DMG, so please re-download.

Also, please test to see if you have an FTDI kext installed:

kextstat | grep -i ftdi

If you do, please unload it with

kextunload -b <drivername>

Then try again with the NEW version of 4.8.6 that I just uploaded. Use 'FTDI' as device name. Enable libdivecomputer logfile.

Let's see what happens :-/


Howell Strain

Apr 15, 2019, 3:41:28 PM4/15/19
to Subsurface Divelog
Changing the FTDI to lower case did not work but the most recent 4.8.6 DMG worked. 
FWIW, the kextstat command came back blank.

Thanks for all your patience and help Dirk.
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