Unable to download from Cressi Leonardo

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Danila Mansfield

Sep 5, 2020, 3:31:21 PM9/5/20
to Subsurface Divelog
Using version 3.0.13 (
Android phone - OnePlus 6T
Cressi Leonardo
After installing Subsurface and successfully downloading all my old dives months ago, I finally did a couple of dives today! But, unable to download those dives.
Cressi Leonardo is not bluetooth enabled, so I originally bought DiveMate Fusion IR, and that worked just fine before.
Now, when I plug the DiveMate into my phone, it flashes a couple of times but doesn't download the Leonardo. DC is on, holding DiveMate close to it, like I did before.
The thing I don't remember from before, is the ability to select the connection type. I've tried them all, but still nothing. 
After the first flash when first connecting DiveMate to the phone, I select Download on Subsurface, and get no further flashes.
Any thoughts please? Many thanks, Danila 

Dirk Hohndel

Sep 5, 2020, 3:38:38 PM9/5/20
to Subsurface Divelog
I have no personal experience with the Divemate IR adapter, but IIRC it just shows up as a standard serial device.
Please restart Subsurface-mobile, then plug in the Divemate into the USB port. Subsurface-mobile should switch to the download screen.
If it doesn't, then you told Android that another app is the default handler for this USB device.
You should still be able to download, though (I think).
Switch to the Download screen, tap on rescan. You should now have a serial device available as connection.
Regardless of what happened, go to Menu->Help->About, tap on the button to copy the logs and paste them into a response to this message.
Maybe that will tell us what's going wrong.


Danila Mansfield

Sep 5, 2020, 3:57:26 PM9/5/20
to subsurfac...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Dirk!
Logs attached.
I tried plugging in the DiveMate without having Subsurface open, and it opened automatically, so it seems that's set up to handle DiveMate.
The rescan button is greyed out until I turn on Bluetooth, as you can see it sees Bluetooth speakers I've previously connected, but not DiveMate.

---------- subsurface.log ----------
"0.002: Successfully opened logfile /storage/emulated/0/subsurface.log at Sat Sep 5 20:47:11 2020"
"0.002: Starting Subsurface-mobile:3.0.13(  (10.0):arm64:en-GB"
"0.002: built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (6935fe717ac73402c589c2ccc435ad8efd60cd50)"
"0.002: built with Qt Version 5.13.2, runtime from Qt Version 5.13.2"
"0.002: built with libgit2 0.26.0"
"0.002: Running on Android  (10.0)"
"0.002: ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus/OnePlus6TSingle"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
localBtDevice isn't valid or not connectable
"0.007: Created position source android"
"0.008: Set GPS service update interval to 300 s"
"0.008: location service is available"
qrc:/qml/TripDetails.qml:30: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
"0.047: download page -- looking for known BT/BLE device"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/ScrollablePage.qml:187: TypeError: Cannot assign to read-only property "parent"
"0.053: Window width changed to 660 orientation 1"
"0.053: Screen rotated, no action necessary"
"0.054: 1 columns with column width of 660"
"0.054: width in Grid Units 30 original gridUnit 22 now 22"
"0.054: Done setting up sizes"
"0.114: StartPage visibility changed to false"
"0.115: not yet initialized, show busy spinner"
content height changed
"0.530: finished setting up the diveListView"
"0.531: StartPage completed -- initialized is false"
"0.531: screenSizeObject constructor completed, initial width 660"
"0.531: 1 columns with column width of 660"
"0.531: width in Grid Units 30 original gridUnit 22 now 22"
"0.531: Done setting up sizes"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/AbstractApplicationHeader.qml:57: TypeError: Cannot read property 'header' of null
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/ContextDrawer.qml:92: TypeError: Cannot call method 'hasOwnProperty' of null
loaded main.qml
qqwindow devicePixelRatio 3.00071 3.00071
qml_window reports width as 660 associated screen width 360 Qt screen reports width as 360
QMLManager received screen changed notification (360,705)
qqwindow screen has ldpi/pdpi 71.983 135.583
"0.657: Window width changed to 360 orientation 1"
"0.657: first real change, so recalculating units and recording size as 360 x 705"
"0.660: 1 columns with column width of 360"
"0.660: width in Grid Units 21 original gridUnit 22 now 17"
"0.680: Done setting up sizes"
"0.766: Window width changed to 510 orientation 1"
"0.767: size change without rotation to 510 x 765"
"0.767: resetting to initial width 360 and height 705"
"0.817: Window width changed to 360 orientation 1"
"0.818: size change without rotation to 360 x 705"
"0.945: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
"0.945: finishSetup called"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/templates/private/ScrollView.qml:95:5: QML QQuickItem: ScrollBar must be attached to a Flickable or ScrollView
"0.973: showProgress: populate data model"
"0.981: showProgress: start processing"
"0.996: showProgress: 0 dives processed"
"1.013: showProgress: finish populating data store"
"1.029: showProgress: setting up internal data structures"
"1.061: showProgress: done setting up internal data structures"
"1.064: ============diveListProcessing is true"
"1.064: showProgress: Open local dive data file"
"1.064: showProgress: Synchronising data file"
"1.066: showProgress: Load dives from local cache"
"1.179: showProgress: Successfully opened dive data"
"1.206: showProgress: Processing 832 dives"
"1.214: showProgress: Create full text index"
"1.230: showProgress: start processing"
"1.256: showProgress: 832 dives processed"
"1.288: showProgress: populate data model"
"1.300: showProgress: start processing"
"1.323: showProgress: 832 dives processed"
"1.331: showProgress: finish populating data store"
"1.507: showProgress: setting up internal data structures"
"1.598: showProgress: done setting up internal data structures"
"1.604: showProgress: 832 dives loaded from local dive data file"
"1.619: have cloud credentials, but user asked not to connect to network"
"1.630: ============diveListProcessing is false"
"1.631: initialization completed - showing the dive list"
"1.649: pageStack switched to DiveList"
"1.678: switched to page Dive list"
index 1 select changed to true
updated view.currentIndex
"1.750: if we got started by a plugged in device, switch to download page -- pluggedInDeviceName = "
"1.751: called by connect intent for device Cressi [1:3]"
"1.752: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"
"1.753: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
"1.754: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
"1.755: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"1.756: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"1.757: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
localBtDevice isn't valid or not connectable
"1.759: plugged in device name changed to 6;-1;0"
"1.759: show download page for 6 / -1 / 0"
"1.767: pageStack switched to "
"1.768: switched to page Dive Computer"
"LocalDeviceBroadcastReceiver::onReceive() - event: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED"
btHostModeChange to  QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostConnectable
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
"BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localDevice OnePlus 6T is powered on, starting discovery"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Found new device: "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Not recognized as dive computer
Found new device: "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Not recognized as dive computer
Paired = "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Paired = "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
"55.572: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"
"55.572: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
"55.578: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
"55.579: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"55.580: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"55.581: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
"BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localDevice OnePlus 6T is powered on, starting discovery"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Found new device: "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Not recognized as dive computer
Found new device: "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Not recognized as dive computer
Paired = "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Paired = "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
qrc:/qml/DownloadFromDiveComputer.qml:208: ReferenceError: disableDC is not defined
"63.669: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"
"63.669: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
"63.676: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
"63.677: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"63.678: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"63.679: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
"BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localDevice OnePlus 6T is powered on, starting discovery"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Found new device: "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Not recognized as dive computer
Found new device: "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Not recognized as dive computer
Paired = "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Paired = "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
qrc:/qml/DownloadFromDiveComputer.qml:208: ReferenceError: disableDC is not defined
"81.277: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"
"81.278: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
"81.284: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
"81.285: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"81.287: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"81.287: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
"BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localDevice OnePlus 6T is powered on, starting discovery"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Found new device: "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Not recognized as dive computer
Found new device: "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Not recognized as dive computer
Paired = "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Paired = "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
"82.575: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"
"82.576: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
"82.581: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
"82.582: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"82.583: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"82.585: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
"BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localDevice OnePlus 6T is powered on, starting discovery"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
paired BT classic device type 1 with address "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Found new device: "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Not recognized as dive computer
Found new device: "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
Not recognized as dive computer
Paired = "WH-H900N (h.ear)" "70:26:05:DD:4C:F6"
Paired = "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" "E8:07:BF:33:DB:7C"
"96.299: setDevName matches USB device 0"
"96.301: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"96.308: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"96.327: Input/output error"
"96.380: no new dives downloaded"
"96.381: DCDownloadThread finished"
"99.581: setDevName matches USB device 0"
"99.581: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"99.585: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"99.595: Input/output error"
"99.596: no new dives downloaded"
"99.596: DCDownloadThread finished"
"112.046: setDevName matches USB device 1"
"112.047: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"112.050: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"112.069: Input/output error"
"112.143: no new dives downloaded"
"112.144: DCDownloadThread finished"
"119.904: setDevName matches USB device 2"
"119.906: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"119.909: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"119.921: Connecting ..."
"120.229: Starting import ..."
"120.278: No new dives downloaded from dive computer"
Finishing download thread: "Dive data import error"
"120.361: no new dives downloaded"
"120.362: DCDownloadThread finished"
"128.798: setDevName matches USB device 3"
"128.799: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"128.802: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"128.812: Connecting ..."
"129.117: Starting import ..."
"130.134: No new dives downloaded from dive computer"
Finishing download thread: "Dive data import error"
"130.220: no new dives downloaded"
"130.221: DCDownloadThread finished"
"136.409: setDevName matches USB device 4"
"136.410: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"136.413: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"136.433: Input/output error"
"136.514: no new dives downloaded"
"136.515: DCDownloadThread finished"
"146.573: setDevName matches USB device 4"
"146.574: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"146.578: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
"146.596: Input/output error"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"146.599: no new dives downloaded"
"146.599: DCDownloadThread finished"
QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method QQuickButton::inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery,QVariant)
"165.622: setDevName matches USB device 4"
"165.623: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"165.627: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
"165.643: Input/output error"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"165.645: no new dives downloaded"
"165.646: DCDownloadThread finished"
"169.440: setDevName matches USB device 4"
"169.441: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) downloading all dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)
downloading all dives
"169.447: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
Finishing download thread: "Unable to open Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver) Cressi (Leonardo)"
"169.474: Input/output error"
"169.475: no new dives downloaded"
"169.475: DCDownloadThread finished"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/templates/private/ScrollView.qml:113:9: QML ScrollBar: Binding loop detected for property "visible"
"187.409: pageStack switched to "
"187.411: switched to page About Subsurface-mobile"
"187.411: endEditMode called with state view"

---------- libdivecomputer.log ----------
Subsurface: v4.9.6-28-g2c878ea6b634, built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (6935fe717ac73402c589c2ccc435ad8efd60cd50)
---------- finish ----------

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/subsurface-divelog/F91B6825-F3CC-4FBE-81C8-C0720B68902C%40hohndel.org.

Dirk Hohndel

Sep 5, 2020, 8:13:27 PM9/5/20
to Subsurface Divelog
Hmm. Interesting.

> On Sep 5, 2020, at 12:57 PM, Danila Mansfield wrote:
> I tried plugging in the DiveMate without having Subsurface open, and it opened automatically, so it seems that's set up to handle DiveMate.

Yep. And in that case it should recognize it as the FTDI device that it is, but that appears not to work...

> "1.631: initialization completed - showing the dive list"
> "1.649: pageStack switched to DiveList"
> "1.678: switched to page Dive list"
> index 1 select changed to true
> updated view.currentIndex
> "1.750: if we got started by a plugged in device, switch to download page -- pluggedInDeviceName = "
> "1.751: called by connect intent for device Cressi [1:3]"
> "1.752: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"

So weird. It reports its name as "Cressi".

Oh well. Please restart Subsurface-mobile, plug in the DiveMate, and then select
"Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)" as your connection (the numbers inside the brackets might be different)
the important part is that it includes "FtdiSerialDriver" in its name

Now tap download.

This should work.
If it doesn't, please send another log.


Danila Mansfield

Sep 6, 2020, 2:35:37 PM9/6/20
to subsurfac...@googlegroups.com, Dirk Hohndel
Hi Dirk,
I followed instructions to the letter, no luck.
Here's the log

---------- subsurface.log ----------
"0.002: Successfully opened logfile /storage/emulated/0/subsurface.log at Sun Sep 6 19:29:47 2020"
"0.003: Starting Subsurface-mobile:3.0.13(  (10.0):arm64:en-GB"
"0.003: built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (6935fe717ac73402c589c2ccc435ad8efd60cd50)"
"0.003: built with Qt Version 5.13.2, runtime from Qt Version 5.13.2"
"0.004: built with libgit2 0.26.0"
"0.004: Running on Android  (10.0)"
"0.004: ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus/OnePlus6TSingle"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
localBtDevice isn't valid or not connectable
"0.015: Created position source android"
"0.015: Set GPS service update interval to 300 s"
"0.015: location service is available"
qrc:/qml/TripDetails.qml:30: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
"0.062: download page -- looking for known BT/BLE device"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/ScrollablePage.qml:187: TypeError: Cannot assign to read-only property "parent"
"0.071: Window width changed to 660 orientation 1"
"0.071: Screen rotated, no action necessary"
"0.073: 1 columns with column width of 660"
"0.073: width in Grid Units 30 original gridUnit 22 now 22"
"0.073: Done setting up sizes"
"0.158: StartPage visibility changed to false"
"0.158: not yet initialized, show busy spinner"
content height changed
"0.636: finished setting up the diveListView"
"0.636: StartPage completed -- initialized is false"
"0.636: screenSizeObject constructor completed, initial width 660"
"0.637: 1 columns with column width of 660"
"0.637: width in Grid Units 30 original gridUnit 22 now 22"
"0.637: Done setting up sizes"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/AbstractApplicationHeader.qml:57: TypeError: Cannot read property 'header' of null
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/ContextDrawer.qml:92: TypeError: Cannot call method 'hasOwnProperty' of null
loaded main.qml
qqwindow devicePixelRatio 3.00071 3.00071
qml_window reports width as 660 associated screen width 360 Qt screen reports width as 360
QMLManager received screen changed notification (360,705)
qqwindow screen has ldpi/pdpi 71.983 135.583
"0.764: Window width changed to 360 orientation 1"
"0.764: first real change, so recalculating units and recording size as 360 x 705"
"0.766: 1 columns with column width of 360"
"0.766: width in Grid Units 21 original gridUnit 22 now 17"
"0.784: Done setting up sizes"
"0.870: Window width changed to 510 orientation 1"
"0.870: size change without rotation to 510 x 765"
"0.871: resetting to initial width 360 and height 705"
"0.939: Window width changed to 360 orientation 1"
"0.939: size change without rotation to 360 x 705"
"1.040: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
"1.040: finishSetup called"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/templates/private/ScrollView.qml:95:5: QML QQuickItem: ScrollBar must be attached to a Flickable or ScrollView
"1.072: showProgress: populate data model"
"1.079: showProgress: start processing"
"1.093: showProgress: 0 dives processed"
"1.109: showProgress: finish populating data store"
"1.126: showProgress: setting up internal data structures"
"1.166: showProgress: done setting up internal data structures"
"1.178: ============diveListProcessing is true"
"1.178: showProgress: Open local dive data file"
"1.195: showProgress: Synchronising data file"
"1.250: showProgress: Load dives from local cache"
"1.417: showProgress: Successfully opened dive data"
"1.449: showProgress: Processing 832 dives"
"1.462: showProgress: Create full text index"
"1.480: showProgress: start processing"
"1.514: showProgress: 832 dives processed"
"1.590: showProgress: populate data model"
"1.615: showProgress: start processing"
"1.644: showProgress: 832 dives processed"
"1.662: showProgress: finish populating data store"
"1.869: showProgress: setting up internal data structures"
"1.939: showProgress: done setting up internal data structures"
"1.968: showProgress: 832 dives loaded from local dive data file"
"1.981: have cloud credentials, but user asked not to connect to network"
"1.993: ============diveListProcessing is false"
"1.994: initialization completed - showing the dive list"
"2.016: pageStack switched to DiveList"
"2.048: switched to page Dive list"
index 1 select changed to true
updated view.currentIndex
"2.120: if we got started by a plugged in device, switch to download page -- pluggedInDeviceName = "
"9.074: clicked on trip Red Sea, Egypt (15 dive(s))"
"34.527: called by connect intent for device Cressi [1:3]"
"34.529: AppState changed to inactive with no unsaved changes"
"34.533: rescanning USB: 5 devices reported"
"34.533: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (CdcAcmSerialDriver)"
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QQmlChangeSet'
(Make sure 'QQmlChangeSet' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
"34.534: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Ch34xSerialDriver)"
"34.535: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (Cp21xxSerialDriver)"
"34.537: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"34.538: found USB device with ui string Cressi [1:3] (ProlificSerialDriver)"
BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid() true
localBtDevice isn't valid or not connectable
"34.542: plugged in device name changed to 6;-1;0"
"34.542: show download page for 6 / -1 / 0"
"34.555: pageStack switched to "
"34.557: switched to page Dive Computer"
"34.582: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
qrc:/qml/DownloadFromDiveComputer.qml:208: ReferenceError: disableDC is not defined
"48.362: setDevName matches USB device 3"
"48.363: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"48.370: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"48.387: Connecting ..."
"48.695: Starting import ..."
"49.709: No new dives downloaded from dive computer"
Finishing download thread: "Dive data import error"
"49.729: no new dives downloaded"
"49.729: DCDownloadThread finished"
"53.975: setDevName matches USB device 3"
"53.976: DCDownloadThread started for Cressi Leonardo on Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver) downloading only new dives"
Starting download from  Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)
downloading only new dives
"53.980: Opening serial device Cressi [1:3] (FtdiSerialDriver)"
"53.990: Connecting ..."
"54.297: Starting import ..."
"55.309: No new dives downloaded from dive computer"
Finishing download thread: "Dive data import error"
"55.339: no new dives downloaded"
"55.341: DCDownloadThread finished"
"58.883: AppState changed to inactive with no unsaved changes"
"59.215: AppState changed to suspended with no unsaved changes"
"60.461: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
qrc:/org/kde/kirigami/templates/private/ScrollView.qml:113:9: QML ScrollBar: Binding loop detected for property "visible"
"66.619: pageStack switched to "
"66.621: switched to page About Subsurface-mobile"
"66.621: endEditMode called with state view"

---------- libdivecomputer.log ----------
Subsurface: v4.9.6-28-g2c878ea6b634, built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (6935fe717ac73402c589c2ccc435ad8efd60cd50)
[5.602742] INFO: Open: transport=1
[5.603109] INFO: Configure: baudrate=115200, databits=8, parity=0, stopbits=0, flowcontrol=0
[5.604743] INFO: Timeout: value=1000
[5.604888] INFO: RTS: value=1
[5.605367] INFO: DTR: value=1
[5.605620] INFO: Sleep: value=200
[5.806918] INFO: DTR: value=0
[5.808468] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[5.908824] INFO: Purge: direction=3
[5.913594] INFO: Write: size=8, data=7B3132334442417D
[6.922477] INFO: Read: size=0, data=
[6.922512] ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in /android/subsurface/libdivecomputer/src/cressi_leonardo.c:319 (cressi_leonardo_device_dump)]
---------- finish ----------

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