Primary Computer for Mobile

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May 18, 2020, 11:33:02 PM5/18/20
to Subsurface Divelog
Subsurface-mobile 3.0.6(

My main dive computer has been a Cressi Giotto. I will switch over to a Sherwood Amphos Air.

Since I've read the Subsurface-mobile displays computer #1 of X, what will happen when I switch over?

For example, dives 1-100 are from the Giotto. Dives 101-120 are from the Amphos Air. Will I only see the Amphos Air on mobile? Or only the Giotto? Or will mobile display both, as each has become computer #1 for the dive log?

My real data:

84-234 Cressi Giotto, primary, as computer #1

122-144 2nd Cressi Giotto, as computer #2, for liveaboard only
189-208 Sherwood Vision, as computer #2, which also be used as computer #2 in the future

235-? Sherwood Amphos Air, as future computer #1


Dirk Hohndel

May 18, 2020, 11:47:43 PM5/18/20
For each dive you can reorder the dive computers in Subsurface. Subsurface-mobile simply shows you only the first one.
Which is by default the one you first downloaded from, but, see above.


Willem Ferguson

May 18, 2020, 11:50:11 PM5/18/20

I cannot see that you could have any problem. The display of "Computer #1 of X" only occurs when you use more than one dive computer simultaneously during a specific dive. If you do this and download the same dive from both dive computers then you can access both dive profiles independently. If you switch over to the Sherwood and only download from the Sherwood, Subsurface will show the dive computer correctly . All your old dives using the Cressi will also show up correctly. One thing you may consider is to check if a download button exists for the Cressi on your download screen. If you do no use the Cressi any more you could consider removing the Cressi button by selecting Settings -> General settings -> Forget dive computer.

Kind regards,


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Linus Torvalds

May 18, 2020, 11:55:53 PM5/18/20
to Subsurface Divelog

On Mon, May 18, 2020, 20:33 divinh <> wrote:

Since I've read the Subsurface-mobile displays computer #1 of X, what will happen when I switch over?

The primary computer thing is purely a per-dive concept. There is no concept of "globally primary" at all, so you can switch them around from one dive to the next, and Subsurface mobile will just show whatever was the first one for that particular dive.

On the desktop, you can obviously also change the order of the dive computers if you want to, so you can also change which one is the primary (again, per dive, not globally) after the fact, if you want to.

If you only use the mobile app, you'll never see the other dive computers, and the primary will always be the one you downloaded from first.

But again, it's entirely per dive, so you can choose which one you want to see primary by just choosing which dive computer to download from first, and as you get used to a new dive computer, you can at any time say "ok, I like this one the best, so today I'll download my new dives from it first and make it my primary one".

That said, with multiple dive computers you often may want to occasionally clean things up with the desktop version. Not just to switch the order of dive computers after the fact (if you want to), but also to perhaps merge dive into one where some dive computer decided that a stop at the surface meant that some dive was two separate dives (while another dive computer thought it was just one dive with a pause at the surface in the middle)



May 19, 2020, 12:46:06 AM5/19/20
to Subsurface Divelog
I didn't expect an answer so immediately!

I went into the desktop version and switched the dive computer order on one of the dives. Cool!

Thank you, everyone!

I can't wait to get back into the water...
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