Bail out event turns into a bookmark; different surface GF

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Jaspal Sahota

Feb 2, 2020, 2:46:30 PM2/2/20
to Subsurface Divelog
I manually added a bailout event to my last dive in subsurface. The icon on the profile is the little curved arrow with a line through it.
I saved, closed and reopened subsurface the icon for the bailout had disappeared and was replaced with a dive flag ('normal' bookmark with a note of 'OC @26:20')

Three issues with this for me:
1 - the bookmark is kind of okay, but really I wanted to keep the curved arrow as it is a nicer indicator
2 - more important: when I hover the mouse at the end of the dive profile, when I set the bailout event, SS reported a surface GF of 81% (matching my dive computer when I ended the dive), however when the dive flag icon is shown, it reports a much lower GF for the same point in the dive (it is as if it was on CCR mode while I was bailed out)
3 - it would be nice if SS could recognise the mode switch from CCR to bailed out from the computer automatically (during the dive, I switched mode on the computer)

Subsurface 4.9.3 on Windows 10
Shearwater Petrel 2, FW version 71
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