Generate statistics on a filtered set of dives by type (OC/CCR/Free/etc.)

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Greg Rosengarten

May 11, 2020, 9:45:55 AM5/11/20
to Subsurface Divelog
Hi, is it possible to generate reports on a filtered set of dive logs?  For example, if i wanted to generate a report with the total number of hours logged on CCR, would it be possible to implement a filter for dive type (OC/CCR/Free), and then display a summary of filtered activity including the total dive time?

Additionally, would it be possible to implement average PPO2 on Subsurface for a CCR dive? 


Greg Rosengarten

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Stuart Vernon

May 11, 2020, 10:17:09 AM5/11/20

Hi Greg,


If you open the Filter window, you can filter by Dive Mode (the criterion at the very bottom), setting it to CCR to only show your CCR time.


If you then Select All, the Statistics tab will show you things like how many hours and dives you have just on CCR.


That said, what I do is put tags on each dive. For dives on my rEvo, I put a tag named *gasp* rEvo. 😃 For dives with OC doubles, I put a tag of Doubles.


This may not be useful to you, but if you ever dive a different CCR, the tags will let you keep straight on how many hours and dives you have on each different unit. You won’t be able to do that if you only rely on Dive Mode == “CCR”.


And, if you don’t start tagging your dives right away, it will be a huge PITA to come back later and tag them correctly. If you do it while you only have one type of CCR in your dive log, you can filter for Dive Mode == CCR, then Select All, then enter the tag once, to all the dives at the same time. Easy – if you do it now.


  • Stuart

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Greg Rosengarten

May 11, 2020, 10:42:37 AM5/11/20
to Subsurface Divelog
Ah yes, that's perfect, thank you.  I'm running the latest version (4.9.3) and couldn't find "Dive mode" amongst the filter options, so I typed CCR in the tags field and got exactly what I wanted.    

Still hoping there will eventually be a way to calculate average pp02 without exporting the data first.  

Wondering if anyone else finds this statistic potentially useful?

Stuart Vernon

May 11, 2020, 10:48:18 AM5/11/20

I have never thought to myself “I wonder what my average ppO2 was on that dive.”


Why do you want it?


I do sometimes review the actual ppO2 lines in the profile to see how well it tracked with what I wanted it to be. Especially if I spent any significant time flying my unit manually. But, an average, with no standard deviation, wouldn’t really tell me anything in that regard. I mean, it could have a perfect average but still have varied wildly during the dive.


From: Subsurface Group <> on behalf of Greg Rosengarten <>

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Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 at 10:42 AM
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Greg Rosengarten

May 11, 2020, 11:19:50 AM5/11/20
to Subsurface Divelog
I'm fairly new to ccr, and I'm diving an mccr, so I'm thinking average ppo2 would be a good way to assess how well I'd managed to hold the ppo2 within a target range.  I also review the visual ppo2 lines, and I find them quite interesting on ccr. (In a way I never had before!)

Stuart Vernon

May 11, 2020, 11:33:48 AM5/11/20

That’s what I was thinking that you might be thinking.


I think average is not really that useful for that. Example: You dive with a target ppO2 of 1.0. Half your dive you’re at 0.7 and half you’re at 1.3. Your average would be 1.0, but in reality, your ppO2 management was crap. 😊 That’s what I meant about needing Standard Deviation as well, if you’re going to look at the average.


If your target was 1.0 and your average was 1.0, AND you had a SD of 0.05, that would mean you did well. If your SD was 0.2, then you didn’t do very well. Regardless, you couldn’t tell from looking at the average ppO2.


Probably best to just stick with the visual review of the ppO2 lines.


Plus, when you see the ppO2 changing, you can correlate it to depth changes, so you can tell if you actually messed up, or if the ppO2 was changing “normally”.


From: Subsurface Group <> on behalf of Greg Rosengarten <>
Reply-To: Subsurface Group <>
Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 at 11:19 AM
To: Subsurface Group <>
Subject: Re: Generate statistics on a filtered set of dives by type (OC/CCR/Free/etc.)


I'm fairly new to ccr, and I'm diving an mccr, so I'm thinking average ppo2 would be a good way to assess how well I'd managed to hold the ppo2 within a target range.  I also review the visual ppo2 lines, and I find them quite interesting on ccr. (In a way I never had before!)


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Greg Rosengarten

May 11, 2020, 11:45:24 AM5/11/20
to Subsurface Divelog
That makes sense to me.  Thanks for the advice!
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