starting submariner on IBM IKS clusters

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Gopal Jayanti

Jun 30, 2021, 1:04:29 PM6/30/21
to submariner-users

and everything went smoothly until i got to this step...
This is not expected output, please guide me how to proceed.

 kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v1.17.0", GitCommit:"70132b0f130acc0bed193d9ba59dd186f0e634cf", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-12-07T21:20:10Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.11+IKS", GitCommit:"f9c13a7b4d87e89ac8abb7a30230f4c3d9272184", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-05-14T21:38:40Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.12", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

 subctl version
subctl version: v0.9.1

Thanks in advance
Gopal Jayanthi

 subctl show all

Showing information for cluster "pspin/c0usfddd0f8jgeoojbk0":
Showing Network details
    Discovered network details:
        Network plugin:  generic
        Service CIDRs:   []
        Cluster CIDRs:   []

Showing Endpoint details
No resources found.

Showing Connection details
No resources found.

Showing Gateway details
No resources found.

Showing version details
COMPONENT                       REPOSITORY                                            VERSION
submariner                                                0.9.1
submariner-operator                                       0.9.1
service-discovery                                         0.9.1

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 1, 2021, 3:08:03 AM7/1/21
to submariner-users
I had the pod cidr range wrong when i corrected it to , now i am getting this output, cluster b is not in the list, is it becasue pod cidr's are overlapping?

subctl show all

Showing information for cluster "pspin/*****************":
Showing Network details
    Discovered network details:
        Network plugin:  generic
        Service CIDRs:   []
        Cluster CIDRs:   []

Showing Endpoint details
CLUSTER ID                    ENDPOINT IP     PUBLIC IP       CABLE DRIVER        TYPE
cluster-a               ****************  libreswan           local

Showing Connection details
No resources found.

Showing Gateway details
NODE                            HA STATUS       SUMMARY
kube-c0usfddd0f8jgeoojbk0-pspin active          There are no connections

Showing version details
COMPONENT                       REPOSITORY                                            VERSION
submariner                                                0.9.1
submariner-operator                                       0.9.1
service-discovery                                         0.9.1

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 1, 2021, 6:00:34 AM7/1/21
to submariner-users
 subctl deploy-broker --globalnet true  --globalnet-cidr-range
reran broker with globalnet but when i try to join cluster-a , i am geetting output saying globalnet not enabled

subctl join --globalnet-cidr --clusterid cluster-a --servicecidr broker-info.subm
* broker-info.subm says broker is at:
* There are 1 labeled nodes in the cluster:
⢄⡱ Discovering network details     Discovered network details:
        Network plugin:  generic
        Service CIDRs:   []
        Cluster CIDRs:   []
 ✓ Discovering network details
? What's the Pod CIDR for your cluster?
 ✓ Validating Globalnet configurations
 ⚠ Globalnet is not enabled on Broker. Ignoring specified globalnet-cidr
 ✓ Discovering multi cluster details
 ✓ Deploying the Submariner operator
 ✓ Created Lighthouse service accounts and roles
 ✓ Creating SA for cluster
 ✓ Deploying Submariner
 ✓ Submariner is up and running

Sridhar Gaddam

Jul 1, 2021, 6:17:26 AM7/1/21
to Gopal Jayanti, submariner-users
Hello Gopal,

PSB inline.

On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 3:30 PM Gopal Jayanti <> wrote:
 subctl deploy-broker --globalnet true  --globalnet-cidr-range
Was it a fresh cluster or did you run this command on an existing Broker which was initially deployed without Globalnet?

Looking at the error message from `subctl join` command, Globalnet does not seem to be enabled on the Broker, hence it's ignoring the globalnet flags that are supplied.
Basically when `subctl deploy-broker` command is executed with --globalnet enabled, it will store this in a configMap on the Broker, which you can see running the following command (on Broker Cluster).

kubectl describe cm submariner-globalnet-info -n submariner-k8s-broker
Can you tell us if the configMap data.globalnetEnabled is set to true or false?

Best Regards,

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Gopal Jayanti

Jul 2, 2021, 7:59:21 AM7/2/21
to Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users
Was it a fresh cluster or did you run this command on an existing Broker which was initially deployed without Globalnet?
i first deployed it without globalnet , then tried with globalnet

the cm has this data

Name:         submariner-globalnet-info
Namespace:    submariner-k8s-broker
Labels:       component=submariner-globalnet
Annotations:  <none>

Events:  <none>

should i delete everything and restart?

I have some additional questions , do we need to run these to get submariner to work

wget wget chmod +x chmod +x gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-a --zone="europe-west3-a" ./ gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-b --zone="europe-west3-a" ./

the pods created by this are crashing without any error message

also do you know the equivalent commands for these in ibm cloud?

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "allow-tcp-in" --allow=tcp \
  --direction=IN --source-ranges=,,,

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "allow-tcp-out" --allow=tcp --direction=OUT \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-in-500" --allow=udp:500 --direction=IN
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-in-4500" --allow=udp:4500 --direction=IN
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-in-4800" --allow=udp:4800 --direction=IN

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-out-500" --allow=udp:500 --direction=OUT
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-out-4500" --allow=udp:4500 --direction=OUT
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-out-4800" --allow=udp:4800 --direction=OUT

Thanks in advance

Gopal Jayanthi

Miguel Angel Ajo

Jul 2, 2021, 8:07:49 AM7/2/21
to Gopal Jayanti, Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users
On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 1:59 PM Gopal Jayanti <> wrote:
Was it a fresh cluster or did you run this command on an existing Broker which was initially deployed without Globalnet?
i first deployed it without globalnet , then tried with globalnet

the cm has this data

Name:         submariner-globalnet-info
Namespace:    submariner-k8s-broker
Labels:       component=submariner-globalnet
Annotations:  <none>

Events:  <none>

should i delete everything and restart?

Probably a workaround could be deleting this configmap, and re-deploying the broker with globalnet enabled. Currently we don't support switching from globalnet to no globalnet or the other way around because it could be disruptive on the dataplane. But at least I believe we may get an error condition.

I have some additional questions , do we need to run these to get submariner to work

wget wget chmod +x chmod +x gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-a --zone="europe-west3-a" ./ gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-b --zone="europe-west3-a" ./

the pods created by this are crashing without any error message

That really depends on how the IBM IKS works at the network level, we got access recently to the IBM cloud, but not sure of IKS. May be we can have a look if you join us on slack.


also do you know the equivalent commands for these in ibm cloud?

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "allow-tcp-in" --allow=tcp \
  --direction=IN --source-ranges=,,,

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "allow-tcp-out" --allow=tcp --direction=OUT \

Those two are probably not necessary ^, again, depends on how IKS is implemented.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-in-500" --allow=udp:500 --direction=IN
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-in-4500" --allow=udp:4500 --direction=IN
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-in-4800" --allow=udp:4800 --direction=IN

gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-out-500" --allow=udp:500 --direction=OUT
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-out-4500" --allow=udp:4500 --direction=OUT
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "udp-out-4800" --allow=udp:4800 --direction=OUT

Those ones are probably necessary, but I don't know the ibm cloud equivalent yet, is there a cmdline tool/how does the
console look like?

For the 4500 port, the first thing you could see if that port needs to be open, is that connections will
remain on a "connecting" state.

Thanks in advance

Sorry to not be 100% helpful here, this is unexplored territory to us, but let's make it work.

Miguel Ángel Ajo  @mangel_ajo  
OpenShift / Kubernetes / Multi-cluster Networking team.
ex OSP / Networking DFG, OVN Squad Engineering

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 2, 2021, 8:10:40 AM7/2/21
to Miguel Angel Ajo, Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users
Thanks for the feedback. I would like to join you on slack.

Miguel Angel Ajo

Jul 2, 2021, 9:20:59 AM7/2/21
to Gopal Jayanti, Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users

You can find us here on the k8s slack:

If you don't have an account, you can get an invite here:

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 3, 2021, 2:12:27 PM7/3/21
to Miguel Angel Ajo, Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users

HI Miguel/Sridhar
Thanks, I joined the slack channel.
Meanwhile, i created two more clusters with non-overlapping cidrs in IBM cloud ( so i dont have to use global net) and I am facing the same issue.

subctl show all

Showing information for cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80":

Showing Network details
    Discovered network details:
        Network plugin:  generic
        Service CIDRs:   []
        Cluster CIDRs:   []

Showing Endpoint details
CLUSTER ID                    ENDPOINT IP     PUBLIC IP       CABLE DRIVER        TYPE
c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80    xxxxxxxxxxxx   libreswan           local
c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0    xxxxxxxxxxxx  libreswan           remote

Showing Connection details
GATEWAY                          CLUSTER               REMOTE IP       NAT  CABLE DRIVER  SUBNETS                       STATUS      RTT avg.
kube-c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0-subma  c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0  xxxxxxxxxx  yes  libreswan,  connecting  0s

Showing Gateway details
NODE                            HA STATUS       SUMMARY
kube-c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80-subma active          0 connections out of 1 are established

Showing version details
COMPONENT                       REPOSITORY                                            VERSION
submariner                                                0.9.1
submariner-operator                                       0.9.1
service-discovery                                         0.9.1

I am attaching the logs from suctl verify and subctl gather

Sridhar Gaddam

Jul 4, 2021, 7:54:31 AM7/4/21
to Gopal Jayanti, Miguel Angel Ajo, submariner-users
Hello Gopal,

Looking at the logs, it appears like you are using Calico CNI which requires some additional configuration as explained here -

Along with this, I think the firewall configuration is not allowing tunnels to be setup hence IPsec tunnels are not connected.
Please check if you opened the firewall ports as described in the pre-requisites section.

You can run `subctl diagnose all` as well as `subctl diagnose firewall tunnel` which will tell you if there are any issues with the cluster configuration.

Best Regards,

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 4, 2021, 11:51:14 AM7/4/21
to submariner-users
HI Sridhar

We have followed the instruction to the word for noth the calico steps and firewall steps. Quite sure the issue is elsewhere.

Gopal Jayanthi

Sridhar Gaddam

Jul 4, 2021, 1:33:19 PM7/4/21
to Gopal Jayanti, submariner-users
On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 9:21 PM Gopal Jayanti <> wrote:
HI Sridhar

We have followed the instruction to the word for noth the calico steps and firewall steps. Quite sure the issue is elsewhere.
From the logs you shared earlier, I could see Calico inserting its iptable rules ahead of Submariner rules which generally happens when we do not program the necessary Calico IPPools.
Anyways, can you pls share the output of the following commands?

subctl diagnose all
subctl diagnose firewall tunnel

Best Regards,

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 5, 2021, 2:12:54 AM7/5/21
to Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users
subctl diagnose all
 ✓ Checking Submariner support for the Kubernetes version used in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✓ The Kubernetes version meets Submariner's requirements

 ✓ Retrieving Submariner resource from "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"

 ✓ Checking Submariner support for the CNI network plugin in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✓ The detected CNI network plugin ("generic") is supported by Submariner.
 ✓ Calico CNI detected, verifying if the Submariner IPPool pre-requisites are configured.

 ✗ Checking Gateway connections in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✗ Connection to cluster "c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0" is in progress

Skipping tunnel firewall check as it requires two kubeconfigs. Please run "subctl diagnose firewall tunnel" command manually.

 subctl diagnose firewall tunnel /home/ubuntu/submariner/cluster-c.config /home/ubuntu/submariner/cluster-d.config
 ⚠ Checking if tunnels can be setup on Gateway node of cluster "c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80".
 ⚠ Could not find the active Gateway nodeName in local cluster

k describe -n submariner-operator kube-c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80-submarinerc-submari-00000146
Name:         kube-c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80-submarinerc-submari-00000146
Namespace:    submariner-operator
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  update-timestamp: 1625435263
API Version:
Kind:         Gateway
  Creation Timestamp:  2021-07-04T21:47:33Z
  Generation:          3
  Managed Fields:
    API Version:
    Fields Type:  FieldsV1
    Manager:         submariner-gateway
    Operation:       Update
    Time:            2021-07-04T21:47:33Z
  Resource Version:  302733
  UID:               eef3a1b7-29d7-4628-abde-72520696fec0
      Backend:  libreswan
        Preferred - Server:  false
      cable_name:            submariner-cable-c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0-10-240-64-12
      cluster_id:            c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0
      Health Check IP:
      Hostname:              kube-c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0-submarinerd-default-000001fb
      nat_enabled:           true
    Latency RTT:
      Average:       0s
      Last:          0s
      Max:           0s
      Min:           0s
      Std Dev:       0s
    Status:          connecting
    Status Message:
    Using IP:
    Using NAT:       true
  Ha Status:         active
  Local Endpoint:
    Backend:  libreswan
      Preferred - Server:  false
    cable_name:            submariner-cable-c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80-10-240-128-4
    cluster_id:            c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80
    Health Check IP:
    Hostname:              kube-c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80-submarinerc-submari-00000146
    nat_enabled:           true
  Status Failure:
  Version:         release-0.9-c0e2e61
Events:            <none>

In GKE cluster the hostname was coming as the actual nodename. IN IBM cluster it is not name but

 k get nodes --show-labels
NAME           STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION       LABELS   Ready    <none>   47h   v1.20.7+IKS   arch=amd64,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sridhar Gaddam

Jul 7, 2021, 4:53:36 AM7/7/21
to Gopal Jayanti, submariner-users
On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 11:43 AM Gopal Jayanti <> wrote:
subctl diagnose all
 ✓ Checking Submariner support for the Kubernetes version used in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✓ The Kubernetes version meets Submariner's requirements

 ✓ Retrieving Submariner resource from "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"

 ✓ Checking Submariner support for the CNI network plugin in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✓ The detected CNI network plugin ("generic") is supported by Submariner.
 ✓ Calico CNI detected, verifying if the Submariner IPPool pre-requisites are configured.
Okay, the CalicoIPPools seem to be properly configured. 
We have to investigate why the tunnels/connections are not getting established (this has nothing to do with the Calico IPPools and is most likely related to some firewall/external-ip configuration for the Gateway nodes)

 ✗ Checking Gateway connections in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✗ Connection to cluster "c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0" is in progress
Ideally, I was expecting `subctl diagnose all` to continue validating the remaining steps like deployment, kubeproxy-mode etc, but it looks like after there was a failure it stopped validating the remaining.
I reported the following issue to track it -

Skipping tunnel firewall check as it requires two kubeconfigs. Please run "subctl diagnose firewall tunnel" command manually.

 subctl diagnose firewall tunnel /home/ubuntu/submariner/cluster-c.config /home/ubuntu/submariner/cluster-d.config
 ⚠ Checking if tunnels can be setup on Gateway node of cluster "c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80".
 ⚠ Could not find the active Gateway nodeName in local cluster
Because there is a mismatch in the hostname vs the nodenames on IBMCluster, subctl diagnose could not validate the firewall configuration for IPsec tunnels.
We will have to handle this in subctl diagnose tool and the following issue is reported for that -

As Miguel mentioned earlier, we have not tested much with IBMCloud and this needs some investigation.
So, Gopal, as discussed with you over slack, currently we are a bit busy getting the last few bits before we make the rc0 release and we might get some bandwidth next week to look into this.

Sridhar Gaddam

Jul 7, 2021, 5:10:32 AM7/7/21
to Gopal Jayanti, submariner-users
On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 2:23 PM Sridhar Gaddam <> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 11:43 AM Gopal Jayanti <> wrote:
subctl diagnose all
 ✓ Checking Submariner support for the Kubernetes version used in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✓ The Kubernetes version meets Submariner's requirements

 ✓ Retrieving Submariner resource from "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"

 ✓ Checking Submariner support for the CNI network plugin in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✓ The detected CNI network plugin ("generic") is supported by Submariner.
 ✓ Calico CNI detected, verifying if the Submariner IPPool pre-requisites are configured.
Okay, the CalicoIPPools seem to be properly configured. 
We have to investigate why the tunnels/connections are not getting established (this has nothing to do with the Calico IPPools and is most likely related to some firewall/external-ip configuration for the Gateway nodes)

 ✗ Checking Gateway connections in cluster "submariner-c-test-cluster/c3fvuprd0vobcoseot80"
 ✗ Connection to cluster "c3g1045d0j7fl990v4q0" is in progress
Ideally, I was expecting `subctl diagnose all` to continue validating the remaining steps like deployment, kubeproxy-mode etc, but it looks like after there was a failure it stopped validating the remaining.
I reported the following issue to track it -
Gopal, may I know the version of subctl that you were using while running subctl diagnose command? You can get the info using the following command `subctl version` 

Gopal Jayanti

Jul 7, 2021, 5:46:00 AM7/7/21
to Sridhar Gaddam, submariner-users
Sure, here it is. 

Miguel Angel Ajo

Jul 7, 2021, 5:46:47 AM7/7/21
to Sridhar Gaddam, Gopal Jayanti, submariner-users
I wanted to have a session with Gopal today to troubleshoot this, but it has turned out into a very busy day,
we want to retry on friday.

Based on the last info I had from him (the tunnels had established, etc.) I suspect that at this point it could
be the VPC firewall filtering the remote CIDRs on the gateway->worker transit (which we don't encapsulate).

Sridhar Gaddam

Jul 7, 2021, 7:47:06 AM7/7/21
to Gopal Jayanti, submariner-users
On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 3:16 PM Gopal Jayanti <> wrote:
Sure, here it is. 
Okay, thanks. Issue#1472 was already fixed a few days back and will be part of the official 0.10 release (or devel in the meantime).
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