fckeditor version

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Pierre Nault

Apr 16, 2008, 4:17:56 PM4/16/08
to SubjectsPlus

Hi all,

    The WYSIWYG editor in SubjetcPlus doesn't work. I checked on the log files to help me and I find that the server is asking for /fckeditor/editor/lang/fr.js. On the home site of Fckeditor it says that it search for the language of the web client, in my case it's french, so it search for a french version of the .js file. In /lang/ there is just 4 files all of which are declination of english. Which version of FCKeditor is include in SubjetcPlus ? That way I could internationalized, at least, the WYSIWYG editor.


 Pierre Nault

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.  ~Henry J. Tillman

Andrew Darby

Apr 16, 2008, 4:28:49 PM4/16/08
to subjec...@googlegroups.com

I'm sorry about this. It occurred to me the other day, and then I
forgot--I deleted a lot of files to try to make the fckeditor
directory smaller, many of them computer language specific (i.e.,
coldfusion or python), but also human language specific. I've added
these files in the files section of the google group (for french, and
canadian french), if you put them in the lang folder, it should work
(?). You can also get the full fckeditor version 2.6 from the
fckeditor site:



Apr 17, 2008, 10:52:55 AM4/17/08
to SubjectsPlus
Everything works fine now.

Thanks Andrew.

Pierre Nault

On 16 avr, 16:28, "Andrew Darby" <agda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pierre,
> I'm sorry about this. It occurred to me the other day, and then I
> forgot--I deleted a lot of files to try to make the fckeditor
> directory smaller, many of them computer language specific (i.e.,
> coldfusion or python), but also human language specific. I've added
> these files in the files section of the google group (for french, and
> canadian french), if you put them in the lang folder, it should work
> (?). You can also get the full fckeditor version 2.6 from the
> fckeditor site:
> http://www.fckeditor.net/download
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