Russian KGB interviewed McCain???? as a POW?

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Mark W Lowry

Jul 22, 2015, 2:08:54 PM7/22/15
Russians supplied Surface to air Missiles to North Vietnamese. The US was capable of getting past many of the defenses of those same and the russians wanted to know how they did it. 

It seems Songbird collaborator McCain may have been instrumental in giving the Russians the information they needed. 

John Locke WAR on CITIZENS “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence.” ~ John Locke, 2nd Treatise on Government.

Thomas Jefferson parasites "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."  Jefferson was most responsible for designing a form of government with citizens as sovereigns, the Constitution he produced, has been devoured by parasitic public official growths that will ultimately destroy its host America. 

Mark W Lowry............................................................

John McCain's past that he doesnt want you to know 1/2

LaMouleQuiCoule 125
Uploaded on May 5, 2008

The Manchurian Candidate connection: McCain was subjected to 5 ½ years of Soviet driven "brain perversion techniques."
Is he fit to be President and Commander in Chief of the military?

read full article here:

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I know Sen. McCain's nephew personally. Harland Ruben McCain served in country longer than John was a POW. Ruben was in special-ops, a "Rambo" if you will. He has known John his entire life and to this day say's his Uncle is a coward and a "asshole" and that his being a 'Hero' is far from the truth. All Sen. McCain wanted to do during his military service was to get it over with and come out alive, no matter what he had to do. He betrayed our country then and is still doing it today.
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D Smith Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
Check out this video on YouTube:
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Remember the Keating five ? I do .
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Mc Cain is the pilot responsible for misfire of rocket aboard His carrier
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+diego61able That was the Forrestal aircraft carrier. It was not his missile. He was sitting in his aircraft and has to run for cover when all hell broke loose. It was from another aircraft. There is great footage of the whole incident, where it shows McCain jumping off the nose of his aircraft. The only reason they say his is a hero is because he was a POW.
Bobbyb b Shared on Google+ · 3 days ago
I find it hard to listen to people who haven't been pows run they're mouths. When captured your supposed to resist as long as possible. Then talk. Give them time to change things so whatever you say is no help to the enemy's. He went through hell , cut em some slack.
Carolyn Deason Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
Keith Collins Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
That is NOT true that the Soviets did not know about USSR involvement in the Vietnam war. Many Vietnamese were studying in USSR Universities and in the Military Academies.
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Knowing how McClain told them everything before ever being tortured, I think he is a traitor. I only hope that I would hold up better considering the conditions, people react differently, but McCain was known to make over 30 videos for the North Vietnamese
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So, you people who cry bullshit think EVERY vet is a heroic patriot? 99.9% are but then there are "men" like Prince McCain. 
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Total bullshit whole clip. Only Bible Belt Gun Loving Idiots believe on it.
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Why is this only coming out now??Also WHY are he and Kerry in positions of power?Foxwoman
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this is bullshit. the cold war was funded by the very same cunts that funded t5he second world war. the big money men always win because they fund both sides of any conflict. thats why they stay in charge.
McCain didn't know anything important to tell them nomatter how much he talked
This video is absolute horseshit. So we believe war-criminal testomy against that of a war-hero? And any detractors, (like the few that exist) are junior enlisted who never interacted with him, while senior officers (medal of honor winners) respect and corroborate him?
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Well said Ditch Bank Bandits!!!!!!!!
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searock Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago
America's Abandoned Sons by Robert S Miller (Author) ISBN-10: 1469158817           ISBN-13: 978-1469158815
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Ubaldo Croce Shared on Google+ · 8 months ago
Johnny Wilson Shared on Google+ · 10 months ago
wow!! i learn something new every day!! thanks for uploading!
Duane Tewinkel Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago
David Mcfoxx Shared on Google+ · 6 months ago
John McCain's past that he doesnt want you to kno…:
Watch this, then watch the other, a serious contradiction...
Matthew Gould Shared on Google+ · 10 months ago
John McCain's past that he doesnt want you to kno…: Another must watch
Hell we know the answer now, McCain is a hero, so a president cant take med to help them self, John Kennedy was a president who used steroids, had PTSD oh he was a Democrat . Obama wont make a pimple on a Vets Ass . Worthless or on vacation
No respect I tell you!  So us veterans with PTSD are worth a shit now I guess.  He had a chance to leave and instead opted to stay with his fellow POW's.  That's pretty brave no matter which way you look at it.  People talk a big game but put in his shoes they would more than likely sing like a Jackson and act like a muppet.
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+J. Wolf Bailey Read Passing of the Night by General Risner.  He was one of the pioneers of the tap system.  I fought for our rights to our opinions and I thank you for 'almost' respecting mine.  I promise you, I am not full of bullshit, just passion for justice my fellow brother in arms.
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Only the traitors like McCain. Most vets deserve far better than the got.
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Yea and look what we got instead, The worthless Obama, the true conman....
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They both work for Satan.
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+Mackatax McCain's assignment in 2008 was obviously to insure Obama's victory. Considering his track record, his Three Stooge antics during the campaign, and the braindead running mate they chose for him, I must conclude, that he was only there to throw the fight.
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I only watched a minute of this, but have seen enough to know whoever uploaded this is a sleaze.Someone who didn't go through one tenth of what McCain did, and certainly never did a real day in the US military, like George Bush, or any member of the Tea Party, and of course the far left nutters.
+Josef Zack  What the heck do your "friends and acquaintances" know about anything? Because you claim you were a door gunner, you think you know everything? Your "beliefs," as you call them, would be called "guesses" and "conjecture" by any one else.  
McCain's blocking of setting up a POW/MIA Committee after the war gave his credibility something to be desired.  He claimed that there were no POW's left behind.  How would he know that?  He couldn't!  He didn't want his record to be known by the public, and continues to try to go to war around most every corner.  
This is crap! You an Obama lover ! 
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I think that you have SHOWN the World your TRUE Colors...This is Crap! You an Obama lover"  but you missed spelled your refference to President Obama.  Sounds like you meant to use the word "nigger".
+Joseph Jennings Seems your the Nigger here not me ass hole !
This is pro-Obama fuck this shit
McCain has killed more americans than any single north vietnamese
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TexasPrepper Tom Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago
Vinnie Chavez Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well I'll be Dam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-777 Also I am a Nam Vet
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But I can not say that he did this I have never heard of him doing this. But as far as me I do not like this guy at all he sold his soul to the high's $$.  I met this J McCain in the V.A, in tuson AZ.  I know he is a nut!! as time pass on he gets nutter by the day.!
It's a shame that my 16yo daughter knows more about the rights and laws of this country than you do! Are you aware that the military is made up of men & women of all faiths and religions & can have any, doesn't matter what type, but ANY RELIGIOUS CREST ON THEIR TOMBSTONE INCLUDING MUSLIM & EVEN WICCAN! You seriously need to a truckload of US history classes b/c if you are a HS graduate, they passed you through b/c you were taking up too much space & were too ignorant to learn!
I saw the 60 Minutes video. Why did Presidential candidate John McCain deny that the Soviets interrogated U.S. POWs in Vietnam? Yet, former U.S., Soviet, and Vietnamese intelligence agents say they did. Why is McCain lying?60 Minutes reported this.Check it out on vietnamveteransagainstmccaindotcom Why did he yell at a woman simply trying to learn about POW's left behind?That's on youtube also.Furthermore, why can't we have access to McCain's service records?
Yeah, everyone was on drugs and tanning beds hadnt been invented yet
The so called Cuban interrogators has been proven as a cold-war era myth. No Cubans interrogated him.
Nice video...Now were stuck with one even more deceptive. The smootheset bullshitter of them all. Groomed to racially and morally divide America, bankrupt her wealth, make her an enemy of the world. He played the black culture like a deck on cards, the white people like pawns and makes money off of crisis after crisis. Barry Sorantino, you know him by his cheshire smile and hollow character. Forward? Change? Ha! Bend forward I'll leave you with change...pennies.
meh. The usual crap from neocon sheep saying the same crap that's not true. You're just scared of the truth about McSame that might be revealed in this video.
@LaMouleQuiCoule Who cares anyway. Doesn't matter who leads America, it will always remain the most hated nation on the planet.
Elect Obama the 15th Democratic President of the USA. I am watching CNN and Obama is voting at this very moment (8:41am) in Chicago and by his side is his eldest daughter. Way to go Obama!
Guys... CONGRATULATIONS!!! your friends from Brazil are DAMN PROUD of you!!! GHANGE HAS COME!
Still happy with that Obama decision?
I stand for 10 hours a day at my job. That's torture, right?
This is an interesting story, but proves absolutely nothing in regards to John McCain. I do find the blackmail question an interesting one though. Just how well have we vetted McCain in this country? How much do we know about what he told the Vietnamese and would be be willing to do a few "favors" to keep that info under wraps? Definitely need more info, but this video doesn't provide it.
Agreed completely, but it's spelled "blackmail", not black male lOL!
pathetic video.. u suck dick and mccain was the best candidate for 2008
Obama and MCain are in bed together !!
He's doing a hell of a lot better than Bush, Cheney, & Co. At least there hasn't been trillions of dollars to go missing & unaccounted for as there was under Bush's watch! I'm sure he split it with Cheney & the many others he needed to shut up for the heist to happen... McCain may, using the term loosely, have been a POW but since coming back from Vietnam, he's become nothing more than a PAIN IN EVERYBODY'S ASS! Why don't he just shut the fuck up & retire already. His time is up...
Agree....we had NO good candidates in 2008. On a scale of 1-10, Obama is a minus 10, McCain is a minus 8, and Romney is a 5
This is a highly emotional video and thats about it. Not a lot of here. I'd suggest doing some actual fact finding first. Read the US Naval report on Capt. John McCain USN ( Ret.) and whatever you can dig up on Mr. Obama. There's an American terrorist in Chicago, a good friend of Mr. Obama, you may want to start there.
John McCain himself said that he wanted to "track down the Cuban that tortured him and his friends in Hanoi" (McCain speech, Florida 2007) McCain also wrote about Cuban interrogators and psychologists in Hanoi in his own book. Source: Washington Times Tuesday, March 11, 2008 Also in 1999: "John McCain (R-AZ), a former POW, also recounted the torture of American servicemen by Cuban agents". Get your facts straight before you blindly and stupidly follow someone. McCain is not fit to lead.
He crashed 5 planes and only one was in combat.
Mr Songbird made 32 tape. He got clean clothes and better food and was upgradged to better barracks. How can McCain be a war hero when he was captured. You're an hero if you carry out heroic activities. Help your colleagues out of difficult situations, save people, etc
All you idiots who voted for Obummer the Saudi plant twice are getting exactly what you deserve now. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! dumb flucks
Oh come on, Vietnam war was an open secret in Soviet Union, like Korean war, Angola, Gambia, Zaire and many others. People were eager to go there, because it offered triple salaries and 'Berezka' or 'Vneshtorgbank' vouchers. I don't remember the exact Soviet bank name of the time, but being a 'military specialist' was better than being a sailor at some time, at least salary-wise: you could go practically anywhere, have fun in the military way, buy things, that people in USSR couldn't.
Google: Senator McCain+Max Rafael Waller
@mrmanown haha obama wrote a book about his past as a stoner surfer kid living with his mom alone because his dad wasnt there. He admitted to smoking weed and doing stupid things. He came off more like a human being then mccain or hillary did
lol what are u thanking him for the war was a lie to make money for the banker. do your resource the golf of tong-ca was a lie its well know today look it up
McCain said he would hunt down and torture the Cuban that tortured him. We don't need McCain to use us to do his revenge. I agree they could black male him. If he was tortures he sould want revange, if not he would wont to silence them ether way. Revenge is a dangeries game to play with the USA.
i couldn't say it better !!!!!
hell yeah! suck my cock too mccain!
5-21-13: How's Obummer doing fer ye now eh buddy?
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