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Mark W Lowry

Jul 16, 2015, 12:22:30 PM7/16/15
Book burnings have already started with the revisionist history now taught in our schools since 1960. It sad to think our children are being taught from works of fiction and not fact. The total African American studies are designed to increase hatred based on a distorted view of history. 

Our nation has reached a sad state when the President of the US rewards black criminals while he condemns all white people as racists who are killing black children. It is criminal for him to repeat these action to get reelected with the exploitation of the Trayvon Martin defensive killing by Zimmerman. 

Many lives were destroyed by Obama's actions with blacks killing whites in retaliation. Obama has never emphasized the black on white crime in the US. It does not support his false narrative about white racism. 

We must expose the Obama lies and stop the killing. If Trayvon Martin was Obama's black son, then Dylann Roof was his white son. 

Roof said the triggers for his acts were the revisionist history taught in school, Obama's lies about Trayvon Martin, and the black on white crime that is never reported. 

Roof said he looked these things up first on wikepeadeia. Then searched the internet. Why are we not demanding Wikipeadeia be taken down?

Demands for the removal of the confederate flag based on a couple of pictures he took with the flag in them are outrageous. There were over 100 pictures he took to demonstrate the history of the Northern war of aggression and its devastating aftermath during the era called reconstruction. No one talks about these issues, they just use a straw man argument to violate the first amendment rights of all of us. 

Some of those Marxist bastards want to rename Washington D.C. because George Washington was a former slave owner. When will people demand an end to this crap? Freedom of speech has been destroyed bit by bit. 

John Locke WAR on CITIZENS “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence.” ~ John Locke, 2nd Treatise on Government.

Thomas Jefferson parasites "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."  Jefferson was most responsible for designing a form of government with citizens as sovereigns, the Constitution he produced, has been devoured by parasitic public official growths that will ultimately destroy its host America. 

Mark W Lowry............................................................


Largest bas relief sculpture in the world could be destroyed in the name of political correctness

Image: WSBTV

Image: WSBTV

The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP has called for the iconic and intricate Stone Mountain carvings which feature confederate generals to be sand-blasted off and wiped from the pages of history.

In the name of political correctness, NAACP’s Richard Rose told WSB-TV that symbols of the Confederacy should be removed from all state-owned buildings, parks and lands in the area, including a carving which depicts Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis.

The carving, which is the largest bas relief sculpture in the world and is bigger than a football field and Mount Rushmore, was started in 1923 and not fully completed until 1972.

“The figures were completed with the detail of a fine painting. Eyebrows, fingers, buckles and even strands of hair were fine-carved with a small thermo-jet torch,” according to theofficial Stone Mountain website.

But that means little when up against the purge of all symbols of the Confederacy in the aftermath of the Charleston shootings, a hysterical knee-jerk backlash that has led some to call for renaming “racist” American cities like Washington DC in an effort to bury America’s past and replace it with a sanitized imitation.

“Those guys need to go. They can be sand-blasted off, or somebody could carefully remove a slab of that and auction it off to the highest bidder,” Rose said.

The decision on whether the Stone Mountain carvings will be literally sand-blasted fromhistory will be in the hands of the Georgia Legislature.

How long before the iconic southeastern face of Mount Rushmore, which features four presidents carved into the rock, is also defaced and destroyed in the name of political correctness? After all, two of those men – Thomas Jefferson and George Washington – owned slaves.

If you think that’s completely outside the realms of possibility then you must have missed a discussion on CNN last month during which hosts Ashleigh Banfield and Don Lemon said the time was coming when the removal of Jefferson monuments would have to be considered.

Memphis City Council also just voted unanimously to dig up and move the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and sell off his statue to the highest bidder.

In attempting to wipe monuments and symbols from the pages of history, so-called “progressives” are appropriating a similar mentality to ISIS terrorists, who have spent the last year tearing down historical statues and monuments because they offend their radical belief system.

Extreme leftists, emboldened by how they have been allowed to exploit the tragic shooting in Charleston, are now on a censorious rampage that knows no bounds.

Who knows where it will end?

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