"Songbird" McCain made 32 MOVIES for Communists, he gave them all codes & data they requested. He then refused to permit remaining POW's help.

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Mark W Lowry

Jul 22, 2015, 1:53:45 PM7/22/15
Collaborator McCain is not a hero under any circumstance. He opted to take special treatment by the communists. He sings BOMB BOMB IRAN so people can get a laugh. He also told Americans who demanded a safe border to shut the hell up. 

McCain crashed three planes before he went to Vietnam. Then he crashed after only 20 hours of flight time. He broke both his arms after the dumbass didn't follow ejection procedure. He did not pull his arms in and fold over. He was always a lose cannon. He was never tortured, and willingly gave all the information they requested. He was put in the same hospital that North Vietnamese officers were put in. 

McCain stopped the Truth Bill that was passed 400 to zero in the HOUSE of Representatives. McCain and John Kerry killed the legislation in senate committee, and would not permit it to be voted on. They refused to let the committee hearings be held in open. 

McCain and Kerry were covering their coward asses from exposure. They didn't then and don't now give a damn about the US service men and women or the POW'S that are still either held in China or Russia or murder with their bodies rotting on the battle field prisons. 

McCain should have never been in any official capacity as a government official or elected representative. He is a liar and can never be trusted. 


Mark W Lowry war rules of engagement “War is hell, the supreme dispassionate savage; the purist evil: there is no negotiation, barter or compromise with war. Evil allows no quarter for old or young, weak or strong. The only rule of war is: kill or die, the result in many cases is both. Evil nor hell compromises, rules only work when all sides abide by them. ” 

John Locke WAR on CITIZENS “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence.” ~ John Locke, 2nd Treatise on Government.

Thomas Jefferson parasites "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."  Jefferson was most responsible for designing a form of government with citizens as sovereigns, the Constitution he produced, has been devoured by parasitic public official growths that will ultimately destroy its host America. 

Mark W Lowry............................................................


John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's

iwillspyonyou 8,710
Uploaded on Dec 1, 2011

John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's

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They all walked out...that is bizarre and disturbing...why...? I don't have enough information...but it IS horrifying to see Kerry and McCain and all of these people STILL pulling our strings and the wool over our eyes even today! I swear to god...I don't understand how everyone just doesn't hate every last fucking one of them...Hilary, Bill, Obama, Kerry, the Bushes...every last one of them is a fucked-up egomaniac who feeds on the level of control over people they have. The string of assholes who have been in office the past 30 years or so have utterly fucked this country by ignoring illegal immigration and every other common sense issue at hand...FUCK 'EM ALL!
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+Todd Fahner Yes, those liberals make me SICK!
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+jenniferlacex DITTO !!!
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No surprise here ... This Zionist motherf**ker POS is the lowest of the low traitors ... I want him hanging from a noose in the street and spat upon along with the rest of the assholes in DC.
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+Joe Drager The Zionist Jews are behind everything,
Fp Maggio Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
This is shocking, truly shocking.
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No wonder he hasn't said a word, doesn't want to reopen his shit can of worms..war hero my ass
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Domestic Enemy to the Constitutional Republic John McCain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's.
John McCain Isis who? Oh yes those guys I had meetings with. "They seemed like such nice men".
H George Tavakoli Shared on Google+ · 3 months ago
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
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+Bill Manus Obama Kerry Bush's Clinton's McCane all are POS  and have been stealing us blind with the  help of the corrupt for decades !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I've seen a few of those propaganda video's, McCain is a scumbag liar. He's no hero, he's a rather stupid coward, he broke his arms and leg ejecting from his plane, because he didn't follow procedure, even an idiot would know to keep your arms tucked in. I hate him and that other lying twat Kerry, still making money out of their lying scheming backstabbing antics after more than forty years. the political class is just that a separate class with different rules than those that apply to the rest of us, at least Trump is not a career politician. Remember, you don't have to be smart to be a politician, you just have to have no shame.
 · 32 
+archie0224 Trunmp?? He never even gave the real facts why Mcain is scum. Because Trump doesn't even know because trump doesn't now the facts about anyone. Trump wants to take over Iraq and sell our asses off to Israel.
TRUMP 2016 ENOUGH SAID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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+rhonda thompson right on lets stick together
+August Kennnedy Truth upsets you that much?
Clint Counts Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
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Thanks +Clint Counts I do remember hearing about this long ago. Read this article. http://www.vvof.org/mccain_hides.htm SAEPE EXPERTUS, SEMPER FIDELIS, FRATRES AETERNI
Donald Trump for President.
 · 57 
+dilligras You mean the actual facts that have been aired in courts and the news media for the past 20 years? Then Yes!
How does Mccain have the utter gaul to call anyone else a scumbag
 · 53 
+ShinerSan56 Quote from the video: " ...[former Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA)] said there were transcripts of other POWs reacting to McCain’s false statements, saying, 'Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches? That was Jane Fonda’s line.'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hr37eE0nO8
+ShinerSan56 They have the gall to do ANYTHING.
mike peine Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
These people have armed the ENEMY with $BILLION$ = S.1867
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Senate Bill #1867
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+mike peine I'll take a look at that as well, thanks for sharing brother:))
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Jounior White Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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+Jounior White Quote from the video: " ...[former Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA)] said there were transcripts of other POWs reacting to McCain’s false statements, saying, 'Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches? That was Jane Fonda’s line.'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hr37eE0nO8
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Gabor Zolna Shared on Google+ · 12 minutes ago
John McCain, Exposed!
Patrick Baska Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's #Trump   #donaldtrump   #MSNBC   #CNN   #Fox  #2016
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+Awesome Houston Welder i may get some flack and there are exceptions but i agree with trump mccain isnt a war hero just cuz he was a POW. there are POWs who are war heroes and all POWs deserve our solemn respect but the mere fact of being a POW does not a hero make. i bet a vast majority of POWs do not consider themselves heroes. they consider themselves veterans and patriots. to me mccain being a POW does not automatically make him a viable presidential candidate nor a pillar to the veteran community.
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John McCain was not a hero, he was a collaborator. He wouldn't be in office today if it weren't for his wife's money. Yes, our country is for sale. Let's do what we can to get money out of politics.
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+Leo M. Mara Quote from the video: " ...[former Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA)] said there were transcripts of other POWs reacting to McCain’s false statements, saying, 'Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches? That was Jane Fonda’s line.'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hr37eE0nO8
Old Lumpy couldn't fly an airplane, couldn't even eject properly, then he became known as the "songbird" by the dinks. He gave them everything they wanted. Made about thirty tv spots for them claiming to be a war criminal. A treasonous ass.
 · 13 
+800lbgrila Thank you for fighting for me.
+eatenbytheweasel Quote from the video: " ...[former Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA)] said there were transcripts of other POWs reacting to McCain’s false statements, saying, 'Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches? That was Jane Fonda’s line.'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hr37eE0nO8
Rita Privette Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Check out this video on YouTube:
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I don't like Donald Trump but he was right when he said John McCain was not a war hero.
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Adam R Kezer Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
So you think you know the truth about John McCain. Think again.
Real sad part--whole McCain family are the worst kind of Americans. His father was in charge of the Navy fleet. DaadyO  Pieceofsh!t refused to send help to stop the Jews from sinking the USS Liberty 1967.  Father like Sonsofbitches. Talk that Jonny McAin fathered a child from the daughter of top Vetinam generial. real trader :^( How does this guy get re-elected like clock work? Dumb Americans!
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+Buddyronny "Yes, Israel and some of the Jews in the world have a lot of influence (and so do many people who are not Jewish), but THERE IS NO JEWISH CONSPIRACY" I think that's right!!
Adrian Azzopardi Shared on Google+ · 7 hours ago
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
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Moderate Fkr Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
McCain & Kerry sold POW'S & MIA'S out . Just when are people going to wake up ? Its 2015 !  His father was a Admiral . I don't care about his giving secret information . It is his turning his back others when he got out & could help !  Just look at his record in the house & senate ? He can't even run his own state .  How can anyone think for a second that dirty deeds are not going on in the government ? Way past time to purge the government !
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Armchair Separatist Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
John McCain, - no hero..
Он пусть расскажет сколько самолётов угробил.и почему предпочёл позорный плен во ВЬЕТНАМЕ.на протяжении 5лет!
Why doesn't the News media show this video? This is the truth, Why bad mouth Donald Trump???
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+Wiley Mitchem It's not in the PROGRAM.
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Mc Cain is a joke....ask him what happened on the USS Forrestal in Jul 67
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Marine Viet-Vet Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
There have been some recent posts concerning the remarks made by Donald Trump concerning Senator John McCain's service record. Some of the claims I have heard before that may be relevant about the man himself and his integrity. Most of us revisited the same scrutiny with another politician, John Kerry a Vietnam Veteran and war protester,.Many agreed or disagreed with Kerry. That being said it is important to do your own research and not base your opinion on a whim. My assessment of McCain's voting for or against veteran's programs is a view shared by many contemporaries.  Any reasonable civilized person could easily conclude that the scandal at the Veteran's Administration is indicative of a lack of oversight and empathy by Congress for giving the VA a blank check to fritter away on  expensive bathroom fixtures and 700 lawyers. That Trump may be an arrogant loud mouth fool and stepped over the line is probably true but he hit this nail on the head.
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+Marine Viet-Vet Just to prove that his doesn't stink?
Richard Byrd Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
I am going to work the #McCain  issue like Jiffy pop popcorn. Shake it on the burner till something pops. The GOP better run for cover supporting McCain over Donald #trump  s statement. The man was a collaberator and leaked classified information to the enemy.  According to many sources was responsible for the U.S.S Forrestal fire. #politics  
 · 12 
+mb Not according to the folks who were in Hoa Loi
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Are we sure that Bergdahl and McCain aren't related ?
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Too bad Donald Trump not fearing 'the establishment' is upsetting all these clowns.  GO DONALD!  He's got our vote!  MAKE THE US GREAT AGAIN and break the b.s. cycle of all these career politicians - R & L - that couldn't give a rat's ass about We The People!!
Strange that he blocked info on any POWs over there, and even FOUGHT to keep the records closed! Could it be they were critical of his actions as a POW, and he didn't want them bringing the stories back home to smear him??  Those MIAs....what is the story behind them?  We'll never know because of McCain's obstruction of justice!
 · 3 
Donald Trump for President #2016. BELIEVE
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Sharon Day Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Just ask the Vets!
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Chris Silvey Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
I am going to work the #McCain  issue like Jiffy pop popcorn. Shake it on the burner till something pops. The GOP better run for cover supporting McCain over Donald #trump  s statement. The man was a collaberator and leaked classified information to the enemy.  According to many sources was responsible for the U.S.S Forrestal fire. #politics  
 · 4 
+Chris Silvey Quote from the video: " ...[former Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA)] said there were transcripts of other POWs reacting to McCain’s false statements, saying, 'Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches? That was Jane Fonda’s line.'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hr37eE0nO8
Wow! Amazing stuff
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thank you trump for exposing this phony backstabbing scumbag
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Fnck all you cock suckers..!! The man was heart,scared and out of his mind from being in enemy hands.. I would of dun the same thing...Fnck you bastard's
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+chuck pappe McCain was not under any enemy hands as a Senator while he rejected bills to release all POW related information. What is he hiding?
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Awesome Houston Welder Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Turns out Trump was not only RIGHT about McCain but the story is much deeper and sad than we ever imagined!  #VoteTrump   #Trump2016  
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Nobody likes Jindal 
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The US should see this,Trump was not to far off
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I now understand why the GOP and McCain hate Donald J. Trump, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck , Judge Andrew Napolitano and anyone that seeks the Truth. And it does go back to the Vietnam War and is so damaging to the Political class in America that anybody who would make the information investigated by the US government about the 1000 POW's left behind to die in Vietnam must be destroyed at all costs. Can you Imagine the catastrophic destruction to the political calls in America if it was discovered that they left Americans behind to die? http://www.theamericanconservative.com/.../mccain-and.../
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MarshallandChristine Hughey Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Uploaded on Dec 1, 2011
John McCain is a Two Face Liar ! He's against Helping VETS , and also has Done Nothing to Help WOUNDED WARRIORS !!! HE'S FAKE !
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A few questions... There were confirmed reports or strong evidence of there still being imprisoned Americans in Vietnam in the 90s? And if so for what purpose? Negotiations for what? Why didn't Kerry and McCain want to pursue this further? It is said by his own account that McCain gave the VC information to help them...was this to deter them? What is his treason? Not a McCain supporter asking sarcastic questions but I was a young teen in awe of his military life and had respect for him. Now I'm seeing all this online. I'm serious...I really don't know much on the subject.
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+jpratx Much of the real info with substance remains archived by our Congress and it is classified, and McCain, Kerry and others have made it so. There have been reports of codes being seen in Vietnam, after all the POWs were supposedly rescued. These certain codes only US pilots would know, and would give evidence to some being left behind. These codes would be written in fields or with crops, but some committee members dismissed it as children learning to write or whatever, which is BS. Some of these POWs were also taken and interrogated by other nations, like China and Russia, but McCain and others have refused to accept such evidence or testimonies. McCain's military history too is very questionable. Many that were in the military with him at that time really dislike him. They see him as an entitled brat that got his way due to his navy admiral dad. In fact, he graduated in the bottom fifth in his class, and many other pilots of that time have said he was a poor pilot and caused a handful of accidents. McCain as a politician has been disastrous. He is no conservative. He is a progressive and in the pocket of other special interests. It looks like his selfish reckless acts in the military followed him to his political career. This is one of the reason he did poorly in his presidential election bid. MANY Vietnam veterans refused to vote for him
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+Isaias Hernandez good to know. Thanks for the reply.
Linda Kutzer Shared on Google+ · 19 hours ago
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I think they don't like JM because the vets are treated as murderers, losers, living in shame and sorrow while McCain has a good job and being treated as war hero.
I guess Mccain was singing to Charlie like his life depended on it.
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP 2016 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll bet you will not hear about this on the evening news.
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It took a Trump to call a spade a spade.   Certainly taking the air out of the "buffoons" on both sides of the fence.
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Keith Collins Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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+Kathy Hernandez I agree that he may be better than most but he did agree with the AWB. Maybe he will clarify but he did say there should be a ban on assault weapons...
+Kathy Hernandez Quote from the video: " ...[former Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA)] said there were transcripts of other POWs reacting to McCain’s false statements, saying, 'Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches? That was Jane Fonda’s line.'..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hr37eE0nO8
sheila schultz Shared on Google+ · 16 hours ago
John McCain exposed
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So glad this is coming out, and partly because of Donald Trump.  Trump for President.
John McShame is a traitorous piece of human waste !
donald for me we have had these other people how many years and what have they done...run their lying mouths...vote all fo them out lets start all over this is our country we can take back...they work for us
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The likely reason McCain stopped many documents from being released, is that he was receiving very special treatment from the N Vietnamese. These documents may have revealed that. He is a supreme scumbag POS.
 · 4 
Not bad for an actor based reality.
+Eric Miller Ha ha ha....
Where are all these films that Sen McCain made for the north vietnamese.  All these lies but no evidence.
This group has shown no breakout of membership.  I suspect very few were actually in the service or served in any combat zone.  Bogus.
Bill Delamotte Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Guys, this video is an excerpt from the 2005 documentary "Missing, Presumed Dead: The Search for America's POWs," and details how John McCain fought to keep information on POWs classified so that his own history could be kept secret. For more information, check out: "VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN MCCAIN" McCain even admitted that, upon being brought into the POW camp, he offered the North Vietnamese any information they wanted as long as he got medical treatment.   ----------------------------------------------------------- IN MCCAIN'S OWN WORDS (1973): ----------------------------------------------------------- I said, "O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." He left and came back with a doctor, a guy that we called "Zorba," who was completely incompetent. He squatted down, took my pulse. He did not speak English, but shook his head and jabbered to "The Bug." I asked, "Are you going to take me to the hospital?" "The Bug" replied, "It's too late." I said, "If you take me to the hospital, I'll get well." "Zorba" took my pulse again, and repeated, "It's too late." They got up and left, and I lapsed into unconsciousness. Sometime later, "The Bug" came rushing into the room, shouting, "Your father is a big admiral; now we take you to the hospital." ------------------------------------------------------------ Was Mccain a "HERO?" Did he deserve 17 medals?  What about all the other POWs, men who went MIA, men who were killed, or men who actually fought tooth and nail in the jungles of Vietnam for YEARS?  In my opinion, McCain effectively sat out the war and received special treatment both before his capture, in the camp, and his whole adult life as the son of an admiral and then as a "war hero" because he spent 5 years as a POW. They also don't tell you that McCain graduated in the bottom 1% of his class at Annapolis, crashed five (5) jets during his short time in service, and is believed by some to have been responsible for over 130 deaths due to a 1967 fire on board an aircraft carrier, though responsibility for the event has not been officially laid on McCain to this day.  However, OFFICIAL accounts WILL admit that the fire seemed to have started at or near McCain's jet, with McCain narrowly escaping with his life.  130+ men died in the travesty.  Immediately after the fire, McCain was transferred to another ship--the USS Oriskany.  SUSPICIOUS, isn't it? But the most despicable facts are that McCain hasn't done a thing for other veterans other than to damn them to hell.  As this video shows, he vehemently blocked the 1992 efforts aimed at trying to find out the truth about what happened to our POWs.  Yes, people, because of McCain--there likely were/are American veterans somewhere in the world who never came home, and who spent their dying days being tortured in unknown prisons somewhere in the world, while their families spent the rest of their lives in tears wondering what had happened to them. Sadly, this is the world we live in.
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Trump had it right again? John is a liar, the truth comes out
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personally I think both McCain and Trump are clowns. and it terrifies me to think of either one in charge of anything!
One of the tings I was concerned about when Sen.McCain was running for president was what he had gone through as a POW. He was tortured for almost 6 years, and no one could survive that without having something break inside. At the time, I was concerned that the anger inside would make him unfit to be the one with the nuclear football, but there are other things I hadn't considered. One of the could have been deep planted brainwashing, planted in him by the VC that would not allow him to ever support anything working to unearth anything related to POW's or against the North Vietnamese. This isn't something he is consciously away of, which makes it hard for regular people to understand. I wouldn't wish what he went through on anyone. Nope, hell beyond what anyone but other POW's could possibly imagine. Virtually ALL of those guys signed some kind of "confession". After being tortured long enough, even the toughest men eventually broke.
Our thanks to all who served.  Nobody should be still fighting over a war that never should have been forced upon us, but which was valiantly fought by those who served.  We also should not be denigrating those that the military did not chose for service.  People who were rejected for medical reasons did not chose not to serve.  Their country chose not to allow them to serve.  There is not a service man out there who does not deserve our full respect and thanks.  Because of their efforts, America can still call itself a free nation.
Where there is stench there is s%$#t!
The powers that be put McCain in charge of the Vietnam MIA/POW controversy right after the war. McCain was used to cover up the fact Congress wouldn't pay Vietnam for our POWs left behind when we fled the country. He buried, suppressed and white washed the entire incident over when there was Congressional hearings on the matter. McCain was the gatekeeper.  "McCain’s most horrendous loss occurred in 1967 on the USS Forrestal.  Well, not horrendous for him. The starter motor switch on the A4E  Skyhawk allowed fuel to pool in the engine. When the aircraft was  “wet-started,” an impressive flame would shoot from the tail. It was  one of the ways young hot-shots got their jollies. Investigators and  survivors took the position that McCain deliberately wet-started to  harass the F4 pilot directly behind him. The cook off launched an M34  Zuni rocket that tore through the Skyhawk’s fuel tank, released a  thousand pound bomb, and ignited a fire that killed the pilot plus 167  men. Before the tally of dead and dying was complete, the son and  grandson of admirals had been transferred to the USS Oriskany."
 · 3 
http://www.cracked.com/article_20461_5-lies-about-vietnam-war-you-probably-believe.html I know its by cracked, but it is actually very accurate. The pow thing was bullshit. can we support Donald Trump, and not resort to posting things that aren't exactly accurate? I understand McCain is a terrible politician, but this is slander. I still respect him for the service he did, I don't know if I could have done it. Unfortunately, he is a progressive, and not really a real Republican.
+Zidro512 Yes, there is common ground. I support Trump, as well. He's not an establishment candidate and might actually work for the benefit of the country.
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