Mccain the HERO???

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Mark W Lowry

Jul 20, 2015, 10:55:06 AM7/20/15

Mark W Lowry war rules of engagement “War is hell, the supreme dispassionate savage; the purist evil: there is no negotiation, barter or compromise with war. Evil allows no quarter for old or young, weak or strong. The only rule of war is: kill or die, the result in many cases is both. Evil nor hell compromises, rules only work when all sides abide by them. ” 

B. Hussein Obama "Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Quran 9:73 "Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is their destination.” 

Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam speech Calling for race war against whites screams “we’ll tear this god damn country up.” At that point, the crowd leaps to their feet and cheers. When Farrakhan was done speaking, the crowd chanted “Allahu Akbar.” 

James Hal Cone racism "Black hatred is the black man's strong aversion to white society. No black man living in white America can escape it...But the charge of black racism cannot be reconciled with the facts. While it is true that blacks do hate whites, black hatred is not racism." from his book " Black Theology and Black Power"

Muslim Brotherhood “God is our objective; the Koran is our constitution; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations.” Mohammed Ikwhan understood that the Muslim Brotherhood alone could not succeed with a civilization Jihad, 

Stupid voters "As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron." ~ H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920

Alan Greenspan income gap Former Federal Reserve Chairman said; allowing more skilled immigrants to work in the US would help keep the income gap from widening. Inequality of incomes is the "critical area where capitalist systems are most vulnerable," Greenspan said yesterday in Washington at a conference on maintaining the competitiveness of US capital markets convened by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. "You cannot have a system that we have unless the people who participate in it believe it is just." Allowing more skilled workers into the country would bring down salaries of top earners in the US, easing tensions over the mounting wage gap, Greenspan said. "Our skilled wages are higher than anywhere in the world," he said. "If we open up a significant window for skilled workers, that would suppress the skilled-wage level and end concentration of income." Income inequality has risen in the past three decades. 

Kathleen Newland economy immigration, director of the Migration Policy Institute,  said she was skeptical of Greenspan's proposal. "In theory, increased skilled immigration should help contain wage rises at higher levels, but there is little empirical evidence,"… Alan Greenspan "If you want to reduce political concern, it would be better to deal with the problem by helping to raise the wages of the lowest earners, by helping to improve productivity and raising the minimum wage." © Copyright 2007 Globe Newspaper Company.

John Locke WAR on CITIZENS “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence.” ~ John Locke, 2nd Treatise on Government.

Thomas Jefferson parasites "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."  Jefferson was most responsible for designing a form of government with citizens as sovereigns, the Constitution he produced, has been devoured by parasitic public official growths that will ultimately destroy its host America. 

Mark W Lowry............................................................

The True Military Record of John McCain Written by an Active Marine





McCain has never really earned anything. He is from a wealth pampered background and not fit to lead this nation.


A “war hero” doesn’t finished 894th out of 899 and still get stationed at a Navy champagne unit and promoted ahead of all but two of his 898 other classmates.


A “war hero” doesn’t crash three U.S. Navy jets out of sheer incompetence and ineptitude, including two during non-combat training sessions.


A “war hero” doesn’t get written up on drunk-and-disorderly, fraternization, disobeying orders, and insubordination charges more than two dozen times in less than three years.

A “war hero” doesn’t get promoted to squadron commander of the air field named after his own grandfather immediately after crashing his third airplane. A “war hero” doesn’t have all the military records that cover his time in Vietnam and all disciplinary actions against him censored and sealed “as a matte r of national security.” A “war hero” doesn’t get 28 medals awarded all after-the-fact “for bravery” for no other reason than being shot down and captured and then go on a celebrity public relations tour because he’s the son of two acclaimed Navy admirals. A “war hero” doesn’t repeatedly cheat on the wife who’s back in the states waiting for him, and then cheat on her more when he returns to the states, and then divorce and abandon her.

A “war hero” doesn’t systematically vote against every single pay and benefit increase for military and veterans throughout his entire political career, all the while claiming to be “the soldier’s Congressman,” and then take credit for the passage of a G.I. benefits bill he that voted AGAINST. A “war hero” McCain III lost jet number one in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay while practicing landings. He was knocked unconscious by the impact coming to as the plane settled to the bottom. McCain’s second crash occurred while he was deployed in the Mediterranean. “Flying too low over the Iberian Peninsula,” Timberg wrote, “he took out some power lines [reminiscent of the 1998 incident in which a Marine Corps jet sliced through the cables of a gondola at an Italian ski resort, killing 20] which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was predictably identified as the son of an admiral.”

McCain’s third crash three occurred when he was returning from flying a Navy trainer solo to Philadelphia for an Army-Navy football game. Timberg reported that McCain radioed, “I’ve got a flameout” and went through standard relight procedures three times before ejecting at one thousand feet. McCain landed on a deserted beach moments before the plane slammed into a clump of trees. McCain’s fifth loss happened during his 23rd mission over North Vietnam on Oct. 26, 1967, when McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. McCain ejected from the plane breaking both arms an d a leg in the process and subsequently parachuted into Truc Bach Lake near Hanoi. For 23 combat missions (an estimated 20 hours over enemy territory), the U.S. Navy awarded McCain a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit for Valor, a Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars, two Commendation medals plus two Purple Hearts and a dozen service medals. “McCain had roughly 20 hours in combat,” explains Bill Bell, a veteran of Vietnam and former chief of the U.S. Office for POW/MIA Affairs — the first official U.S. representative in Vietnam since the 1973 fall of Saigon. “Since McCain got 28 medals,” Bell continues, “that equals out to about a medal-and-a-half for each hour he spent in combat. There were infantry guys — grunts on the ground — who had more than 7,000 hours in combat and I can tell you that there were times and situations where I’m sure a prison cell would have looked pretty good to them by comparison

The question really is how many guys got that number of medals for not being shot down.” For years, McCain has been an unchecked master at manipulating an overly friendly and biased news media. The former POW turned Congressman, turned U.S. Senator, has managed to gloss over his failures as a pilot by exaggerating his military service and lying about his feats of heroism. McCain has sprouted a halo and wings to become America’s POW-hero presidential candidate.

This article was written by an active, unnamed Marine. It was published by Gale Toensing founder of the Corner and she sent it to me. It is a true account of McCain’s real war record and evidence of his lack of fitness for the office of President.

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