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Comment Boxes

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Grant Rettke

Sep 10, 2008, 8:43:32 PM9/10/08
to Study-HTDP
Hi folks,

In DrScheme you can comment out code either using semicolons or by
using a "box".

The way that it works is that you:
1. Select the code you want to put in a comment box.
2. Go to the Scheme menu and select Comment Out With a Box.

You may find this particularly useful when you get to the structure
template definitions in chapter 6. It makes them much nicer to write,
read, and maintain.

Best wishes,


Geoffrey Lane

Sep 10, 2008, 8:52:35 PM9/10/08

Useful because the code is still syntax colorized, and you can select
it without selecting the semi-colons.

The odd thing is doing that turns the file into some totally
unreadable (human unreadable at least) representation of the file. I
guess that's to get around the lack of block comments?

Grant Rettke

Sep 10, 2008, 9:20:22 PM9/10/08
> The odd thing is doing that turns the file into some totally unreadable
> (human unreadable at least) representation of the file.

I assume that is the special format for storing "enhanced" data like
boxes or images.

> I guess that's to get around the lack of block comments?

You can do block comments like this:

hello, world

You don't get the nice formatting and editing features, though.


Sep 11, 2008, 12:27:56 AM9/11/08
to Study-HTDP
I recently used comment box to insert a small picture to help
understanding the assignment better (area of pipe problem). I love
this feature. Only downside is (as Geoff has already pointed out) the
file then becomes unreadable in another editor.

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