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Why post here rather than to the PLT list?

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Grant Rettke

Aug 23, 2008, 9:16:52 PM8/23/08
to Study-HTDP
Hi folks,

You may or may not know that the authors of HTDP are all directly
available on the PLT Discussion list located here:

You might rightly be wondering why you would post messages here rather
than directly to the PLT list? Well, there are two good reasons:

1. This group has a very focused goal. We can leverage our similar
interests, and answer a lot of questions that anyone on our track
would need answered once, and build a focused knowledge base. The PLT
list discussed a much broader range of topics, mostly focusing on

2. All of those guys on the PLT list are super nice folks, and world-
class programmers, who are *happy* to answer our questions (even
stupid ones, seriously). Buy why bother them with questions that we
can answer ourselves? We can make life easier for the PLT folks by
answering said questions here, first, and leaving tough questions for

Best wishes,

Grant Rettke

Grant Rettke

Aug 23, 2008, 9:20:09 PM8/23/08
to Study-HTDP
On Aug 23, 8:16 pm, Grant Rettke <> wrote:
> You may or may not know that the authors of HTDP are all directly
> available on the PLT Discussion list located here:

One thing to note here is that there is a read-only mirror of this
group located here:

This provides a nicer interface and more importantly the ability to
search messages which is particularly helpful if you know for what you
are looking.

It might be a good resource if you are looking for HTDP focused
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