Can INFJ and INFP Personality Types Ever Truly Be Happy?

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Lauren Sapala

Dec 8, 2021, 11:59:35 PM12/8/21
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Hi Friends,

In almost a decade of working with INFJ and INFP personality types, the biggest thing I’ve noticed about both INFJs and INFPs is that we tend to be unhappy. Because we’ve had so much trouble fitting in with our family, friends, and mainstream society in the past, we doubt that we’ll ever be valued for our natural gifts.

But let me tell you, it IS possible to manifest a life of greater joy and happiness. I’ve worked with hundreds of INFJ and INFP people and I’ve seen how things change after we learn a few core concepts and integrate these practices into our everyday lives.

I talk more about this in the video below:

I’m launching a new video course called AWAKEN in just a couple of days, and the course will be covering the core concepts I mention in the video above, as well as diving deep into strategies that actually help intuitive people step into their power and upgrade their lives.

I’m super excited about this course, and judging from the emails I’ve gotten over the past few days, a bunch of you are excited too. It sounds like 2022 is the year that so many INFJs and INFPs are going to be stepping up and manifesting what they truly want in life.

I’m so honored to be a part of that.

I’m sending all of you love and I’ll see you this Friday for the launch!


P.S. I’m also still taking questions about the course, so if you have any please send them my way!

Lauren Sapala

32650 State Route 20 Ste b102, Oak Harbor
Washington 98277 United States

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