Thanks so much. Here's the info
PAID WORK CALL OUT for musicians that are also actor/clown/dancer (or vice-versa) for my new show "Fiercely Visible".
PLEASE STILL APPLY if you’re a musician that’s not an experienced clown, actor or dancer, but like and feel confident about the idea of fixed or improvised dialogue or movement moments in between songs that expand the themes and vibe in absurd, playful and powerful ways.
FIERCELY VISIBLE tells a new-ancient, embodied, empowerment story; uplifting and inspiring, inviting the audience to experience their own power as creators of their reality
It is about celebrating glorious mistakes, being wonderfully stupid, and believing in the abundant magic of life and ourselves.
It is a multi-disciplinary show of songs interspersed with stories / actions / movement / dialogue and audience interaction which may involve ritual, that you may be part of. We will be exploring the concepts of inner-authority, control-surrender, play-rigidity, sex, Tantra, death and being seen.
You can think of it like theatrically crafted patter between the songs.
You can also check out my previous post where I showed some of what I've been working on. By no means set. See the "Manifest Showcase" post.
TO APPLY you should play either…
* Drums/percussion - we won’t use a drum kit, but rather more percussion and djembe/cahon etc
* Bass guitar and/or cello and/or electronic musician/synths
Rehearsals based in/around Belfast, N. Ireland.
25-27th March
14-18th April
21-25th April
Possibly 26 and or 27th for show
1 or 2 other date tbc
Includes full info and payment rates
You can also find the link on my website
Can't wait to co-create some magic!
Hi Rachel,We are a registered charity that promotes the arts in your area for free.
Please send info on this opportunity and how to apply.
Your response will be automatically forwarded to thousands of interested parties on our social media platforms.We also have a free smart-phone app you can download.
It's a contact app, people post announcements on it and you can get back to them if you are interested.
It's on the Google Play Store, as "Studio_NI"
The app is at!--Studio NIreland: promoting arts and culture in Ireland since 2004. NIC101100