Please find the list of workshops at the link below. To register all they have to do is send me an email, lcald...@artscouncil-ni.org, indicating which of the workshops they wish to attend along with contact details and their artform. I can then add them to the list.
National Lottery Mental Health and Arts Programme | Arts Council NI (artscouncil-ni.org)
Many thanks for sharing this out and using your platform to spread the word.
From: Studio NI <studionort...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 9:18 AM
To: Calderwood, Lorraine <lcald...@artscouncil-ni.org>
Subject: Arts Council of #NorthernIreland workshops designed to hear from you about your mental wellbeing + give skills to help with your practice
Hi Lorraine, We are a registered charity that promotes the arts in your area for free. Please send info on these workshops and how to attend. Your response will be automatically forwarded to thousands
Hi Lorraine,
We are a registered charity that promotes the arts in your area for free.
Please send info on these workshops and how to attend.
Your response will be automatically forwarded to thousands of interested parties on our social media platforms.
We also have a free smart-phone app you can download.
It's a contact app, people post announcements on it and you can get back to them if you are interested.
It's on the Google Play Store, as "Studio_NI"
The app is at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.studio_ni.app
Studio NI: Promoting Arts and Culture in the North of Ireland since 2004. NIC101100