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Evie Reisdorf

Dec 8, 2023, 5:51:12 PM12/8/23
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Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF: A Treasure Trove of Biblical Truth

If you are looking for a comprehensive, dispensational, premillennial systematic theology that covers all the major doctrines of the Christian faith, you should consider downloading Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF. This eight-volume work, written by the founder and first president of Dallas Theological Seminary, is one of the most influential and respected theological works of the 20th century.

Who Was Lewis Sperry Chafer?

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952) was an American Presbyterian minister and educator who had a profound impact on evangelical theology and ministry. He was born in Ohio and studied at Oberlin College and Conservatory under the guidance of C.I. Scofield, the editor of the Scofield Reference Bible. He was ordained in 1900 and served as a traveling evangelist and Bible teacher for many years. He also taught at the Philadelphia School of the Bible from 1914 to 1923.


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In 1924, he founded Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), a nondenominational institution that aimed to provide advanced biblical and theological training for pastors, missionaries, and teachers. He served as the president and professor of systematic theology at DTS until his death in 1952. He also authored many books and articles, including He That Is Spiritual, Grace, Satan, Salvation, Major Bible Themes, and his magnum opus, Systematic Theology.

What Is Systematic Theology?

Systematic theology is the discipline that seeks to collect, arrange, compare, exhibit, and defend all the facts concerning God and his works from any and every source. It aims to present a coherent and consistent understanding of the Christian faith based on the revelation of God in Scripture and nature.

Lewis Sperry Chafer defined systematic theology as "the collecting, systematically arranging, comparing, exhibiting and defending of all facts concerning God and His works from any and every source." He believed that abridged or incomplete systematic theologies resulted in evil, so he endeavored to write a complete and unabridged work that would cover all the essential topics of theology.

What Are the Features of Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF?

Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF is a remarkable work that has many distinctive features that make it valuable for students and teachers of theology. Some of these features are:

    • It is the first dispensational, premillennial systematic theology ever published. Dispensationalism is a theological system that recognizes different periods or dispensations in God's dealings with humanity throughout history. Premillennialism is a view of eschatology that holds that Christ will return before the millennium, a thousand-year reign of peace and righteousness on earth.
    • It covers crucial topics that many earlier theological texts neglected, such as ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church), angelology (the doctrine of angels), typology (the study of types and symbols in Scripture), and dispensationalism itself.
    • It is based on a literal, grammatical-historical interpretation of Scripture that respects its historical context and literary genre. It also uses Scripture to interpret Scripture and avoids imposing human philosophy or tradition on the biblical text.
    • It is written in an accessible language that is intended for widespread instruction and edification. It avoids technical jargon and obscure references and explains difficult concepts clearly and simply.
    • It is thoroughly evangelical in its tone and content. It affirms the inspiration, authority, and inerrancy of Scripture; the Trinity; the deity and humanity of Christ; his virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and second coming; salvation by grace through faith alone; eternal security; and the personal work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, sanctification, and illumination.

    How Can You Download Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF?

    If you want to download Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF for free, you can do so from various online sources. One of them is Archive.org, a digital library that offers free access to millions of books, movies, music, software, and more. You can find Chafer's Systematic Theology in PDF format here: https://archive.org/details/chafer-systematic-theology_1948_4

    Another source is Logos Bible Software, a powerful digital platform that helps you study the Bible and theology with ease. You can purchase Chafer's Systematic Theology in Logos format here: https://www.logos.com/product/2223/systematic-theology

    Whether you download Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF for free or purchase it from Logos Bible Software, you will benefit from this treasure trove of biblical truth that will enrich your understanding of God and his works.

    How Can You Study Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF?

    Studying Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF can be a rewarding and challenging experience. You will not only learn a lot of biblical and theological information, but also develop your critical thinking and analytical skills. Here are some tips on how to study this work effectively:

      • Read it with an open mind and a humble heart. Do not assume that you already know everything or that you have nothing to learn from Chafer. Be willing to examine your own beliefs and assumptions in light of Scripture and reason.
      • Read it with a prayerful attitude and a dependence on the Holy Spirit. Ask God to guide you into all truth and to help you apply what you learn to your life and ministry.
      • Read it with a systematic and progressive approach. Do not skip or skim over sections that seem difficult or boring. Follow the logical order and structure of the work and try to understand the main points and arguments of each chapter.
      • Read it with a comparative and evaluative perspective. Compare Chafer's views with other theological systems and traditions, such as Calvinism, Arminianism, Covenant Theology, Reformed Theology, etc. Evaluate his arguments and evidence for their strengths and weaknesses, their consistency and coherence, their biblical fidelity and relevance.
      • Read it with a practical and applicational purpose. Do not just read it for information or curiosity, but for transformation and edification. Ask yourself how what you read affects your relationship with God, your view of yourself, your attitude toward others, your involvement in the church, your witness to the world, etc.


      Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF is a treasure trove of biblical truth that will enrich your understanding of God and his works. It is a comprehensive, dispensational, premillennial systematic theology that covers all the major doctrines of the Christian faith. It is based on a literal, grammatical-historical interpretation of Scripture that respects its historical context and literary genre. It is written in an accessible language that is intended for widespread instruction and edification. It is thoroughly evangelical in its tone and content.

      If you want to download Lewis Sperry Chafer Systematic Theology PDF for free, you can do so from Archive.org or purchase it from Logos Bible Software. Whether you download it or buy it, you will benefit from this treasure trove of biblical truth that will enrich your understanding of God and his works.

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