structured light updates

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Kyle McDonald

May 7, 2011, 5:38:09 PM5/7/11
hi everyone,

not much activity here since the kinect came out :)

i just wanted to update everyone on a couple things.

1 i just added a big collection of code from jan svoboda:

i haven't built it myself, but it contains some very clean looking
OpenCV-based implementations of phase shift decoding algorithms. a
good place to look at the core is RScanUtil.cpp thanks jan!

2 i'm working on a new technique called frequency shift scanning (as
opposed to phase shift scanning). the results look good:

it isn't meant for realtime scanning, but it is good for still scans.
the advantage is that it doesn't require any projector-camera sync,
and no gamma calibration.

3 i would eventually like to refactor a lot of this code, and move it
to github as a few smaller projects. one for processing, one for
OpenCV with an OF "wrapper" etc. i have no timeline on that, and it's
mostly dependent on how long it takes until i'm fed up with kinect and
go back to structured light :) i just wanted to give anyone who is
interested a heads up.


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