New repository location for Strongtalk

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Oct 4, 2010, 9:49:10 PM10/4/10
to Strongtalk-general, Artur Lojewski
I've been using git locally for development for some time and have
found synchronizing to SVN unreasonably painful, particularly as there
were no updates to pull.

So I've set up a new repository location on github - I'll be pushing updates to
this repository rather than to the googlecode SVN repository. The
repository is public and you can checkout a read only copy using

git clone git:// strongtalk

You will also find the first steps on a Newspeak port on branch
nsreboot. I've also uploaded a new VM to the downloads page on github.
You can find it here -
This VM can be used for both a standard Strongtalk image, or for a
Newspeak-on-Strongtalk image. The key difference from a VM built from
the Strongtalk master branch is the inclusion of icons required by the
Newspeak UI framework Brazil (with the kind permission of Gilad

To use the Newspeak port switch to the nsreboot branch following the
repository clone.

cd strongtalk
git checkout nsreboot

Download the VM (or build it from scratch if you prefer) and launch
the app. The BrazilDemo class contains class-side methods to launch
various Brazil tools dialogues. In itself not that useful, but it
illustrates the code required to configure and launch Newspeak

I would also like to dedicate this release to Alexander von Humboldt
( on behalf of
Artur Lojewski, for whose kind donation earlier this year I am very

Cheers, Steve
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