End User vs Code Generator especialy altJS

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Youness Belfkih

Mar 26, 2016, 5:02:16 AM3/26/16
to Strengthen JS
End User needs
  • a stricter JavaScript
  • a secure environment
  • a scalable code base
  • ... other stuff that strong mode agrees on
Code Generators may need
  • VM type system
  • Full control over emitted code
  • Removal of some ugly parts

There is conflict in interests between End Users and altJS makers on strong mode

  1. relaxe the rules for the strong mode but that will mean that the end user is not going to fully benefit from this mode
  2. break strong mode to two parts one stronger than the other the first can be used by altJS makers and the other by and users
  3. suggest a prolog syntax for JavaScript to TC39, something like `use no-delete seal-literals lock-this ...` which very complicated maybe just as string
  4. most of the problems with strong mode can be solved through well accepted features suggested to TC39 like Decorators, Reflect, Property definitions most of these are just syntax sugars ES5 things that are not possible in ES6, they are still not fully standards so any suggestions from you can reshape them for the better of JS, and i thing a actual implementation of those behind a flag like --enable-strong-es2016-features wouldn't hurt anyone (i  wish there was mixin suggested to TC39, hmmm, wonder if I can do that)

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