There are already several posts describing to more or less details the nomenclature with TAR, TIR and TOR. Some posts were relatively clear, but still some lines confuse me. For example:
19 55049072 . AAG A 0 PASS AC=0;AF=0.00;AN=0;DP=54;IC=0;IHP=6;NT=ref;QSI=11;QSI_NT=11;RC=1;RU=AG;SGT=ref->het;SOMATIC;TQSI=1;TQSI_NT=1;set=FilteredInAll; DP:DP2:DP50:FDP50:SUBDP50:TAR:TIR:TOR 54:54:77.87:16.68:0:24,49:2,9:66,64
Can someone explain how are TIR, TAR and TOR relted to DP in this case, and why is TOR>DP?
Thanks in advance!