Exemplar alignment contains indel not found in the overlap indel set

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Jason Walker

Jul 16, 2013, 1:15:51 PM7/16/13
to strelka...@googlegroups.com
I am seeing the following error message.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Let me know what additional details I can provide to help troubleshoot.

ERROR: Exception caught in align_pos() while realigning segment: 1 of read: STARLING_READ id: 1159906 genomic_mapping?: tier1-mapped
key: HWI-ST485:138468187:D1Y2NACXX:8:1212:16206:71057/2
id: 1159906
GENOME ALIGNMENT pos: 85759165 strand: R path: 95M1I1N4M
is_realigned? 0
buffer_pos: 0
partial_segment 1 :
GENOME ALIGNMENT pos: 85759165 strand: R path: 95M1I
is_realigned? 0
buffer_pos: 85759165
partial_segment 2 :
GENOME ALIGNMENT pos: 85759261 strand: R path: 4M
is_realigned? 0
buffer_pos: 85759261

FATAL_ERROR: strelka EXCEPTION: ERROR: Exemplar alignment contains indel not found in the overlap indel set
        Indel: INDEL pos: 85759260 type: INSERT len: 1 swap_dlen: 0
Exemplar overlap set:

...caught in main()

Saunders, Chris

Jul 16, 2013, 11:16:26 PM7/16/13
to strelka...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jason,

What version of the workflow were you using? I haven't seen this exact error before, but I know that an indel adjacent to an intro like this has been a source of other problems in the past. Would you able to share a slice of the bam file sufficient to reproduce the issue?



From: strelka...@googlegroups.com [strelka...@googlegroups.com] on behalf of Jason Walker [jasonw...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 10:15 AM
To: strelka...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [strelka-discuss] Exemplar alignment contains indel not found in the overlap indel set
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Saunders, Chris

Jul 19, 2013, 10:16:20 PM7/19/13
to strelka...@googlegroups.com, Sean Davis (sdavis2@mail.nih.gov)

Hi Jason,


I just uploaded strelka_workflow v1.0.10 to the ftp site: https://sites.google.com/site/strelkasomaticvariantcaller/home/download


This version should fix the issue described in your email below, and (Sean) disables open-breakend output in the indel vcf file. Please let me know if you’re still experiencing trouble.






Pascal Gellert

Apr 28, 2016, 5:16:10 AM4/28/16
to strelka-discuss
Hi Chris,

I am using v1.0.14 on RNA-Seq data with GSNAP as aligner. I get a similat error, probably it again has something to do with introns and unmapped regions next to each other. Attached is one of the reads that cause the problem.

Thanks for your help,


ERROR: Exception caught in align_pos() while realigning segment: 2 of read: STARLING_READ id: 214725 genomic_mapping?: tier1-mapped
key: read314064/F_20818/2
id: 214725
GENOME ALIGNMENT pos: 55587264 strand: R path: 22M3808N51I28M
is_realigned? 0
buffer_pos: 0
partial_segment 1 :
GENOME ALIGNMENT pos: 55587264 strand: R path: 22M
is_realigned? 0
buffer_pos: 55587264
partial_segment 2 :
GENOME ALIGNMENT pos: 55591094 strand: R path: 51I28M
is_realigned? 0
buffer_pos: 55591043

FATAL_ERROR: strelka EXCEPTION: ERROR: Exemplar alignment contains indel not found in the overlap indel set
        Indel: INDEL pos: 55591094 type: INSERT len: 51 swap_dlen: 0
Exemplar overlap set:
INDEL pos: 55591072 type: INSERT len: 3 swap_dlen: 0
status: is_present: 0 is_remove_only: 0

...caught in main()
cmdline: strelka-1.0.14/libexec/strelka2 -clobber -filter-unanchored -min-paired-align-score 20 -min-single-align-score 10 -min-qscore 0 -report-range-begin 50000001 -report-range-end 75000000 -samtools-reference human.fa -max-window-mismatch 3 20 -print-used-allele-counts -bam-seq-name chr10 -genome-size 2858674662 -max-indel-size 50 -indel-nonsite-match-prob 0.5 --min-contig-open-end-support 35 --somatic-snv-rate 0.000001 --shared-site-error-rate 0.0000005 --shared-site-error-strand-bias-fraction 0.5 --somatic-indel-rate 0.000001 --shared-indel-error-rate 0.000001 --tier2-min-single-align-score 5 --tier2-min-paired-align-score 5 --tier2-single-align-score-rescue-mode --tier2-mismatch-density-filter-count 10 --tier2-no-filter-unanchored --tier2-indel-nonsite-match-prob 0.25 --tier2-include-singleton --tier2-include-anomalous -bam-file GSNAP.bam --tumor-bam-file GSNAP_tumor.bam --somatic-snv-file chromosomes/chr10/bins/0002/somatic.snvs.unfiltered.vcf --somatic-indel-file chromosomes/chr10/bins/0002/somatic.indels.unfiltered.vcf --variant-window-flank-file 50 chromosomes/chr10/bins/0002/somatic.indels.unfiltered.vcf.window --max-input-depth 10000 --ignore-conflicting-read-names --report-file chromosomes/chr10/bins/0002/strelka.stats

Pascal Gellert

Apr 28, 2016, 5:16:50 AM4/28/16
to strelka-discuss
The attachment.

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 19:15:51 UTC+2, Jason Walker wrote:


Feb 17, 2017, 12:20:40 PM2/17/17
to strelka-discuss
Were you able to slove the error you mentioned?
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