no somatic calls in output file

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Arshi Arora

Apr 6, 2017, 12:32:40 PM4/6/17
to strelka-discuss

I am running Strelka on a panel normal-tumor pair bam. I have set the isSkipDepthFilters = 1. But, I don't see any calls in the output results folder in the files - 

 wc -l *
  121 all.somatic.indels.vcf
  114 all.somatic.snvs.vcf
  121 passed.somatic.indels.vcf
  114 passed.somatic.snvs.vcf

The lines you see here is just the header information summarizing chr and VCF columns. 
I did run mutect on this pair also, and see about 12 mutations excluding GL chr etc. I am really interested in the indel calls from Strelka. 

Appreciate any help!


Tyler Funnell

May 16, 2017, 8:34:37 PM5/16/17
to strelka-discuss
I have the same problem. Another tool produces thousands of mutations. I've tried isSkipDepthFilters=1 as well with no difference. This is only happening to 2 of my pairs though.

Tyler Funnell

May 20, 2017, 4:18:07 PM5/20/17
to strelka-discuss
In my case, it turned out to be an issue with the bams. Converting bam -> sam -> bam fixed the issue for me. The odd thing is that Strelka doesn't seem to notice a problem with those bams and produces no mutation calls. Other tools have no problem with them, but samtools tview complains (which is how I diagnosed the problem).

Arshi Arora

May 30, 2017, 2:58:51 PM5/30/17
to strelka-discuss
Thanks for posting here Tyler! I agree, in my case too something is wrong with the bam. But I do see calls from other tools. 
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