Groups keyboard shortcuts have been updated
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Version 1.3 released

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Dec 3, 2010, 9:40:49 PM12/3/10
to StreamStar users
Just released the new version. Main difference is that a new button
has been added to enable navigating up a directory very quickly.
Probably a few other minor changes that I've forgotten about as well,
since I got diverted to other priorities.

There is one known bug: if you quit (or crash) the app and attempt to
start it again within ~20 seconds, it may throw an error. Not sure
what exactly is causing this but it has to do with starting/restarting
the service. Need to track it down at some point.

The biggest reason for this release was that v1.2 expired on December
1st so I needed to get v1.3 out there to extend it. Expiration date is
now April 1st, 2011.
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