RE: [strangemaine1364] Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Margaret Johnston

Jul 8, 2015, 6:20:45 PM7/8/15
I clicked on the link below to "read it online" and it says it's not there!

Do you have the correct link???


Subject: [strangemaine1364] Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 12:15:34 +0000

Michelle Souliere <>: Jul 04 02:18AM

Most of you probably remember the unexpected, worrisome and sad
disappearance of 66-year-old Geraldine Largay from the Appalachian Trail in
Maine last spring. The most recent monthly issue of the Bollard has an
intense article about the disappearance with some interesting information
about the area that few people know.
If you'd like to read it online, please click here:
If you prefer a hard copy of the issue, it is available for free at my used
bookshop in Portland, the Green Hand Bookshop, at 661 Congress Street, or
you can pick up a copy at any other of 500+ locations statewide where you
can regularly find the Bollard.
Portlander Hutch Brown did a great job of fleshing out the article, with
editor Chris Busby assisting. I think those among you who wonder about
disappearances and secret areas will be very interested in what they dug up.
PERIPHERALLY RELATED NOTE: Those interested in David Paulides Missing 411
series, which features some Maine disappearance cases over the years, may
want to add this story to their files. Incidentally, if you want to buy Mr.
Paulides' books, DO NOT be fooled into paying overinflated prices ($99+?!!)
elsewhere online. You can buy brand new copies for $24.99 directly from him
on his website. You can purchase the Eastern US volume (which has the
historic Maine cases in it) from him here:
Posted By Michelle Souliere to Strange Maine at 7/03/2015 10:18:00 PM
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