movie about urban gardening saturday 6.12. at 18

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bérengère dambrine

Dec 5, 2014, 3:52:30 AM12/5/14
Association of Citizens Ostra Nula organizes the screening of the film "Urban Roots" on Saturday, 06/12/2014. in 18h.
in te office of  "Perpetuum Mobile" 3 street Petar Kocic (first house behind the parking lot behind the Assembly of the RS.

The film "Urban Roots" is the documentary "how-to" film about urban gardening in Detroit, once a large industrial center and the now-empty and devastated the city that left more than two-thirds of the population. As a result of bankruptcy and a failed economy, its people have turned to building communities around urban farm - gardens where they grow their own food, with the now abandoned and half-Detroit provides plenty of space for it ...


Screening of the film is organized as part of the "Rethink Everywhere" in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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