Mondrian integration

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Sep 18, 2010, 7:27:01 AM9/18/10
to stpivot-discuss
Is there a way to implement STPivot in Mondrian (jpivot included) . I
don’t know how... I cannot find any instruction on the web.
It look so much nicer than the old jpivot. Can someone help me?

Juanjo Ortilles

Sep 22, 2010, 1:48:48 AM9/22/10
to stpivot-discuss
Yes it is possible.

Just add the STPivot to the mondrian war. It already have a JPivot.

the google code of STPivot is :

If you download the package you will se a ReadMe-STPivot.txt with the

Follow the same steps just replacing pentaho by mondrian. That's
all :D

I paste it here:

To deploy STPivot in your Pentaho BI Server, all you need to do is:

1. Copy folder "./stpivot" to your Pentaho's context (ie: ".../tomcat/

2. Edit Pentaho's web.xml (".../pentaho/WEB-INF/web.xml") to add lines
containned in "./add-to-web.xml"

3. Restart Pentaho BI Server

4. Test if it works by going to: "http://localhost:8080/pentaho/

In order to use STpivot instead of default Pivot viewer, you need to
change the viewer in the Pivot component (in the .xaction), or
construct an URL like in step 4.

STPivot is not meant to replace default's Pivot viewer in Pentaho
since is has not yet implemented some important functions to the
platform (like saving an analysis as *.xaction). It simply tries to
enhance end user experience. Main features include:

. Ajax interface

. Use of jQuery to handle user interactions

. Highlighted MDX syntax in the editor

. Easier edition of charts (resizing with mouse, icons for options)

. New set of icons

Feel free to use STPivot and, please, give us feedback of your
experience and possible enhancements.

Jan 3, 2013, 6:24:51 PM1/3/13
hi i have this error when i try add implement STPivot in Mondrian


any solution for this ??

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: 

An error occurred at line: 12 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.util.VersionHelper resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 13 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.util.UUIDUtil resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 14 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.util.StringUtil resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 15 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.util.web.SimpleUrlFactory resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 16 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.util.messages.LocaleHelper resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 17 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 18 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IPentahoSession resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 19 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.ISolutionEngine resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 20 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IRuntimeContext resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 21 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.api.repository.ISubscriptionRepository resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 22 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.output.SimpleOutputHandler resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 23 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSystem resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 24 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 25 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.solution.ActionInfo resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 26 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.web.http.PentahoHttpSessionHelper resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 27 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.web.http.WebTemplateHelper resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 28 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.web.http.request.HttpRequestParameterProvider resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 29 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.web.http.session.HttpSessionParameterProvider resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 30 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.web.jsp.messages.Messages resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 31 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mondrian.PivotViewComponent resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 32 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mondrian.AnalysisSaver resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 33 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mondrian.MissingParameterException resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 34 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.repository.subscription.Subscription resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 35 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.repository.subscription.SubscriptionHelper resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 52 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. org.pentaho.platform.api.repository.ISolutionRepository resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 1,487 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IRuntimeContext cannot be resolved to a type
1484: 	}
1485: 	%>
1486: 	<%!
1487: 	private IRuntimeContext getRuntimeForQuery( String actionReference, HttpServletRequest request, IPentahoSession userSession ) {
1488: 		ActionInfo actionInfo = ActionInfo.parseActionString( actionReference );
1489: 		if( actionInfo == null ) {
1490: 			return null;

An error occurred at line: 1,487 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IPentahoSession cannot be resolved to a type
1484: 	}
1485: 	%>
1486: 	<%!
1487: 	private IRuntimeContext getRuntimeForQuery( String actionReference, HttpServletRequest request, IPentahoSession userSession ) {
1488: 		ActionInfo actionInfo = ActionInfo.parseActionString( actionReference );
1489: 		if( actionInfo == null ) {
1490: 			return null;

An error occurred at line: 1,488 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
ActionInfo cannot be resolved to a type
1485: 	%>
1486: 	<%!
1487: 	private IRuntimeContext getRuntimeForQuery( String actionReference, HttpServletRequest request, IPentahoSession userSession ) {
1488: 		ActionInfo actionInfo = ActionInfo.parseActionString( actionReference );
1489: 		if( actionInfo == null ) {
1490: 			return null;
1491: 		}

An error occurred at line: 1,488 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
ActionInfo cannot be resolved
1485: 	%>
1486: 	<%!
1487: 	private IRuntimeContext getRuntimeForQuery( String actionReference, HttpServletRequest request, IPentahoSession userSession ) {
1488: 		ActionInfo actionInfo = ActionInfo.parseActionString( actionReference );
1489: 		if( actionInfo == null ) {
1490: 			return null;
1491: 		}

An error occurred at line: 1,495 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IRuntimeContext cannot be resolved to a type
1492: 		return getRuntimeForQuery( actionInfo.getSolutionName(), actionInfo.getPath(), actionInfo.getActionName(), request, userSession );
1493: 	}
1495: 	private IRuntimeContext getRuntimeForQuery( String solutionName, String actionPath, String actionName, HttpServletRequest request, IPentahoSession userSession ) {
1496: 		String processId = "PivotView";
1497: 		String instanceId = request.getParameter( "instance-id" );
1498: 		boolean doMessages = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( request.getParameter("debug" ) );

An error occurred at line: 1,495 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IPentahoSession cannot be resolved to a type
1492: 		return getRuntimeForQuery( actionInfo.getSolutionName(), actionInfo.getPath(), actionInfo.getActionName(), request, userSession );
1493: 	}
1495: 	private IRuntimeContext getRuntimeForQuery( String solutionName, String actionPath, String actionName, HttpServletRequest request, IPentahoSession userSession ) {
1496: 		String processId = "PivotView";
1497: 		String instanceId = request.getParameter( "instance-id" );
1498: 		boolean doMessages = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( request.getParameter("debug" ) );

An error occurred at line: 1,501 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
SimpleOutputHandler cannot be resolved to a type
1498: 		boolean doMessages = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( request.getParameter("debug" ) );
1500: 		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1501: 		SimpleOutputHandler outputHandler = new SimpleOutputHandler( outputStream, true );
1502: 		ISolutionEngine solutionEngine = PentahoSystem.get(ISolutionEngine.class, userSession );
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;

An error occurred at line: 1,501 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
SimpleOutputHandler cannot be resolved to a type
1498: 		boolean doMessages = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( request.getParameter("debug" ) );
1500: 		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1501: 		SimpleOutputHandler outputHandler = new SimpleOutputHandler( outputStream, true );
1502: 		ISolutionEngine solutionEngine = PentahoSystem.get(ISolutionEngine.class, userSession );
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;

An error occurred at line: 1,502 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
ISolutionEngine cannot be resolved to a type
1500: 		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1501: 		SimpleOutputHandler outputHandler = new SimpleOutputHandler( outputStream, true );
1502: 		ISolutionEngine solutionEngine = PentahoSystem.get(ISolutionEngine.class, userSession );
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();

An error occurred at line: 1,502 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PentahoSystem cannot be resolved
1500: 		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1501: 		SimpleOutputHandler outputHandler = new SimpleOutputHandler( outputStream, true );
1502: 		ISolutionEngine solutionEngine = PentahoSystem.get(ISolutionEngine.class, userSession );
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();

An error occurred at line: 1,502 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
ISolutionEngine cannot be resolved to a type
1500: 		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1501: 		SimpleOutputHandler outputHandler = new SimpleOutputHandler( outputStream, true );
1502: 		ISolutionEngine solutionEngine = PentahoSystem.get(ISolutionEngine.class, userSession );
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();

An error occurred at line: 1,504 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IRuntimeContext cannot be resolved to a type
1501: 		SimpleOutputHandler outputHandler = new SimpleOutputHandler( outputStream, true );
1502: 		ISolutionEngine solutionEngine = PentahoSystem.get(ISolutionEngine.class, userSession );
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );

An error occurred at line: 1,506 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
HttpRequestParameterProvider cannot be resolved to a type
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );

An error occurred at line: 1,506 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
HttpRequestParameterProvider cannot be resolved to a type
1503: 		solutionEngine.init( userSession );
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );

An error occurred at line: 1,507 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
HttpSessionParameterProvider cannot be resolved to a type
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );

An error occurred at line: 1,507 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
HttpSessionParameterProvider cannot be resolved to a type
1504: 		IRuntimeContext context = null;
1505: 		ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );

An error occurred at line: 1,509 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.MODE cannot be resolved to a type
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );

An error occurred at line: 1,509 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE cannot be resolved to a type
1506: 		HttpRequestParameterProvider requestParameters = new HttpRequestParameterProvider( request );
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );

An error occurred at line: 1,510 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST cannot be resolved to a type
1507: 		HttpSessionParameterProvider sessionParameters = new HttpSessionParameterProvider( userSession );
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );

An error occurred at line: 1,511 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION cannot be resolved to a type
1508: 		HashMap parameterProviders = new HashMap();
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );
1514: 		context = solutionEngine.execute( solutionName, actionPath, actionName, Messages.getString("BaseTest.DEBUG_JUNIT_TEST"), false, true, instanceId, false, parameterProviders, outputHandler, null, urlFactory, messages );

An error occurred at line: 1,512 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
SimpleUrlFactory cannot be resolved to a type
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );
1514: 		context = solutionEngine.execute( solutionName, actionPath, actionName, Messages.getString("BaseTest.DEBUG_JUNIT_TEST"), false, true, instanceId, false, parameterProviders, outputHandler, null, urlFactory, messages );

An error occurred at line: 1,512 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
SimpleUrlFactory cannot be resolved to a type
1509: 		requestParameters.setParameter( PivotViewComponent.MODE, PivotViewComponent.EXECUTE );
1510: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpRequestParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST, requestParameters );
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );
1514: 		context = solutionEngine.execute( solutionName, actionPath, actionName, Messages.getString("BaseTest.DEBUG_JUNIT_TEST"), false, true, instanceId, false, parameterProviders, outputHandler, null, urlFactory, messages );

An error occurred at line: 1,514 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
Messages cannot be resolved
1511: 		parameterProviders.put( HttpSessionParameterProvider.SCOPE_SESSION, sessionParameters );
1512: 		SimpleUrlFactory urlFactory = new SimpleUrlFactory( "" );
1514: 		context = solutionEngine.execute( solutionName, actionPath, actionName, Messages.getString("BaseTest.DEBUG_JUNIT_TEST"), false, true, instanceId, false, parameterProviders, outputHandler, null, urlFactory, messages );
1516: 		if( context != null && context.getStatus() == IRuntimeContext.RUNTIME_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
1517: 			return context;

An error occurred at line: 1,516 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IRuntimeContext.RUNTIME_STATUS_SUCCESS cannot be resolved to a type
1514: 		context = solutionEngine.execute( solutionName, actionPath, actionName, Messages.getString("BaseTest.DEBUG_JUNIT_TEST"), false, true, instanceId, false, parameterProviders, outputHandler, null, urlFactory, messages );
1516: 		if( context != null && context.getStatus() == IRuntimeContext.RUNTIME_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
1517: 			return context;
1518: 		} else {
1519: 			return null;

An error occurred at line: 81 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
LocaleHelper cannot be resolved
78: 	 * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.
79: 	 */
81: 	 response.setCharacterEncoding(LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding());
82: 	 PentahoSystem.systemEntryPoint();
84: 	 try {

An error occurred at line: 82 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PentahoSystem cannot be resolved
79: 	 */
81: 	 response.setCharacterEncoding(LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding());
82: 	 PentahoSystem.systemEntryPoint();
84: 	 try {
85: 	 	IPentahoSession userSession = PentahoHttpSessionHelper.getPentahoSession( request );

An error occurred at line: 85 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
IPentahoSession cannot be resolved to a type
82: 	 PentahoSystem.systemEntryPoint();
84: 	 try {
85: 	 	IPentahoSession userSession = PentahoHttpSessionHelper.getPentahoSession( request );
87: 	 	String pivotId = null;
88: 	 	if (request.getParameter("pivotId") != null) {

An error occurred at line: 85 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PentahoHttpSessionHelper cannot be resolved
82: 	 PentahoSystem.systemEntryPoint();
84: 	 try {
85: 	 	IPentahoSession userSession = PentahoHttpSessionHelper.getPentahoSession( request );
87: 	 	String pivotId = null;
88: 	 	if (request.getParameter("pivotId") != null) {

An error occurred at line: 91 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
UUIDUtil cannot be resolved
88: 	 	if (request.getParameter("pivotId") != null) {
89: 	 		pivotId = request.getParameter("pivotId");
90: 	 	} else {
91: 	 		pivotId = UUIDUtil.getUUIDAsString();
92: 	 		if( pivotId == null ) {
93: 		 		// TODO need to log an error here
94: 		 		return;

An error occurred at line: 109 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.TITLE cannot be resolved to a type
106: 	 	String queryId = "query"+pivotId;
107: 	 	String mdxEditId = "mdxedit" + pivotId;
108: 	 	String tableId = "table" + pivotId;
109: 	 	String titleId = PivotViewComponent.TITLE+pivotId;
110: 	 	String optionsId = "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.OPTIONS+"-"+pivotId;
111: 	 	String chartId = "chart" + pivotId;
112: 	 	String naviId = "navi" + pivotId;

An error occurred at line: 110 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.OPTIONS cannot be resolved to a type
107: 	 	String mdxEditId = "mdxedit" + pivotId;
108: 	 	String tableId = "table" + pivotId;
109: 	 	String titleId = PivotViewComponent.TITLE+pivotId;
110: 	 	String optionsId = "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.OPTIONS+"-"+pivotId;
111: 	 	String chartId = "chart" + pivotId;
112: 	 	String naviId = "navi" + pivotId;
113: 	 	String sortFormId = "sortform" + pivotId;

An error occurred at line: 146 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.TITLE cannot be resolved to a type
143: 	 	String catalogUri = null;
144: 	 	String query = null;
145: 	 	String role  = null;
146: 	 	String pivotTitle = (String) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.TITLE+"-"+pivotId );
147: 	 	String actionTitle = (String) session.getAttribute( "action-"+PivotViewComponent.TITLE+"-"+pivotId );
148: 	 	ArrayList options = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute( optionsId );
149: 	 	boolean chartChange = false;

An error occurred at line: 147 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.TITLE cannot be resolved to a type
144: 	 	String query = null;
145: 	 	String role  = null;
146: 	 	String pivotTitle = (String) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.TITLE+"-"+pivotId );
147: 	 	String actionTitle = (String) session.getAttribute( "action-"+PivotViewComponent.TITLE+"-"+pivotId );
148: 	 	ArrayList options = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute( optionsId );
149: 	 	boolean chartChange = false;
150: 	 	boolean showGrid = true;

An error occurred at line: 155 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID cannot be resolved to a type
152: 		if( session.getAttribute( "save-message-"+pivotId) != null ) {
153: 			saveMessage = ((String) session.getAttribute("save-message-"+pivotId));
154: 		}
155: 		if( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
156: 			showGrid = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute("pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId)).booleanValue();
157: 		}
158: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 156 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID cannot be resolved to a type
153: 			saveMessage = ((String) session.getAttribute("save-message-"+pivotId));
154: 		}
155: 		if( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
156: 			showGrid = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute("pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId)).booleanValue();
157: 		}
158: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
159: 			catalogUri = (String)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId );

An error occurred at line: 158 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.MODEL cannot be resolved to a type
155: 		if( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
156: 			showGrid = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute("pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId)).booleanValue();
157: 		}
158: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
159: 			catalogUri = (String)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId );
160: 		}
161: 		int chartType = 1;

An error occurred at line: 159 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.MODEL cannot be resolved to a type
156: 			showGrid = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute("pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.SHOWGRID+"-"+pivotId)).booleanValue();
157: 		}
158: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
159: 			catalogUri = (String)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId );
160: 		}
161: 		int chartType = 1;
162: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 162 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE cannot be resolved to a type
159: 			catalogUri = (String)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.MODEL+"-"+pivotId );
160: 		}
161: 		int chartType = 1;
162: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
163: 			chartType = ((Integer) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
164: 		}
165: 		String chartLocation = "bottom";

An error occurred at line: 163 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE cannot be resolved to a type
160: 		}
161: 		int chartType = 1;
162: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
163: 			chartType = ((Integer) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTYPE+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
164: 		}
165: 		String chartLocation = "bottom";
166: 		/*

An error occurred at line: 172 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH cannot be resolved to a type
169: 		}
170: 		*/
171: 		int chartWidth = 500;
172: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
173: 			chartWidth = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
174: 		}
175: 		int chartHeight = 300;

An error occurred at line: 173 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH cannot be resolved to a type
170: 		*/
171: 		int chartWidth = 500;
172: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
173: 			chartWidth = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
174: 		}
175: 		int chartHeight = 300;
176: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 176 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT cannot be resolved to a type
173: 			chartWidth = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTWIDTH+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
174: 		}
175: 		int chartHeight = 300;
176: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
177: 			chartHeight = ((Integer) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
178: 		}
179: 		boolean chartDrillThroughEnabled = false;

An error occurred at line: 177 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT cannot be resolved to a type
174: 		}
175: 		int chartHeight = 300;
176: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
177: 			chartHeight = ((Integer) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHEIGHT+"-"+pivotId )).intValue();
178: 		}
179: 		boolean chartDrillThroughEnabled = false;
180: 		/*

An error occurred at line: 186 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE cannot be resolved to a type
183: 		}
184: 		*/
185: 		String chartTitle = "";
186: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
187: 			chartTitle = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE+"-"+pivotId).toString() ;
188: 		}
189: 		String chartTitleFontFamily = "";

An error occurred at line: 187 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE cannot be resolved to a type
184: 		*/
185: 		String chartTitle = "";
186: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
187: 			chartTitle = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE+"-"+pivotId).toString() ;
188: 		}
189: 		String chartTitleFontFamily = "";
190: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 190 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
187: 			chartTitle = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLE+"-"+pivotId).toString() ;
188: 		}
189: 		String chartTitleFontFamily = "";
190: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
191: 			chartTitleFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
192: 		}
193: 		int chartTitleFontStyle = -1;

An error occurred at line: 191 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
188: 		}
189: 		String chartTitleFontFamily = "";
190: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
191: 			chartTitleFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
192: 		}
193: 		int chartTitleFontStyle = -1;
194: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 194 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE cannot be resolved to a type
191: 			chartTitleFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
192: 		}
193: 		int chartTitleFontStyle = -1;
194: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
195: 			chartTitleFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
196: 		}
197: 		int chartTitleFontSize = -1;

An error occurred at line: 195 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE cannot be resolved to a type
192: 		}
193: 		int chartTitleFontStyle = -1;
194: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
195: 			chartTitleFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
196: 		}
197: 		int chartTitleFontSize = -1;
198: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 198 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE cannot be resolved to a type
195: 			chartTitleFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
196: 		}
197: 		int chartTitleFontSize = -1;
198: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
199: 			chartTitleFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
200: 		}
201: 		String chartHorizAxisLabel = "";

An error occurred at line: 199 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE cannot be resolved to a type
196: 		}
197: 		int chartTitleFontSize = -1;
198: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
199: 			chartTitleFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
200: 		}
201: 		String chartHorizAxisLabel = "";
202: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 202 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL cannot be resolved to a type
199: 			chartTitleFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTTITLEFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
200: 		}
201: 		String chartHorizAxisLabel = "";
202: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
203: 			chartHorizAxisLabel = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId).toString();
204: 		}
205: 		String chartVertAxisLabel = "";

An error occurred at line: 203 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL cannot be resolved to a type
200: 		}
201: 		String chartHorizAxisLabel = "";
202: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
203: 			chartHorizAxisLabel = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId).toString();
204: 		}
205: 		String chartVertAxisLabel = "";
206: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 206 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL cannot be resolved to a type
203: 			chartHorizAxisLabel = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTHORIZAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId).toString();
204: 		}
205: 		String chartVertAxisLabel = "";
206: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
207: 			chartVertAxisLabel = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId).toString();
208: 		}
209: 		String chartAxisLabelFontFamily = "";

An error occurred at line: 207 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL cannot be resolved to a type
204: 		}
205: 		String chartVertAxisLabel = "";
206: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
207: 			chartVertAxisLabel = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId).toString();
208: 		}
209: 		String chartAxisLabelFontFamily = "";
210: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 210 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
207: 			chartVertAxisLabel = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTVERTAXISLABEL+"-"+pivotId).toString();
208: 		}
209: 		String chartAxisLabelFontFamily = "";
210: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
211: 			chartAxisLabelFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
212: 		}
213: 		int chartAxisLabelFontStyle = -1;

An error occurred at line: 211 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
208: 		}
209: 		String chartAxisLabelFontFamily = "";
210: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
211: 			chartAxisLabelFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
212: 		}
213: 		int chartAxisLabelFontStyle = -1;
214: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 214 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE cannot be resolved to a type
211: 			chartAxisLabelFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
212: 		}
213: 		int chartAxisLabelFontStyle = -1;
214: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
215: 			chartAxisLabelFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
216: 		}
217: 		int chartAxisLabelFontSize = -1;

An error occurred at line: 215 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE cannot be resolved to a type
212: 		}
213: 		int chartAxisLabelFontStyle = -1;
214: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
215: 			chartAxisLabelFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
216: 		}
217: 		int chartAxisLabelFontSize = -1;
218: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 218 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE cannot be resolved to a type
215: 			chartAxisLabelFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
216: 		}
217: 		int chartAxisLabelFontSize = -1;
218: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
219: 			chartAxisLabelFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
220: 		}
221: 		String chartAxisTickFontFamily = "";

An error occurred at line: 219 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE cannot be resolved to a type
216: 		}
217: 		int chartAxisLabelFontSize = -1;
218: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
219: 			chartAxisLabelFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
220: 		}
221: 		String chartAxisTickFontFamily = "";
222: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 222 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
219: 			chartAxisLabelFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISLABELFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
220: 		}
221: 		String chartAxisTickFontFamily = "";
222: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
223: 			chartAxisTickFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
224: 		}
225: 		int chartAxisTickFontStyle = -1;

An error occurred at line: 223 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
220: 		}
221: 		String chartAxisTickFontFamily = "";
222: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
223: 			chartAxisTickFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
224: 		}
225: 		int chartAxisTickFontStyle = -1;
226: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 226 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE cannot be resolved to a type
223: 			chartAxisTickFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
224: 		}
225: 		int chartAxisTickFontStyle = -1;
226: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
227: 			chartAxisTickFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
228: 		}
229: 		int chartAxisTickFontSize = -1;

An error occurred at line: 227 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE cannot be resolved to a type
224: 		}
225: 		int chartAxisTickFontStyle = -1;
226: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
227: 			chartAxisTickFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
228: 		}
229: 		int chartAxisTickFontSize = -1;
230: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 230 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE cannot be resolved to a type
227: 			chartAxisTickFontStyle = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
228: 		}
229: 		int chartAxisTickFontSize = -1;
230: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
231: 			chartAxisTickFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
232: 		}
233: 		int chartAxisTickLabelRotation = -1;

An error occurred at line: 231 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE cannot be resolved to a type
228: 		}
229: 		int chartAxisTickFontSize = -1;
230: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
231: 			chartAxisTickFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
232: 		}
233: 		int chartAxisTickLabelRotation = -1;
234: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 234 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION cannot be resolved to a type
231: 			chartAxisTickFontSize = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKFONTSIZE+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
232: 		}
233: 		int chartAxisTickLabelRotation = -1;
234: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
235: 			chartAxisTickLabelRotation = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
236: 		}
237: 		boolean chartShowLegend = false;

An error occurred at line: 235 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION cannot be resolved to a type
232: 		}
233: 		int chartAxisTickLabelRotation = -1;
234: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
235: 			chartAxisTickLabelRotation = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
236: 		}
237: 		boolean chartShowLegend = false;
238: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 238 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND cannot be resolved to a type
235: 			chartAxisTickLabelRotation = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTAXISTICKLABELROTATION+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
236: 		}
237: 		boolean chartShowLegend = false;
238: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
239: 			chartShowLegend = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND+"-"+pivotId )).booleanValue();
240: 		}
241: 		int chartLegendLocation = -1;

An error occurred at line: 239 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND cannot be resolved to a type
236: 		}
237: 		boolean chartShowLegend = false;
238: 		if ( session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND+"-"+pivotId ) != null ) {
239: 			chartShowLegend = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND+"-"+pivotId )).booleanValue();
240: 		}
241: 		int chartLegendLocation = -1;
242: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 242 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION cannot be resolved to a type
239: 			chartShowLegend = ((Boolean) session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTSHOWLEGEND+"-"+pivotId )).booleanValue();
240: 		}
241: 		int chartLegendLocation = -1;
242: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
243: 			chartLegendLocation = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
244: 		}
245: 		String chartLegendFontFamily = "";

An error occurred at line: 243 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION cannot be resolved to a type
240: 		}
241: 		int chartLegendLocation = -1;
242: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
243: 			chartLegendLocation = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
244: 		}
245: 		String chartLegendFontFamily = "";
246: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

An error occurred at line: 246 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
243: 			chartLegendLocation = ((Integer)session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDLOCATION+"-"+pivotId)).intValue();
244: 		}
245: 		String chartLegendFontFamily = "";
246: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
247: 			chartLegendFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
248: 		}
249: 		int chartLegendFontStyle = -1;

An error occurred at line: 247 in the jsp file: /stpivot/STPivot.jsp
PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY cannot be resolved to a type
244: 		}
245: 		String chartLegendFontFamily = "";
246: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {
247: 			chartLegendFontFamily = session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTFAMILY+"-"+pivotId).toString();
248: 		}
249: 		int chartLegendFontStyle = -1;
250: 		if (session.getAttribute( "pivot-"+PivotViewComponent.CHARTLEGENDFONTSTYLE+"-"+pivotId) != null ) {

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