On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 8:33:44 PM UTC+1, stan ionut wrote:
I really like this awesome script/software, but haven't see any new updates on it. What happened? Is it really abandoned?
Thanks for the feedback ! Glad you like storytlr. I would not stay storytlr is abandoned, I keep an eye on the mailing list and do my best to support users. But indeed, not much has moved in terms of development. We've all moved on in our lives, with other priorities and not enough time to give storytlr much attention.
But if someone steps forward and send me some pull requests, I will hapilly merge them and package a new release.
It also seems like Twitter importing isn't working anymore. Is there someone that could please help me?!
Twitter did break their API a month ago and made some radical changes indeed. I hadn't time yet to dive into this, and unfortunately I think it won't be an easy fix, so I won't be able to work on it anytime soon.