However the sources (authors) of such relationship are not specified in the manual. I have been looking for the clogging factor relationship in literature, but I cannot find it. Could anyone please let me know the source of that relatioship? My dubts are:
1. If I use the CMS system unit in SWMM, which unit I have to use for parameters in the formula (Pa mm/year or inches/year? Do I need to convert my data?) to calculate the factor?
2. Size (area) of PPS are different in every subcatchment of my watershed.. so... How can I calculate only one value for CR and ISF parameters ? Do I use a mean value?
3. For pavements I found several papers to have an estimate of Yclog (Deletic et al., 2007 reports 17-20 years to fully clog).
But, for a green roof, I cannot find anything related. How many year have I to use for Yclog for a green roof ??
Sorry for my english. Thanks for your consideration and help. I hope someone reply me a.s.a.p., cause are several days I tried to retrieve information on web, but I didn't find it.
Best regards,
Antonello Mancuso