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SWMM-USERS Digest - 13 Apr 2012 to 14 Apr 2012 (#2012-38)

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Apr 15, 2012, 12:00:24 AM4/15/12
There are 3 messages totaling 185 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

1. Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM (3)

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Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 15:05:18 +0200
From: "Aucamp, Louis" <Auc...@PBWORLD.COM>
Subject: Re: Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM

Hi Jessica,
Another way to explore is via the use of a GIS, specifically MapWindows which is an opensource program. There is a plugin called inp.PINS <> which can be utilised. The description of inp.PINS is as follows:
Use this tool to generate SWMM input file (.inp) based on GIS files (shape and DEM grid files) and also, after SWMM modeling, to built flood plain shape files by combining the result SWMM file (.rpt) with a DEM grid.

The URL is
Hope this is of help to all SWmm users.

Louis Aucamp
Senior Consultant
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Global Mining Division
South Africa

From: SWMM-USERS on behalf of Jay Heiman
Sent: Fri 2012/04/13 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [SWMM-USERS] Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM


I would suggest creating a quick dummy model, draw 1 or 2 subcatchments,
save, exit and examine the input file for the model. There will be a
section called POLYGONS where the coordinates of the subcatchments you
drew will be shown. Assuming you can easily export coordinates for your
shapes you should be able to reformat the data to meet the swmm input
file requirements. You can add the information for the other data
sections as well if you desire.

Jay Heiman, PE, CFM
Civil Engineering Solutions, Inc.
590 E Street
Lincoln, CA 95648
916-645-5700 Voice
916-645-5706 Fax
916-599-6268 Cell

-----Original Message-----
Jessica Seersma
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 09:03
Subject: [SWMM-USERS] Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM


Is there a way to automatically import subcatch areas into SWMM? I have
a large number of vector based shapefiles that I would like to utilize
as subcatch areas. If importing the shapefiles directly doesn't work,
is there a way to automatically just import a text list of areas with
the corresponding subcatch parameters into subcatch areas.


Jessica Seersma, E.I.T., M.ASCE
Graduate Student
CEAE Department
University of Colorado at Boulder
428 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0428

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Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 16:22:44 -0600
From: Jessica Seersma <Jessica...@COLORADO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM

Thanks all, for the suggestions. They were all helpful. Is there a limit to the number of shapefiles SWMM can support? I have over 100,000 small subcatchment areas. I was thinking of just taking a representative random sample based on the areas.

Jessica Seersma, E.I.T., M.ASCE
Graduate Student
CEAE Department
University of Colorado at Boulder
428 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0428

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Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 16:27:09 -0600
From: Robert Dickinson <Robert.E....@INNOVYZE.COM>
Subject: Re: Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM

Hi Jessica,

There is no limitation on the number of subcatchments in SWMM 5 or a limit on the number of polygon vertex points that make up the boundary of the subcatchments in the SWMM 5 text input file. I hope this answers your question.

Robert Dickinson
Innovyze Inc.
9340 Pontiac Drive                Tel:     813-712-0664
Tampa, Florida USA 33626

-----Original Message-----
From: SWMM-USERS [mailto:SWMM-...@LISTSERV.UOGUELPH.CA] On Behalf Of Jessica Seersma
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [SWMM-USERS] Importing shapefile subcatch areas into SWMM

Thanks all, for the suggestions. They were all helpful. Is there a limit to the number of shapefiles SWMM can support? I have over 100,000 small subcatchment areas. I was thinking of just taking a representative random sample based on the areas.

Jessica Seersma, E.I.T., M.ASCE
Graduate Student
CEAE Department
University of Colorado at Boulder
428 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0428

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