Storm 0.6.1 released

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Dec 26, 2011, 2:09:36 PM12/26/11
to storm-user
Storm 0.6.1 has been released. You can download it here:

It's also available from Maven with the version "0.6.1".

There's been a few additions to the release since 0.6.1-rc:

1. Nimbus will automatically detect and cleanup corrupt topologies
(this would previously give an error of the form "file storm...ser
cannot be found"). So now even if you delete all of Nimbus's local
data without shutting down the topologies, it will recover.

2. "storm" client will not run unless it's being used from a release.
This is to prevent confusion from people who tried downloading the
source code and running the client from there. If the client detects
that it's not in a release, it will print a helpful message pointing
to the downloads page.

Here are the full release notes:

1. storm client "activate" and "deactivate" commands: These each take
the name of the topology and will activate and deactivate the
topology, respectively. When a topology is deactivated Storm will
calling the nextTuple method of spouts.

2. storm client "rebalance" command: When you expand a cluster you
oftentimes want to spread the load of an existing topology across the
whole cluster without having to resubmit it from scratch. The
rebalance command lets you do this in a safe way. You use it like
this: "storm rebalance mytopology". Storm will then deactivate the
topology for the message timeout, and then it will reassign the
workers and activate the topology. You can override the message
timeout with the "-w" flag, just like the kill command.

3. Nimbus will automatically detect and cleanup corrupt topologies
(this would previously give an error of the form "file storm...ser
cannot be found"). So now even if you delete all of Nimbus's local
data without shutting down the topologies, it will recover.

4. "storm" client will not run unless it's being used from a release.
This is to prevent confusion from people who tried downloading the
source code and running the client from there. If the client detects
that it's not in a release, it will print a helpful message pointing
to the downloads page.

5. Topology jar path now passed in using a java property rather than
an environment variable. This should help with running topologies
Windows as well as with building tooling around Storm.

6. LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is now set on worker

7. Replaced jvyaml with snakeyaml. UTF-8 YAML files should now work

8. Upgraded httpclient, httpcore, and commons-codec dependencies.
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