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Aug 19, 2015, 7:02:52 PM8/19/15
to storiesonline
looking or a story something like Giants in the Sandbox’ by Zoras  lots of people die suddenly and Muslims invade through Louisiana

Deadly Ernest

Aug 19, 2015, 7:07:48 PM8/19/15
to storiesonline
It's most likely not what you want, but Lazlo's Hunter may keep you from withdrawal symptoms while you wait for the right one to be listed.



Aug 19, 2015, 7:18:19 PM8/19/15
to storiesonline
thanks that's a good story also


Aug 19, 2015, 8:23:53 PM8/19/15
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It may not be exactly what you're looking for but Tom Kratman has two free books listed at the Baen Free Library https://www.baenebooks.com/c-1-free-library.aspx
They are available in a half dozen popular download formats including Palm, Kindle, Epub, Rocket, MS Reader, SOny Reader, as well as and RTF and HTML
"Caliphate" is set in Europe after the Muslims out-populate all the other ethnic groups and establish a traditional Moslem society, under Sharia Law. The US is the only major non-muslim society and IIRC has greated a "Fortress America" which includes all the Americas (Canada, Mexico, S. America). 
"A Desert Called Peace" is a far future universe where the Earth is a "progressive" dictatorship. The story is set in a colony world where there are analogs for most current societies and ethic groups. Terrorists set off a 9-11 type attack and a retired US anaglog Military officer's wife and kisd are killed. He sets out to get revenge, by establishing a mercanary army out to conquer the entire Muslim controlled part of his world and throw down their societies.


Aug 19, 2015, 11:25:20 PM8/19/15
to storiesonline
the one im looking for starts like giants with the whole virus release and mass death guy is saved cause a nurse gave him an iv of some herbal remedy he saves a few people they decide to head to the plain state where there were a lot of farms and stuff along they way they hit a military base to sock up on weapons before leaving after leaving they find more survivors so its back to the base for more supplies every time they start out they meet more survivors so they decide to make the base their home and go from there forget how they found out about the invasion but they catch some Muslims crossing the border that they set up so the Americans attack the Muslims than back track them to Louisiana they catch more coming and they stop them and start catching them before they can get to their base they start to become a non issue since they are caught and separated than interrogated to root out the ones in charge.

That's all I can remember sorry folks 

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 7:02:52 PM UTC-4, gamecrazy wrote:


Aug 20, 2015, 8:23:11 AM8/20/15
to storiesonline
Oh, You're looking for Post Apocalyptic stories. Threre are a ton of those, enough that it's a category in "category search". There are 226 returns with that tag.
I thought you were keying on Muslim invasions, which is a less populous and not as popular a trope.
The top rated PA story on SOL is "Aftermath" by Al Steiner, although that ones a comet crash (Score: 9.35).
The second highest rated one is "Getting By" by Shakes Pere2b. That one has a bio-weapon depopulating the earth (Score: 9.10). It also has a highly rated sequel.
"Future Distorted" by Celtic Bard seems to match your wish list almost point for point (Score: 7.82).
There are a couple of the writers who post here (a lot) that write PA. I'm sure they'll be along to put in a plug their own works, I'm not as pamilair with their bibliography as they are so I won't mention stories any by them.
Oh Yeah. Puportedly the best PA/plague book in dead tree, available in most any public library is probably  "The Stand" by Steven King.
My taste runs more to S. M. Stirling's 'Novels of the Change'.


Aug 20, 2015, 11:13:32 AM8/20/15
to storiesonline
I think your looking for Bio-Terrorism Aftermath by FanstasyLover

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 11:25:20 PM UTC-4, gamecrazy wrote:
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