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I'm working on a story set in the Shadowrun universe, now for people who most likely aren't familiar with the universe, it's cyberpunk meets fantasy. Virtual realities are real, but so are magic, trolls, elves and dragons.
The universe already have an extensive collection of slang, and I intend to use it, no problem in that. However, how should I go about giving the true meaning to people who are not familiar with the universe?
There being hundreds of small meanings and phrasing. For example a Mechanic is not someone who repairs vehicles, which would be a Motorhead, but instead someone who kills runners who's been on a mission, and makes sure there is no trace of that mission.
I had always assumed that smeg as used in Red Dwarf was an abreviation of smegma. A writer's joke using an invented 'dirty' word which is derived from a real word that many people would consider 'dirty'.