Aberdeen SCND Pub Quiz 8th of June

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David Watt

May 28, 2010, 9:31:19 AM5/28/10
to stopthewa...@googlegroups.com

I contacted Emily and she suggested I put this on the googlegroups listing as she's away in early June so here it is:
Aberdeen SCND is holding another one of its popular pub quizzes on Tuesday 8th of June and we wondered if
Stop The War would like to put in a team (or teams). It's £5 per team or £1.50 for each individual (see flyer)
and there's usually a raffle. Councillor Barney Crockett (who we're pleased to note voted against
Mr Wood's concrete jungle) is doing the quizmaster again this year.

Can you let me know if you are putting in a team or anyone in your group is interested.

Dave Watt

Dave Watt
 home 01224 573872
mobile 07790 102884


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