Re: Hello,

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Jean-Baptiste Combes

May 27, 2011, 9:22:53 AM5/27/11
to Stop the War Aberdeen
Actually that is what I have received:

Reaffiliation Fee
To clarify to all societies that the Re-Affiliation Fee is due along with paperwork for Re-Affiliating your society.  The Fee is set at £20.00 per society.  Please submit this in the form of a society cheque  - made payable to Students Association.  For those societies that have already handed in their affiliation paperwork, please just submit your cheque on it’s own.  Please submit all paperwork to the Societies Office before 31st May 2011

Any society that fails to submit their paperwork and their affiliation fee by 31st May 2011 will no longer exist and will have to re-apply to set up from scratch.

If you have any queries on the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

On 27 May 2011 14:19, Jean-Baptiste Combes <> wrote:
Dear all,

I do not know who is on this list but the studend association secretary of this society, I have received email about re-affiliating the society, it seems that we need to pay 50 quids, before Monday, and send some paper work to AUSA.

Anyone knowing more about this?

Jean-Baptiste Combes

Jean-Baptiste Combes

Handover Pack.doc

Jean-Baptiste Combes

May 27, 2011, 9:19:16 AM5/27/11
to Stop the War Aberdeen
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