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Stop the Israeli Science Exhibition in the Scottish Parliament! E-petition

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Vincent, Arthur Pierre

Mar 28, 2010, 5:13:34 PM3/28/10
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to cancel the Israels Contribution to Medicine, Science and Technology exhibition scheduled to run in the Scottish Parliament from 27-29 April 2010.

Sign the e-Petition on the Scottish Parliament website calling for the cancellation of the exhibition:


From the Facebook group:

"We request the cancellation of the exhibition scheduled to run in the Scottish Parliament on April 27-29, 2010 to promote “Israel’s Contribution to Medicine, Science and Technology”. This is nothing more than a shameless PR exercise to promote Israel in a positive light while the Report by the UN’s Judge Goldstone calls for Israel to be taken to the ICC, the International Criminal Court for its war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel bombs Palestinian hospitals, shoots at ambulances, denies medical treatment to seriously ill Palestinians, and detains women in labour at checkpoints, forcing them to deliver there.

To celebrate Israeli technology at this time is to collude in the routine testing of new weapons on the imprisoned Palestinian people, the dropping of white phosphorous on built-up areas of Gaza, the denial of spare parts to water purification plants designed to cause illness and suffering, and the technological edge that enables Israel to kill over 1,400 people in Gaza at little risk to the killers.

Hosting this exhibition in the Scottish parliament potentially implicates all of us in a whitewashing of Israeli crimes. Cancellation will send a clear message that Scots - and people worldwide - oppose the heinous crimes of Israel so meticulously flagged up by Judge Goldstone."

Sign the petition:

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