[StopTheWar] Tomorrow Meeting & AGM

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Lambert, Emily

Apr 26, 2010, 2:56:21 AM4/26/10
to StoptheWa...@googlegroups.com


6PM NK14

Student STW Society - we need a new president, treasurer and secretary for the next year if the society is to continue! If you’re interested to get more involved in the organisation of the group and fancy the idea of taking on a specific role, or just want to find out more, come along to the meeting! Even if you don’t fancy the idea of being on the committee, you’re input into how the society works/plans for the next year etc. is as important as anyone else’s.

Aberdeen STW – all has been pretty quiet recently and it would be great if at the same time as the AGM, we can get the whole group going again with some fresh ideas and plan of action!

See you Tomorrow,

Em :-)

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Lambert, Emily

Apr 26, 2010, 4:33:12 AM4/26/10
to StoptheWa...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Press Release - Nuclear Weapons and Defence Policy Election Hustings

Defence policy has moved centre stage in the Election Campaign with debate on the future of Trident nuclear missle system, membership of NATO, the military engagement in Afghanistan, policy towards Iran and defence procurement priorities.
Aberdeen CND are pleased to announce an election hustings open to the public on the question of Nuclear Weapons and Defence Policy

Date and Time:     Friday 30th April, 7.30pm,
Venue:                 Quaker Meeting House, 98 Crown St.
the Panel:
  • Conservative - Stewart Whyte
  • Green            - Ronda Reekie
  • Labour           - Frank Doran
  • LibDem          - Kristian Chapman
  • SNP                - Mark Macdonald
  • SSP                 - Ewan Robertson
Members of the audience will be able to pose questions and hear the candidate’s view.
Please leave a message with the secretary of Aberdeen CND on 0787-904-6779 for more information, together with your number and they will get back to you. 
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