Dear all,
This is a message from Ruth, a friend of mine from Edinburgh:
Some of you may know that I spent six weeks last summer volunteering in Palestine. I've recently recieved news that the farm which I worked on has been issued with demolision orders from the Israeli authorities - they have 4 days to try to take their case to
the Israeli Supreme Court before the soldiers return the demolish their buildings.
This farm is not only a family's home but the base for an inspiring peace project focused on encouraging intercultural cooperation. It will be a huge loss and outrageous injustice to the family, to any sort of peace process and to keeping hope alive for Palestinians
if this demolition goes ahead.
If you have a moment, please spend a couple of minutes to sign the petition and more importantly to send an email to one or all of the adresses at the bottom of this email. I have included a sample letter so use that if you like/personalise it if you can.
I wrote a blog post here which gives more info on the family and what is happening to them:
Also please do pass on this email to any of your contacts. It is important to spread the word of the realities of what is happening to the Palestinians. It could also make huge difference in this particular case if the people in charge receive masses of emails
from all over the world to show that the international community care about what they are doing.
Thanks very much and do get back in touch if you want to know more,
Please Email:
British Israeli Ambassador -
(find yours for other countries here:
Office of Tony Blair -
Dear XXX,
I am writing to express my deepest concern about the demolition orders
issued by the Israeli Civil Administration for nine structures on the
land owned by the Nassar family near Nahalin (West Bank) on May 27th,
I understand that the Israeli Military Authority has now informed the Nassar family’s lawyer after a request for an appeal that the proposed demolition is to go ahead, with five days’ ‘grace’ being given.
The Nassar family has repeatedly proven its ownership of the land, which it bought in 1916. Aside from regular farming activities, the land is used to facilitate encounters between people of different nations and build bridges of understanding.
For these reasons I think it is an outrage not only to the basic human rights of this family but to the process of human tolerance and understanding that the Israeli Civil Administration has ordered the demolition of these structures.
I fear the demolition orders are part of a larger on-going campaign to drive the family from the land, which would then become available for settlement activities, in violation of international law.
I strongly urge you to use this intervening period to look into this case, and to use your position to ensure that the family and their land are left untouched to continue to work on their valuable projects and that the appropriate
authorities are aware of the immense international support for this family and their venture, and the damaging consequences to the perception of Israel that will result among their many supporters, should the demolition go ahead.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.
Best regards,
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