The Balkanization of America J.R. Nyquist: 02.13.02

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Sep 2, 2008, 9:16:59 AM9/2/08
The Balkanization of America
J.R. Nyquist: 02.13.02

I recently expressed doubt about the wisdom of attempting to absorb
ever-increasing numbers of non-European immigrants into the United
States. A young female of political correct sensibilities was
scandalized by my assertion. She thought my views resembled those of
Adolf Hitler. How could anyone be so racist, so xenophobic, as to
block the migration of non-whites into the United States?

I explained to her that we shouldn't Balkanize the country. She then
asked if the threat of Balkanization should "really be an issue"?
After all, isn't racism a greater issue?

In reality the two issues are closely related. This may shock you, but
most of us are "light" racists - not to be confused with "heavy"
racists. Now before you jump down my throat for saying this, let me
explain what I mean. Look at how neighborhoods in America are divided
up. Generally speaking, the whites live here, the blacks live there,
etc. Quite naturally there are brilliant exceptions to the rule within
a free country. And that is a good thing, to be sure. I'm glad for the
encouragement we've received to embrace people of different
backgrounds. But let us speak honestly for a moment. People generally
prefer to associate with their own kind. They unite and divide on the
basis of similarity and dissimilarity. They also fight ethnic and
religious wars on this same basis; hence, Balkanization.

My position on Balkanization, far from being racist, is merely
realistic. I see racial tension and racial animosity throughout the
world. All the utopian chatter of so many liberal decades cannot mask
the fact that racial feelings are very real, even if temporarily
displaced by shopping sprees, TV propaganda and political do-good-ism.
I'm all in favor of racial harmony; but the legion of the enlightened,
as ever, is destined to be the legion of the few. Therefore, nobody
with common sense should advocate mixing up the country with more and
greater "diversity" under the banner of "multiculturalism."

For those who do not know what Balkanization signifies, Webster's
defines the term in the following way: "To cause (as a region) to
separate into hostile units; - referring to the inharmonious
conditions prevailing in the Balkan States...."

Do we want our country to break up into hostile ethnic units?

That is what happens when you fill up a country with diverse groups
who have little in common. Consider the case of Yugoslavia. When that
country (a Balkan country) broke up over a decade ago, a three-way
civil war ensued in which thousands were slaughtered. People who once
were neighbors became blood enemies overnight. That is what can happen
to a country in which different ethnicities do not "assimilate" and
assume one ethnic identity.

Poor souls stewed in the baneful juices of political correctness might
ask, "What are we wanting them to assimilate to?"

It may be news to some, but the United States is actually a country
with a distinctive border, language and culture. Its language is
English, the present border has been there for over 150 years and the
culture is European. Perhaps there are people who think this basic
formation should be undermined by an influx of alien elements so that
it can be broken up and demolished. But such a plan is purely
subversive, even treasonous. Anyone who advocates liberal immigration
policies with this end in view is not a patriot but an enemy.

A naïve person might ask, "Does this country have to stay
predominantly European in its heritage?"

The country doesn't have to stay predominantly anything. But if we
systematically import foreigners we will become foreign. The country
we know will be exchanged for some other country - Asian, Latin
American, African or some unworkable combination plate. I do not hate
Asians, Latin Americans or Africans. Don't get me wrong. But if I
wanted to live in Asia I would have immigrated there myself. If I
wanted to live in Mexico, I would have moved to Mexico. But what am I
to do if Mexico moves here? Where must I then go to find my homeland?
The politically correct might react by accusing me of "nativism." Some
might even make suggestive references to Hitler and the Nazis, to
death camps and extermination squads. But none of this constitutes an
argument against genuine love of country, or of one's own folkways. I
must admit to being uncomfortable at the eclipse of George Washington
and the Founding Fathers, to the attacks on European culture at our
major universities. And I am doubly offended when people pretend that
some multicultural idea, attaching to thinly disguised socialism, is
upheld as Americanism.

Last September our country was attacked from within. The attackers
were Arab immigrants. They were members of an alien culture. It has to
be recognized, either today or at some date in the future, that when
we let people into the country we are opening ourselves up to possible
future attacks. As any historian will admit, it's hard enough for
people of similar background to live in peace together. Start mixing
the pot and one day you might have a thoroughly indigestible stew.

Is this a racist position?

Hard core racists may indeed take this position for reasons of their
own. But realists may also take this position. Those who reject
utopian conceptions of universal racial harmony should not be likened
to Nazis. And patriotic Americans should not run away from the truth
because some politically correct bully dares to label them racist or
mix their name up with Hitler's.

It's time to think more carefully before embracing the latest
propaganda slogan about peace and brotherhood.


Sep 2, 2008, 1:44:15 PM9/2/08
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