Analysis: Russia Mobilizes, America Sleeps; J.R. Nyquist and Christopher Ruddy April 8, 1999

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Sep 2, 2008, 11:33:28 AM9/2/08
Analysis: Russia Mobilizes, America Sleeps
J.R. Nyquist and Christopher Ruddy
April 8, 1999

LONDON AND WASHINGTON -- Bill Clinton's use of NATO forces to bomb
Yugoslavia could trigger global war.

Over the weekend, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji hinted that the crisis in
Kosovo could lead to a world war. At the same time, Russia -- a long-
time ally of the Serbs -- has begun a large-scale mobilization of its
military forces.

While NATO countries are engaging in military operations, not one
Western country is mobilizing for a larger war, as is Russia.


NATO's soporific reaction to Russia's mobilization should also be
viewed, not in the context of the Yugoslavia bombing, but in the
broader context of the new China-Russia relationship -- one that has
dramatically altered the balance of power in the world.

In November 1998, Russia and China officially formed a "strategic
partnership." According to the official Chinese news agency, this
partnership is meant to challenge the "perceived global dominance of
the U.S." In plain English, the primary enemy Russia and China plan to
fight is the United States and its allies.

Together, Russia and China have the world's most powerful military,
including over 30,000 nuclear weapons, armies of 6 million men with
hundreds of battle-ready combat divisions, and thousands of tanks.
Their new alliance should have rung warning bells throughout the
world. Instead the Western media, Clinton and other Western leaders
have ignored it, continuing to insist that Russia and China are our


In recent months, Russia and China have jointly demilitarized their
2,500-mile border. Three hundred Russian combat units were withdrawn
from the Chinese frontier. A similar number of Chinese units were

China has also been rapidly building up its ballistic missile forces
opposite Taiwan -- forces that could be used against the U.S. military
in the Far East. An attack against Taiwan could come at any time. Carl
Ford of the Heritage Foundation, testifying before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee on March 25, said that the Chinese People's
Liberation Army (PLA) has changed its military strategy from one of a
slowly-developed assault and blockade against Taiwan, to "more
intense, quick-hitting attacks using ballistic missiles."

For many years, Russian military theory has held that ballistic
missile weapons can be used to accelerate attacks, allowing for rapid
victories over powerful opponents. The Chinese missile buildup
together with its shift in military strategy suggests that China's
generals have fallen under the spell of Russian military theory.

At the same time, the Russian units moved off the Chinese border are
now free to threaten Europe.

As the NATO bombing began, Russia talked of moving heavy bombers and
tactical nuclear weapons into Belarus, the traditional invasion route
from Russia to Europe.

Still, NATO is oblivious to the tremendous shift in the global balance
of power caused by the new Russia-China military alliance.


There are strong indications that the Russia-China alliance also
includes other sworn enemies of the West, including the North Korean
military dictatorship. During the Korean War, tens of thousands of
Chinese troops fought against the US in support of the North Korean
dictatorship, and China continues to be North Korea's principal ally.
It is virtually unthinkable that the North Koreans would launch a new
war against South Korea or the West without Chinese approval and

In the past year, North Korea has become increasingly bellicose,
repeatedly threatening to launch nuclear weapons against US cities if
we interfere with their activities on the Korean peninsula. In just
the last month, Korea has also deployed a new three-stage missile
capable of hitting most US cities.

A major obstacle in any war launched by North Korea is America's ally,
Japan. According to the nationally circulated Japanese newspaper
Sankei, on March 23, North Korea used a naval diversion to cover the
insertion "dozens" of special operations commandos into Japan.
According to unidentified sources, these North Korean infiltrators are
trained in the sabotage of trains, bridges, and communications.

Such a move by the North Koreans could mean that an attack by North
Korea against the South is imminent.


The bulk of front-line American combat troops are now dispersed
abroad. As the Balkans conflict escalates even further with the likely
introduction of NATO ground forces, the West is ill prepared to defend
South Korea, Taiwan, or even America.

The NATO blitz against Yugoslavia is already sapping U.S. military
strength needed in the Middle East to check Saddam Hussein. If war
were to intensify in the Balkans, or if war broke out in Korea, with
our current commitment in Iraq, America doesn't have the resources to

The logic of this is apparent to our enemies, and could well be
exploited to inflict a major defeat on American forces in one or two
hot spots simultaneously.

Still, the main threat to America is Russia, which now has more
nuclear weapons than every other nation on earth combined.

For the past three months has been sounding the alarm
about growing war preparations against the West by a new Russia/China
axis. The very timing of the Russian-Chinese alliance -- when U.S.
forces are at a low -- is extremely ominous.

But the establishment media has ignored this story. Now NATO's attack
against Yugoslavia has provoked bitter condemnation from Russia and
China and the military threat is apparent for all to see.


As we reported in four months ago, before it would be
politically possible for the Russians to launch a war against the
West, the Russian people would first have to be psychologically
prepared for war. Clinton's war on Yugoslavia has provided precisely
the stimulus needed to create massive war hysteria among the Russian

Just last Thursday, hundreds of furious Russian demonstrators marched
through Moscow calling for Russia to go to war against NATO. One
banner said: "It's time to bomb the military bases of the United
States." That banner becomes much more ominous when you realize that
the demonstration was either sponsored by the Russian government or at
least had its tacit approval.

Equally ominous was the singling out of US military bases, the first
strike target in any war against the West, essential for destroying
America's retaliatory nuclear capability.


The sentiment expressed by Russian war protesters isn't just the
opinion of a few extremists. A recent opinion survey found that in the
wake NATO bombing of their traditional allies, the Serbs, an
incredible 64% of all Russians now believe that NATO intends to attack

Russian officials have also issued increasingly ominous pronouncements
against America and the West. Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov spoke of
"new tasks" for Russia's military. Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev
likened the crisis to "a whirlpool which is drawing more countries
into it." Former Russian Premier Gorbachev said, "Clinton has managed
to single-handedly revive the Cold War."


Obsessed with the carnage in Kosovo, NATO appears to be oblivious to
the fact Russia has been engaging in a massive military mobilization.

In the two weeks since NATO launched their offensive against

# The Russian Defense Ministry began an enlarged draft, calling up
168,776 men from the ages of 18 to 27.

# Recruited over 60,000 Russian "volunteers" to fight NATO troops in
Serbia. On 6 April the first Russian volunteers arrived in the Serbian
town of Novi Sad.

# Threatened to move tactical nuclear weapons and heavy bombers
forward into Belarus -- Russia's highway to NATO.

# Dispatched key elements of their Northern fleet, including the
aircraft cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov, and the newly commissioned Peter
the Great, the largest ballistic missile cruiser ever built.

Vice Admiral Popov, commander of the Northern Fleet told Itar-Tass,
the Northern Fleet is "ready to fulfill any order of the supreme
command to defend the interests of Russia."

The Northern Fleet has more ballistic missile submarines than the
entire U.S. Navy.

# On 30 March, Russia sent a battle group of over twenty warships to
sea from its Pacific Fleet. Included in the fleet were ground forces
from Russia's Far Eastern Military District.

# Russia dispatched ships from the Black Sea Fleet -- including a
missile cruiser, two anti-submarine warfare frigates, and support
ships. A Russian reconnaissance ship has already entered the

# Russian TV displayed pictures of ballistic missiles being loaded on
cruisers in the Black Sea.

# Russia announced the successful launch of a ballistic missile during
exercises of its Northern fleet.

Despite these clear war preparations, Russian news agencies continue
to repeat the Big Lie that Russia has no plans to get involved in
military action in Yugoslavian war.

If that's true, why all of the war preparations? How have the
supposedly "economically desperate" Russians been able to mobilize so
many naval ships and combat troops men so quickly?


Russia's growing preparation for war during the Kosovo crisis suggests
a massive pattern of deception, which is being ignored by the clueless
Western media and Clinton. This pattern of deception is just the most
recent and blatant example of how Russia has been talking peace while
preparing for war against the West. How else do you explain this
behavior from a friend and ally of America:

# Russia continues to maintain the world's largest arsenal of nuclear
weapons -- over 30,000 -- the overwhelming majority targeted against
the West.

# During the past two years, Russia has engaged in several mock
nuclear war exercises against the United States. These exercises have
included the use of rockets as well as naval and airborne forces to
wipe America from the map.

# For the past 18 months, Russia has been moving its nuclear weapons
onto naval ships. Naval ships are considered to be less vulnerable to
retaliation in a nuclear war.

# This past December, Russia's Strategic Rocket Forces deployed a
regiment of state-of-the-art Topol-M missiles targeted against the
West. These missiles are now rolling off Russian production lines and
are more sophisticated than anything in America's arsenal.

# In January, Russia put is nuclear forces--strategic rockets, naval
and air--under a unified command -- essential for a coordinated first
strike against the West.

# Russia appears to be hoarding food, fuel, gold, and other
commodities -- an essential preparation for a major war. Despite
claims of poverty and famine, Russia is stockpiling millions of tons
of food and urging its people to buy gold. It is interesting to note
that the Kosovo crisis began just as the last shipments of billions of
dollars of Western food aid reached Russia.

# Russia has built the world's largest network of fallout shelters --
complete underground cities, some as large as Washington, DC.


In order to mobilize their people against the West, and prepare them
for the destruction it will bring, Russian leaders know that they must
create massive hatred of the West.

The first step occurred during the summer of 1998 when Russia
defaulted on their foreign loans resulting in massive bank and
business failures, bread lines throughout the country, and incredible

On the face of it, it made no sense for the Russian government to
default, since just weeks before the default, the IMF had given Moscow
some $5 billion in new foreign aid. (According to the Wall Street
Journal, these funds mysteriously "disappeared into the offshore
accounts of Russia's oligarchy.")

Why would any regime in its right mind subject their own people to
such massive suffering when they had the resources to prevent it?

The likely answer: Russia's leaders knew that "evil Western
capitalists" -- not themselves -- would be blamed. Indeed, as a result
of the 1998 Russian economic meltdown, millions of Russians demanded
that communism be restored and corrupt Jewish tycoons be sent packing.
The Russian economic meltdown, quite possibly engineered by Moscow,
was in effect a bloodless coup that did more than any other single
event to revive hatred of capitalism, anti-Semitism, and again set
Russia on the path of tyranny and confrontation with the West.


With Russia's economy in shambles, Russian leaders should have been
preoccupied with domestic problems. Instead, the primary focus of
Russia's energies and resources has been creating a new Soviet Empire.

Last November, China and Russia announced a new global alliance. Their
intelligence services now share information. Their high commands have
organized cooperative working groups.

The new Russian-Chinese Alliance represents the greatest shift in the
balance of power since World War II, yet the Western press has
virtually ignored it.

Chinese leaders speak more and more openly about war with the West. In
January Chinese President Jiang Zemin told the People's Liberation
Army to get ready for two things: First, nuclear world war; and
second, to suppress uprisings inside China.


In Russia, the government doesn't have to worry about uprisings.
Thanks to Bill Clinton's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, the Russians
have rallied to the Kremlin.

Consider what Clinton has done: For the first time in its history,
NATO has attacked a sovereign state, in direct violation of the NATO
Charter which forbids an offensive war against other countries.

The result of that attack, encouraged by the American leadership, may
well be the collapse of the NATO alliance and the end of American
leadership in Western Europe, particularly in Italy and Greece. At the
very least, Clinton's use of NATO as an offensive tool of war, has
shifted public opinion against the U.S. in Russia, Eastern Europe, and
much of the Third World.

Understandably, since both Russia and Serbia are Slavic nations with
strong historical, religious and cultural ties, there is real anger
among the Russian populace against the NATO bombing. After all, how
would Americans feel if Russia bombed London because of the strife in
Northern Ireland? Or if Russia bombed Canada or Mexico? NATO's bombing
of Yugoslavia proves to the average Russian that NATO is an offensive
military organization whose ultimate aim is the destruction of Russia
-- which is what they have been told by their leaders for generations.


The present Russian anger over the NATO bombing is, as Izvestia called
it, a "royal gift" to the communists and Kremlin insiders -- some of
whom have publicly advocated war with the West. There is growing
pressure on even moderate Russian leaders to take "some action"
against NATO to restore Russia's glory and pride.

Russia's Duma passed a resolution 366-4 that declares that NATO
"aggression" is "a threat to Russia's national security" and called on
the Russian government to begin war mobilization. Russia's foreign
secretary Igor Ivanov said while Russia had no immediate military
plans, it was "holding extreme measures in reserve."

As the Christian Science Monitor reports, Russian nationalists now
repeat a mantra, "What is happening in Serbia today, will happen in
Russia tomorrow."

Itar-Tass reports that leading Russia intellectuals have formed a new
movement called "Against World War III" to combat growing war hysteria
in Russia.


Colonel Stanislav Lunev, the highest-ranking GRU officer ever to
defect from Russia, has stated that the Russian General Staff
considers nuclear war with America to be inevitable.

Lunev writes, "I spent thirty years preparing for war against America.
Not a war against China. Not a war against Europe. A war against

In an interesting footnote, almost immediately after the NATO bombing
campaign began, Russia canceled its cooperation with America on the
Y2K computer virus. This cooperation is vital as the year 2000 rapidly
approaches, and by rejecting U.S. help suggests the Russians have
other plans and have no intention of ever opening up its defense
systems to outside technicians -- unlike the US under Clinton, which
has allowed Russian and Chinese military agents to roam our top-secret
defense labs virtually at will.


As conservative commentator, Lwellen Rockwell, points out, Clinton's
foreign policy can be summarized by a single word: Bombs!

Clinton's popularity dips and he bombs Iraq. Ken Starr issues a report
recommending that Clinton be impeached, and he bombs Sudan and
Afghanistan. The Senate prepares to vote on impeachment charges, and
Clinton again bombs Iraq. Chinagate -- Clinton's cynical selling of US
military secrets in exchange for campaign contributions -- threatens
to break in the popular press, and Clinton bombs Yugoslavia.

As in the movie, "Wag the Dog," whenever Clinton gets in trouble, he
bombs someone to distract attention from his own scandals and crimes.
Clinton's foreign policy reads like a script for a Hollywood B film.

Personal and political scandals have enveloped Bill Clinton's
presidency since his first days in office. Just months after becoming
president, he launched a bloody attack on the Branch Davidians in
Waco, which ended with the immolation of some 80 innocent men, women
and children. He blatantly used the military to "wag the dog" on the
eve of the Senate impeachment vote with a cynical bombing of Iraq.

Those who claim that with impeachment behind him, Clinton has no real
reason to wag the dog by bombing Yugoslavia, are dead wrong. Supreme
egotist that he is, Clinton is consumed with remaining popular and
securing his place in history -- both of which are threatened by
continuing public attention to previous and newly revealed scandals,
like Chinagate. Some of those scandals could even have legally
devastating consequences for Clinton and Hillary personally, after his
presidency ends.

The Lewinsky scandal continues to percolate, and Monica has been on a
high profile book tour. Now a new and very a serious rape allegation
hangs over Clinton's head -- and there could be more such allegations
forthcoming. New revelations come out almost daily about Clinton's
treasonous aid to the Chinese war machine, in exchange for campaign

Despite Clinton's claims to the contrary, no vital U.S. interests are
at stake in Kosovo, and no NATO member have been attacked by Serbia.
In fact, by attacking Yugoslavia, Clinton has created precisely the
outrages he claimed he was acting to prevent:

# Mass murder of Albanian Serbs,

# Shoring up the power of the tyrant Milosevic,

# Destabilizing surrounding countries,

# Expanding the war -- with the introduction of Russian "volunteers"--
beyond Yugoslavia,

# Weakening NATO,

# Killing of innocent men, women and children in Yugoslavia.

Not to mention the flirtation with global war. By wagging the dog with
a very hot war in Europe, Clinton has managed -- for now -- to bury
growing accusations of treason against him. Clinton may go down in
history as the first US President willing to risk -- or cause --
global war to ensure his own popularity.


The Russian people view the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as almost a
direct attack on their nation. American refusals to allow Russia to
broker a peaceful settlement have lead to further Russian war

As the American-lead assault began, the Russian Prime Minister,
Yevgeny Primakov, an old line KGB general, came to Belgrade and hours
later had a peace deal. Waving a scrap of paper in his hand he flew to
Munich to meet with German Chancellor Schroeder. Germany is NATO's
most important continental member. Germany and NATO rejected the
offer. Russia, the peacemaker, was rebuffed by the Americans, the
aggressors. So hostility grew in Russia.

Clinton's bombing of Yugoslavia encourages the most violent, extreme
and anti-American factions in Russia. Russia's ailing leader and
erstwhile US-friend, Boris Yeltsin, faces his own impeachment vote on
April 15th. He too desperately needs to wag the dog to distract
attention from his own failures. His status weakened by NATO bombing,
only after agreeing to oppose NATO and draft troops for Yugoslavia did
Yeltsin partially recover his standing in the polls.


Russian war preparations continue to accelerate.

When the Yugoslav crisis erupted, we were told that Russia's major
fleets were going out to sea. A coincidence, the West was told. It has
long been theorized that if Russia ever wanted to attack America, it
would steer its ballistic missile submarines underneath its surface
ships on their way to sea, making it difficult for U.S. sonar to
detect the submarine deployment.

Once deployed, the submarines can sink to the bottom of the Atlantic
and Pacific, where the can stay for months, quietly waiting for orders
from the high command.

Convenience is joined by luck. Russia supposedly has no oil for its
ships, one spokesman says. But miraculously, there's suddenly enough
oil for its major fleets to engage in extensive maneuvers.

The Russians must have noted that their deployment causes no alarm
from the West. After all, Russia is so weak it couldn't harm a fly --
so the thinking goes. Russian spokesmen continually insist they have
no plans to engage NATO militarily, but every action suggests a
progressive mobilization for war.

So the Russians will continue mobilizing and gaining the advantage as
America and the West sleeps. In Russia, hundreds of thousands of
troops are called up. It will only take three months for the full
conventional weight of the old Soviet Army to be resurrected. It will
have five times as many soldiers as the American army.

Russia "has no intention of interfering in the current conflict around
Yugoslavia," a government spokesman told Interfax. Meanwhile, Russia's
leaders continually talk of war. They hint, they threaten and they
mobilize for it.

And good Republicans like Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeane
Kirkpatrick and Senator McCain, are actually calling for American
ground troops to be sent into Serbia. Those calling for a ground force
in Yugoslavia -- estimated to be at least 200,000 soldiers -- are not
considering the implications of such a move if a global war does break
out. The NATO ground force would be vulnerable to a tactical nuclear
strike and easily cut-off from supply lines. Moreover, the continental
U.S. would have no significant force to defend itself from invasion by
China or Russia.

Such considerations and precautions are not being considered because
it is party time in the West. The Dow Jones rises past 10,000 as NATO
bombs. The price of gold drops. People still plan their trips to
Disney World instead of worrying about the nation's vulnerability to
Russia's nuclear weapons.

There is no way to be certain if Russia will actually attack the
United States, and there is one alternative plausible explanation of
their actions: They may be getting ready for one big blackmail
attempt, hopeful that Clinton will buckle under.

Instead of war, Russia could be preparing for global domination.


Sep 2, 2008, 1:31:01 PM9/2/08
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