Recent Moves in the "Great Game" By J.R. Nyquist 11.13.01

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Sep 2, 2008, 8:53:21 AM9/2/08
Recent Moves in the "Great Game"
By J.R. Nyquist 11.13.01
While American forces close in on Osama bin Laden, the U.S. hesitates
to sell Taiwan the submarines it needs to defend itself from communist
China. At the same time, China's ally Pakistan is (according to Bill
Gertz of the Washington Times) secretly providing the Taliban with
military supplies while China gives Pakistan a variety of high tech

Behind China's buildup of Pakistan (even as Pakistan treacherously
builds the Taliban) we find the Russian Federation. Not only is Russia
supplying China with advanced guided missile destroyers and
submarines, but Moscow will be transfering advanced fighter aircraft
to China next month. These could give China air superiority over the
Taiwan Straits, placing Taiwan in imminent danger.

Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden has admitted his role in the Sept. 11
terror strikes against America. He also claims to have nuclear
weapons. According to a Pakistani newspaper, "The Frontier Post," bin
Laden not only has nuclear weapons but he has prepositioned them
inside the United States.

At the same time, on the eve of a summit between President Bush and
Russian President Vladimir Putin, Bush announces that he will
substantially reduce America's nuclear arsenal even if Putin refuses
to respond in kind. Dreaming of a beautiful friendship that "will
outlive our presidencies," Bush takes a rather optimistic view of
Russia -- a country that has rarely kept its arms control treaties and
currently supports rogue states, terrorists and other anti-U.S.
regimes (like China and Iraq).

In accordance with Russia's double policy, the Kremlin opposes
sanctions against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. Furthermore, as
reported by security expert Yossef Bodansky, Saddam Hussein (in turn)
has a secret alliance with Osama bin Laden. Bodansky says that Hussein
is reponsible for supplying bin Laden's agents with chemical and
biological weapons.

It seems, either by way of Iraq or China/Pakistan, all routes of
support and supply for global terrorism ultimately trace back to
Russia. In fact, the tangled web goes something like this: China and
Russia are allied. China is allied with Pakistan, which created the
Taliban. Russia is allied with Iraq as Iraq is wedded to the Taliban.
Yet Russia is America's trusted anti-terrorist partner.

It gets even better.

If Osama bin Laden's agents detonate nuclear weapons in the United
States, the weapons will likely be of Russian manufacture. The double
irony here is that Russia, not America, was the nation responsible for
the devastation of Afghanistan in the 1980s, when a million Afghans
died. The Afghans, by the way, were fed and supported in their time of
need by America. Nevertheless, Afghanistan is "the base" (al Qaeda)
from which mysterious operatives one day launch an attack on the
United States which might involve nuclear strikes. And the nuclear
weapons used, strangely enough, will be of Russian manufacture.

Now it is time to ask a simple question. It is a question that all
strategists, magicians, tricksters and illusionists would immediately
want an answer to. The question is as follows: Are Americans so stupid
that they never heard of a "shell game"?

Think about it.
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