Fwd: Urgent: Ethanol saga not over yet

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Alexandra Kepner

Jul 12, 2013, 10:24:45 AM7/12/13
to stop-ethanol-train...@googlegroups.com, eth...@chelseacreekaction.org

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marjorie Decker
Date: Friday, July 12, 2013
Subject: Urgent: Ethanol saga not over yet
To: aske...@yahoo.com

Marjorie Decker
July 12, 2013



Dear friends and neighbors,
I need your help!
Just when we thought we could rest easy over the issue of ethanol trains passing through our community, it has been confirmed that Governor Patrick is planning to veto the amendment to Section 14, Chapter 91 that would have stopped the transportation of large volumes of ethanol.  Global Partners withdrew their application after the House and Senate budget passed this amendment.  By vetoing this amendment, the Governor keeps the door wide open for Global to come back in the near future.  
While the Governor expressed technical concerns about the impacts this would have on industry, in fact, he has been provided alternative language that responds to his concerns and would continue to protect us.  
I encourage you to call the Governor TODAY and voice your disagreement with his contemplated actions.  Additionally, talk with your friends, family members, and neighbors to ask them to do likewise.  
It is my hope the Governor will stand with us in Cambridge and the House and Senate leadership who worked hard to support the efforts of the many legislators who stood up for their communities and people across the Commonwealth.  We need the Governor to do the same.



Contact: Governor Deval Patrick


Phone number: 617-725-4005


Email: Please follow the hyperlink to email the Governor's office: http://www.mass.gov/governor/contact-us.html#email



Below I have also included a letter I am sending to the Governor requesting him to preserve the amendment to Section 14, Chapter 91 and help to keep our communities safe.







Massachusetts State House 

Office of the Governor 

Room 280 

Boston, MA 02133 


July 11, 2013 


Dear Governor Patrick,


On behalf of the citizens of Cambridge and across the Commonwealth, I am writing to urge you to preserve language in the final budget that you received from the Legislature to protect residents from the transportation of large volumes of ethanol through their communities via rail.  While I am told that you are concerned with the potential unintended consequences on industry related to Chapter 91 Licenses if this were to become law, alternative language has been offered that responds to your concerns and preserves the intent (and public safety) of the Senate and House budget language.  Anything less that focuses on mitigation is to ignore the reality of recent events and our role in protecting the public from hazardous and often fatal avoidable accidents.  


Section 14 of Chapter 91 of the Legislature's final budget prohibits the operation of an ethanol storage or blending facility that plans to store or blend more than 5,000 gallons of ethanol per day within one mile of a Census block with a population density greater than 4,000 people per square mile.  Ethanol is a highly flammable and volatile chemical, and poses a significant danger to our family and friends.  Unable to be extinguished with traditional firefighting equipment, it would require our cities to invest in costly alcohol-resistant foam. 


The importance of maintaining this crucial amendment has been unfortunately demonstrated nationwide.  In Tiskilwa, Illinois, the derailment of a 126-car train carrying ethanol required the complete evacuation of the nearly-800 person town.  A Massachusetts Department of Transportation safety study estimated that an accident similar to the one experienced in Tiskilwa would require the evacuation of approximately 100,000 residents in Somerville, Cambridge, and surrounding communities. More recently, we were shocked by the tragic and horrific oil-train disaster that occurred last weekend in Lac-Megantic, Québec.  The 73-car unit full of Bakken crude derailed in Québec, causing multiple tanker car explosions and more than 50 fatalities. 


I appreciate and thank Global Partners for responding to our communities' concerns and withdrawing its application to transport high volumes of ethanol through our towns.  Residents have expressed their relief and their gratitude for both the inclusion of the amendment to Section 14, Chapter 91 and Global Partners' decision. 


However, regardless of Global Partners' decision to no longer pursue its plan, I request that you maintain the amendment as part of the final budget.  Although, narrowly tailored, this amendment represents an important first step in addressing antiquated federal rail laws and identifying new policies for keeping our residents safe.  


Please continue to stand with and protect the citizens of the Commonwealth and preserve the intent of the Legislature's budget language.   




Ellin Reisner

Jul 12, 2013, 5:21:45 PM7/12/13
to Alexandra Kepner, John Walkey, stop-ethanol-train...@googlegroups.com


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Snyder <timws...@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [S_T_E_P] Fwd: [stop-ethanol-trains-in-greater-boston] Fwd: Urgent: Ethanol saga not over yet
To: "S_T...@yahoogroups.com" <S_T...@yahoogroups.com>


Bellow please find a copy of Governor Patrick’s budget amendment relative to ethanol as well as his message to the legislature.
Tim W. Snyder
Chief of Staff
Office of Senator Pat Jehlen
2nd Middlesex District
State House, Room 513
    deval l. patrick
STATE HOUSE           ROOM 271
TEL:   (617) 725-4030           FAX:   (617) 727-8290
July 12, 2013
To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives:
          Pursuant to Article LVI, as amended by Article XC, Section 3 of the Amendments to the Constitution, I am returning to you for amendment Section 81 of House Bill No. 3538, “An Act Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2014 for the Maintenance of the Departments, Boards, Commissions, Institutions and Certain Activities of the Commonwealth, for Interest, Sinking Fund and Serial Bond Requirements and for Certain Permanent Improvements.”
Section 81 would prohibit the Department of Environmental Protection from issuing a Chapter 91 license to ethanol storage or blending facilities in densely populated areas of the state, which would have the effect of significantly constraining the transport of ethanol in Massachusetts.  It is critical we ensure that ethanol and other hazardous materials are transported safely throughout the Commonwealth and that mitigation measures are in place in the event of an incident.  However, as currently drafted Section 81 would interfere with marine terminal operations and potentially impact existing licenses throughout the state.  Consequently, I propose to amend the section to ensure it is more precisely tailored to effectuate its underlying purpose.  My amendment would prohibit for two years the addition of new routes of ethanol transport by rail in certain port areas, allowing time for the related safety issues to be more fully considered.
Additionally, as drafted Section 81 would not address the kinds of mitigation measures that are necessary in densely populated areas of the state, particularly environmental justice communities, through which ethanol passes by rail.  To address this issue, I propose to direct the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) to develop a comprehensive ethanol transport response plan for all municipalities through which ethanol travels by rail.  Under my proposed amendment, MEMA would work with relevant local, state and federal officials to develop a comprehensive plan addressing areas such as safety, training, communications and essential infrastructure improvements, as well as any necessary mitigation measures.
          For these reasons, I recommend that Section 81 be amended by striking out the text and inserting in place thereof the following text:-
A.  Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, no license shall be issued under section 14 of chapter 91 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2012 Official Edition, permitting the transport of ethanol by rail to bulk storage and transfer facilities in the East Boston, Revere or Chelsea Creek Designated Port Areas until July 1, 2015.
B.  Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the status of licenses issued under section 14 of said chapter 91 of the General Laws before the effective date of this section shall not be impacted by this section.
C.  (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the Massachusetts emergency management agency, in this section called MEMA, shall develop a comprehensive ethanol transport response plan for all municipalities that accommodate the transport of ethanol by rail.  The response plan shall be developed in consultation with the Massachusetts department of transportation, the division of fire services, the department of environmental protection, the department of public health, the public safety departments of the impacted municipalities, the federal Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Railroad Administration, the federal Surface Transportation Board, and other relevant federal, state and local agencies and entities that would be involved in emergency response within the specified communities.
(b) The response plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) training related to ethanol and flammable gases; (2) identification of critical facilities along the potential ethanol transportation routes; (3) development of a regional foam response task force, including an inventory and analysis of the amount of alcohol-resistant foam needed to combat an ethanol related accident and the vehicles and equipment needed to utilize the foam effectively; (4) potential evacuation routes and procedures for when the public should be advised to shelter in place; (5) methods to communicate with limited English language speakers in the event of an incident; and (6) necessary improvements to the transportation and rail facilities to be utilized during ethanol transport.
(c) On or before October 1, 2014, MEMA shall file the response plan with the joint committee on public safety and homeland security.  The response plan may also include any legislative recommendations that MEMA considers appropriate.  The response plan shall include a methodology under which any entity transporting ethanol by rail shall be assessed to provide funding for the development of the response plan and the training, equipment and any other mitigation measures as recommended by the response plan.  Impacted municipalities and agencies shall pursue federal grants as necessary in order to subsidize, to the extent feasible, the cost of the training and equipment recommended by the response plan.  MEMA may issue regulations to establish the means and methods by which it will assess entities transporting ethanol by rail to fund the development of the response plan and the mitigation measures recommended by MEMA in the response plan.
Respectfully submitted,

From: Ellin Reisner <reisn...@gmail.com>
To: S_T...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 11:03 AM
Subject: [S_T_E_P] Fwd: [stop-ethanol-trains-in-greater-boston] Fwd: Urgent: Ethanol saga not over yet
Please read the message s below and call the Governor's office today to  ask him not to veto or substitute an amendment on preventing ethanol blending at the Global Partners facility.
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: "Alexandra Kepner" <aske...@yahoo.com>Date: Jul 12, 2013 10:24 AMSubject: [stop-ethanol-trains-in-greater-boston] Fwd: Urgent: Ethanol saga not over yet To: "stop-ethanol-train...@googlegroups.com" <stop-ethanol-train...@googlegroups.com>, "eth...@chelseacreekaction.org" <eth...@chelseacreekaction.org> Cc: ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Marjorie Decker Date: Friday, July 12, 2013Subject: Urgent: Ethanol saga not over yetTo: aske...@yahoo.com
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