MK Stalin is mentally sick to call Hindu Marriage mantras are awful and disgusting

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Dec 31, 2023, 12:22:20 AM12/31/23
to Satya Dosapati
MK Stalin is mentally sick to call Hindu Marriage mantras are awful and disgusting

MK Stalin, the CM of Tamilnadu is a mentally sick to speak so derogatorily about Hindu marriage and stating the Hindu marriage mantras are awful and disgusting.   Which nation allows speaking so derogatorily about their majority religion, or for that fact any religion in this manner?  Where are courts to drag this uncouth and deranged individual to courts and unseat him from CM post for such remarks on a nation where 75% are followers of Hinduism.  He made these comments in an Islamic event and would he dare to make such remarks on Islamic rituals without a price on his head?    Hinduism is a religion that is highly respected and regarded all over the world for its profundity, there is  science behind everything it does but in Bharath it is saddled with scumbag and corrupt politicians who think they can get away with such comments.  Where is the Supreme Court which warned Hindu saints in the North simply because they spoke aggressively  against Islamic atrocities but did nothing when such comments were made by someone holding a high constitutional post?   He is insulting one crore followers of this profound religion that is the soul of the nation and nothing happens to such scoundrels.   What is going on in the country?   

Here is text of what this uncouth said:

*:- (Addressing all the audience assembled in the Marriage Hall): “You all know how Vedic weddings are performed. (During the marriage ceremony) The bride and the groom are not made to sit comfortably on chairs, like this (referring to the audience assembled in the Marriage Hall, seated on the chairs). They are made to sit on the floor (of the Marriage Mantapam, as per the Hindu tradition). A Purohit (Hindu Priest) will be seated near them and conducts the wedding, and how does he conduct it? (Referring to the Marriage ‘Homam’ -- sacred fire lit for offering oblations) Fire will be lit in a pit (in the Marriage Mantapam), smoke rising from this fire, the bride and the bride groom profusely shedding tears because of this smoke, and even the guests gathered during the marriage also having to shed tears. It is like being in a sad state of mind. The Purohit will be uttering some mantras. He will call gods and goddesses. He will call all the 38 crore gods. He will call all Avataras as well, and conducts the marriage ceremony. The bride and the bridegroom do not understand the meaning of those mantras uttered by the Purohit, and in case you ask the Purohit himself about the meaning, he too will admit that he does not know the meaning of those mantras he uttered. If you (addressing the audience gathered in the Marriage Hall) try to understand the meaning of those mantras uttered by the Purohit, you all will shudder; the Hindu Marriage mantras are so awful and disgusting.”

Here is an earlier article on his son's comments, 'like father, like son'.

Open letter to Udhayanidhi Stalin on his call for extermination of Sanatana Dharma

Dear Udhaynidhi Stalin,

I never heard of you before, other than that you are the son of Tamilnadu CM Stalin who had converted to Christianity, from social media posts some time ago.   I think you are the most 'popular' figure now after you declared that Sanatana Dharma has to be exterminated like Mosquitoes, dengue, malaria, Corona at a 'Santana Abolition' Conference!  You also clarified later on social media that you did not call for genocide of people who are following Sanatana Dharma and Sanatana Dharma is a principle that divides people in the name of the caste and religion and uprooting Sanatana Dharma is upholding humanity and human equality.  Only after this furore did I come to know that you are no ordinary man, you are a successful film producer, actor in Tamil films and even a minister in your fathers cabinet and inheritor of vast wealth and power of your family. 

In your infinite wisdom, please help us understand a few things.   Today, nearly 177 countries signed up for International Yoga day and 2 billion people practice Yoga across the world (per UN).  Yoga is an integral part of Sanatana Dharma.   If Sanatana Dharma divides people, how come nearly one-fourth of the population in the world practice Yoga?  In fact, Christians in the West had rejected the Church warnings that Yoga is satanic.  In the United States alone where I live, about 10% of the population practices Yoga regularly.   In the YMCA very close to my home where people go for fitness classes,  almost all non-Hindus as its members start and end their Yoga Practice with 'OM' and Namaste.  Almost every other class they offer is related to Yoga and meditation.  In fact, they even had a 'Yoga day' a few years ago that included Bhajans.  Perhaps, you should educate them on the true face of Sanatana Dharma. These people need to be enlightened by your wisdom.  

Let us dig a little more.  I am sure you have heard of the late Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and is considered the greatest inventor of last century.  Steve Jobs' biographer wrote how  'Autobiography of a Yogi', is his most revered book which he had to read at least once a year to be motivated and inspired. He carried it on his ipad until his last moments.   Not only that, before he died of cancer, he had arranged to buy 500 copies of the book and be given as a special gift with a personal message to every single top executive of many multi-billion dollar companies who would attend his funeral.   Too bad he did not have the opportunity to learn from your wisdom on the evils of Sanatana Dharma.  In fact, who knows, based on your insights, Steve Jobs could have invented more but for his belief in the evil Sanatana Dharma. 

Perhaps you could have enlightened Oppenheimer and many quantum physicists such as Heisenberg, Bohr, Schordinger, all winners of Nobel Prize in Quantum Physics carried the book of Vedanta or Gita on one hand and Physics on other that how evil Sanatana Dharma is and that they should not have been misled by this evil.  In fact, Oppenheimer who led the famous Manhattan Project that built the first Atom bomb, spontaneously chanted the verses from the 11th chapter of Gita when he saw the massive ball of fire after the bomb was exploded in the New Mexican desert to test it.  This poor man spent so much time of his life learning Sanskrit and attributed his deep insights to Gita and teachings of Sanatana Dharma.  What an opportunity they have lost not to learn from you that what they are following is an evil and instead of exterminating it they are caught up in this evil.

Maybe not all is lost.   CERN institute near Geneva, where the top most scientists in the world today with 23 member states building the most sophisticated and advanced collider have an imposing statue of Nataraja, the lord of dance of the universe, right on its premises.   Can you imagine, such an institute doing the most advanced research placing one of the most revered symbols of the followers of this evil Sanatana Dharma as a statue in their midst?  How bad an influence it will have on their minds?  Perhaps it will divide them based on caste and religion and they urgently need your services to remove that statue immediately.  I strongly urge you to visit CERN immediately and enlighten them with your knowledge. 

Even more, today 14 top German universities are teaching Sanskrit and European universities are not able to keep up with the demand.   How can this be possible?  Why is the world not grasping what you grasped  that they are hungering to learn an evil language of an evil religion 'Sanatana Dharma' ?  You are a very rich, talented and influential person and it is very important that you take it as a life goal to influence these people and help them stray away from the evil path.

As I write this, I am reflecting on how much the world missed a messiah like you who could have made immense contributions to the world with your wisdom?  Can you imagine, the late Joseph Campbell who is the most well known mythologist of the last century and who inspired the famous Star Wars series, how he expresses Sanatana Dharma in the widely popular 'Power of Myth' series?  This multi-part series was in fact filmed in the home of George Lucas who produced the Star Wars series.  This poor man cannot even find words to express the profundity of this evil Sanatana Dharma though his interviewer wanted him to talk about Christianity.  He must have also led the evil path starting as a university student, when he quit the university because it did not offer sanskrit.  All his life he was a great follower of Upanishads.

What more, you must have certainly heard of Carl Sagan, the most well known astro-physicist who created the 'Cosmos' series saying the secrets of the universe are hidden in the Hindu scriptures?  This series was seen by 50 crores people in 60 different countries!  He praises the Nasadiya Suktam, the 7 'hymns of creation' in Rig Veda as the most sophisticated analysis of the origin of the universe, at the boundaries of what an analytical human mind can be ever capable of.    These people must be really ignorant fools not to realize the wisdom you have that Sanatana Dharma is really an evil that needs to be urgently exterminated, like dengue, mosquitoes, malaria and Corona!

I cannot tell you how much the world needs you even today more than ever.  After I heard from you only,  I come to realize how appalling the situation has become that the most followed spiritual teachers of the Christian world today, such as Eckhart Tolle, Mike Singer, Wayne Dyer, Stephen Wolpert (Ram Dass)  and many others who literally have hundreds of millions of followers in the Christian world all across the globe are also deep believers of Hinduism and Buddhism teachings.  They are bypassing the Church to explain Jesus' teachings based on the teachings of Krishna and Buddha. When Oprah Winfrey had a show with Echart Tolle, 3.5 crore followers across the world watched or downloaded.   His books are translated in 33 languages across the world and they are best sellers. There is even an article in Newsweek in 2009 by Lisa Miller that 'We (Christians ) are all Hindus now' and Harvard Pluralism project talks about how Hindu concepts have deeply seeped into this nation (US).   How could all these people miss what you have learnt, how could they have missed your infinite wisdom?  What damage this evil Sanatana Dharma has done and continues to do to the world!  What future holds for them from this evil?

Your leadership is also needed to stop the lies of  the 'fanatics' of Sanatana Dharma.  These 'fanatics' are lying to the Hindus that it is through Sanatana Dharma that most advanced inventions are made to the world, the concept of Zero, Plastic surgery, Gravity, Chess, the Chakras, the Ayurveda, the martial arts that Chinese/Japanese follow, the binomials etc., etc, , and that it lead to most prosperous civilization with 25% to 30% of World GDP for millennia until 1700's when Christian British is being alleged to have plundered 43 trillion dollars and murdered more than 100 millions in just 3 or 4 decades alone.  

They are spreading lies that according to British own records from 1700's that Sudras are the most prosperous community in the nation and that the nation's Gurukul education system had zero discrimination.  In fact, they are saying that more Sudras are educated than Brahmins in the Tamilnadu Gurukul system according to British records!  It must be that these evil fanatics following evil religion went into British Museums and manipulated British records!  In a popular website, they have given literally hundreds of quotes extolling Sanatana Dharma, which they claim are from the top most thinkers, scientists, philosophers of the world.  Do not believe them.

Caste wise division of Gurukul students in Madras Presidency and adjoining Kingdoms in late 1700's - more Sudras than Brahmins!
(based on British records from 1700's, recorded by Dharam Pal in his book, 'The Beautiful Tree', which is reproduced in Bharath Gyan 'Autobiography of India - Breaking Myths about Society'

British General Alexander Walker of East India Company (during 1780 to 1810) on India native school system, noting that Shudras who were in large numbers were in possession of principal authority and property of the country!

What more, the 'fanatics of Sanatana Dharma' are spreading lies that most caste based discrimination faced in India is in the Church, more than any other religion. They are spreading lies that the Church which is unable to address this discrimination is trying to make up for it by demanding reservations to the converts from the followers of evil Sanatana Dharma!  They say a casual search on the internet shows rampant discrimination against Dalits, particularly in Tamilnadu and alleging that you are fabricating lies.  How can this be true?

Even Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Ambedkar, Swami Vivekananda are fools to vehemently oppose the spread of Christianity in India by missionaries that could have easily gotten rid of this evil Sanatana Dharma and upheld humanity and human equality.  Did you know what Mahatma Gandhi said?  He said,  "Stop all conversions in India, it is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth" and that if he had power he would legislate to stop all conversions in India.  Ambedkar said the conversion is denationalization.   What big fools these people are that they are not seeing what you are seeing, it is truly mind boggling.   I sincerely hope you will rise to national level and surpass these leaders in influence and in command and help advance this nation by getting rid of this evil 'Sanatana Dharma'.

If I may suggest to you, ignore the fanatics and their media exposing Pandit Nehru letter to then Tamilnadu CM that our  'Honorable' Periyar is a criminal who deserves to be put in lunatic asylum and use your media and movie power to elevate Periyar to level of divine and ensure any remaining Brahmins belonging to the evil religion to be cleansed out of Tamilnadu, just as it was done in Kashmir.  We should not allow the fanatics to publicize the writers of Ramayana and Mahabharata who actually belon to the Sudra class and create and/or magnify stories of discrimination by Brahmins to such people.  I hope you get good training from the movies you produce and act in.

I earnestly request you to educate followers of the evil Sanatana Dharma that the decimation of sixty million native Americans, the decimation of Mayan Civilization, the decimation of African tribes, the enslavement of millions of blacks where they were sold naked as animals in markets and beaten to get last ounce of energy, the mass burials of native children many of whom were molested, pervasive sexual abuse of clergy, the murder of six millions Jews and Gypsies, the Ku Klux Klan in US who lynched and burned their churches using a symbol of cross, the Rwandan genocide,  colonialist plunder that continues to today,  all done by Church or those supported by Church is to help the rise of humanity and human equality, to eliminate human discrimination.  We really need this in our nation.  We need to break this nation called India into pieces, North, South, North East, convert it and help it advance.  We need to tear down their temples, burn their books and wipe out their evil symbols, even commit the sin to imitate their practices and appropriate their sacred books to help them wean them away from the wretched and evil religion they follow with millions of false gods.  It is very heartening to know your dad's administration has already demolished many temples, some even more than 100 years old while making sure not to touch a single church, however many illegal churches there are, including the Thorium rich mountain land that was taken over.  

Author's bio:
Satya Dosapati is an activist based in the US working on causes for both India and US. He played a critical role in the introduction of paper trail for India’s Electronic Voting Machines called VVPAT in 2010 that put Indian democracy on a strong foothold.  This was done by bringing in top international experts and demonstrating the vulnerabilities in Indian EVMs working with local organizations and CEC Qureshi.  He organized an All American Rally for Trump bringing in various ethnic communities together in support of the Trump Presidential Election that was acknowledged by the Republican party and then candidate Trump.  The event was covered by most of the US national media in Pennsylvania. He is well known for challenging 100 and 30 million dollar lawsuits from Sonia Gandhi proxies in the US when he coordinated a UN protest against Sonia Gandhi posing to represent Mahatma Gandhi values at UN and taking a full page Ad in New York Times exposing her. He has several successes in activist movements such as forcing Andhra Pradesh CM YSR in 2007 in banning conversions inside Hindu temples, bringing attention to the plight of backward caste minor girls in West Bengal being kidnapped and thrown into sexual slavery through love jihad.  He led a protest against University of Pennsylvania (Wharton economic forum) for dropping Narendra Modi from keynote speech because of false allegations of some leftist professors and got a (private) apology from UPenn President .   He initiated the first anti-corruption conference working with Ajit Doval and Dr. Swamy before Anna Hazare protest at New Delhi Vivekananda International foundation and brought in top international anti-corruption Organizations personnel from UN (UNODC) and Europe (Eurodad) and other institutions.   His presentation on Plunder of India by Sonia UPA received nearly 2 lacs hits. He was also engaged in animal rights movements in the US for health, environment, and compassion. He received his bachelors from IIT Chennai with graduate degrees in the US and is pursuing a career in Telecom in the US.  His Koo id is @SatyaDosapati and several of his articles were published in First Post, PGurus and OpIndia news portals.   His blog is


Dec 31, 2023, 12:22:30 AM12/31/23
to Satya Dosapati
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