Fwd: Impeach the judges for statements against Nupur Sharma & justifying blasphemy, these sick corrupt judges are as sick as those who committed the brutal crime in Udaipur

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Narayana Sd

Jul 1, 2022, 5:32:06 PM7/1/22
to stop-corrupt...@googlegroups.com

Impeach the judges for statements against Nupur Sharma & justifying blasphemy, these sick corrupt judges are as sick as those who committed the brutal crime in Udaipur

The comments against Nupur Sharma on her petition  to combine all FIR's against her by Supreme Court judges are unwanted, unfair and unreasonable.   The rise of Islamist violence in this nation  that can set the country into fire is not because of Nupur Sharma statements but squarely because of how we as a nation handling the threats to free speech particularly the judiciary.     They claim they have seen the video.  Where is their objective mind when the other side constantly referring Hindu sacred deity as a fountain (or suggesting as a male sex organ).   This  was going day and night on the TV shows where Hindu deities are continuously insulted  and the Mosque has been using that sacred deity for washing their hands and legs for hundreds of years to the despair of Hindus.  In the face of all this what Nupur Sharma responded is verbatim in the Islamic scriptures, the same statement is confirmed by Islamic preacher Zakir Naik who happened to be felicitated as a 'great Islamic preacher' by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia etc.  Even Saudi Clerics confirmed what she said is true.  So, what is going on in the heads of these insane judges that they cannot see the truth for what it is.   What justifies the 70,000 threats, threats to kill her family,  threatening to behead, cut her tongue, saying 'how many lings raped your mother to produce you', the riots and the killings?  Are they justifying blasphemy?   What future holds for fundamental rights of the citizens in this country?  These judges are criminals that need to be arrested and tried.  They are terrorists who are as sick as the ones who committed heinous crime in Udaipur and across the nation.  
A nation has to stand for itself with determination at critical moments.   In 1850's during the Civil war Abraham Lincoln was believed to have planned to arrest the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice if he worked against the matters needed for civil war to save the nation.  That is the courage and determination we need today if we were to have any hope in this nation.
What kind of judgement is these where instead of protecting the fundamental rights of Nupur Sharma in the first place you are justifying the violence and murder?   Did the nation behave like this when MF Hussain derogatorily drew most of revered Hindu deities completely naked and the deities having sex with the animal vahanas while at same time drew Christian and Muslim characters fully clothed?   So, these judges are going to say the Hindu people should have gone around burning vehicles, causing riots, hacking people and it is the right justification for such an act.    When there was beheading in France for a statement made by a teacher, are you saying the teacher has caused his own beheading.    Or the time when Ramalingam had a rational discussion with those attempting to convert dalits in Tamilnadu with logic, his hands and legs were cut off right in front of their sons, so you are saying that Ramalingam is wrong in even discussing such conversions.   Or maybe the Christian teacher who asked a question in an exam on the prophet  and his hand was cut, he should not have done it and therefore cutting his hand is justified.
How many crores are they making for the judgement against Nupur Sharma who is representative of every citizen in this country expecting their fundamental rights will be protected?  Worse, she is a woman with dire threats against her across the nation.
You are saying Nupur Sharma was not arrested because she is powerful, then how many cases were there of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and how much looting and damage done to the nation, how come you have nothing to say about it?   Of course, loads of cash!  Just recently there was literally a murder attempt against Member of parliament Raghu Ram Krishan Raju perpetrated by Andhra Government, the court instead of giving the judgement reserved the judgement.  Of course, more cash and benefits!  The same court just in last few days  when a Muslim man raped and kills a 4 year old it commuted death sentences but when a Hindu man does similar thing to a retarded woman they easily confirmed the death sentence.   Many times they give bail to criminals and the criminals repeat the crime, sometimes on the same day!   How much corruption is going on in these?  None other than ex-Judge Ranjan Gogoi said this Supreme Court is 'fixed' and there is little chance for the country to accomplish a 5 trillion dollar goal. How many crores are they making for the judgement against Nupur Sharma, who is representative of every citizen in this country expecting their fundamental rights will be protected?
As OpIndia noted, when a Karnataka Judge gave judgement on Hijab and there was uproar, even threat to life of judges and is Judge giving judgement responsible for the uproar?   There was enormous brutal post poll violence after Bengal elections where rapes and hundreds of thousands of people are replaced while shameful Supreme Court Judges recused themselves and did nothing.   So, would you blame the holding of elections for the violence because it is very well known there will be violence after elections?   And what did Judges do? By their silence they only helped more violence.  What is the background of these judges?    By saying Nupur comments caused violence, are you saying that the murder and killing happened across the nation is justified and she has no fundamental rights even to quote their own scriptures after so much instigation from them?  How come you have nothing to say to the other side that first initiated it?    What is the logic?  Why are you so blind sided?  Is blasphemy the new law superseding our constitution?   This country is still not able to send 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus even after 31 years? Was there a Nupur Sharma type incident that caused this?    During last Congress regime there were almost one terror incident every 2 months.   Was there any Nupur Sharma incident that caused this?   What is going on?
A Hindu boy and Mulsim girl loved each other and married and the girl brother killed the boy in the daylight in Hyderabad?   Are you saying the violence is justifiable because they should not have married?      A Muslim girl and boy loved each other and planning to marry in Delhi.  The girl's father and brother go to the boy's home and hack him to death?  Are you saying they should not have loved each other?   A Muslim man says the temple that is on my way is annoying me and throws stones and pisses inside the temple and are we going to say the temple is annoying and it should not be there?   Tomorrow they say, I need to do my prayers 5 times a day and sometimes I am on the street, therefore traffic has to be stopped to perform my prayer, are you going to say that is fine because they have a need to pray.   Thousands of Christian and Hindu minor girls were duped and married where  Mosques are funding Muslims boys to do it, the girls are separated from their parents causing them immense stress, are you going to say the parents should not send the children into the same school or socialize at all?   Rohingya Muslims can settle anywhere but Hindus who are living as refugees in their own country for the last 31 years have little recourse from them for all these years.   Are you saying illegal Rohingyas have more rights than Indian citizens?   So, Kamlesh Tiwari made a true statement and he was beheaded and you are saying his beheading is justified?  Parliament passed Citizens Amendment Act that gives a last rope to the most brutalized in neighboring Islamic countries and there were riots, brutal murders and are you saying we should not have passed the bill because there will be riots?
These corrupt cowards will not blame the other side because they are afraid to say the truth, then there is lure of cash, lot of it,  and of course they have to save their skin after retirement because a jihadi will behead them if they give a contrary judgement.
What exactly are these crazy, compromised, criminally corrupt and stupid judges saying?  These corrupt criminals, appointing judges within their own families, little touch with reality, have become the real terrorists of the nation.   They are the real criminals which is why the nation cannot progress.  India has to do something with this criminal syndicate which is destroying the fabric of this nation.   These sickos with their kind of judgement will end the country up in a civil war, cause more Udaipur type brutal violence,  not because of the statements of Nupur Sharma.   They are horrendous cowards, while they give judgement on single Sabarimala entry to older women, that too using the Christian denomination they would not dare touch the case of Mosques where not a single Mosque in the nation allow a Muslim woman enter the Mosque?  These corrupt cowards will not blame the other side because they are afraid to say the truth, then there is lure of cash, lot of it,  and of course they have to save their skin after retirement because a jihadi will behead them if they give a contrary judgement. These judges have to go!   Completely out of touch with the nation, promoting judges within  their own  families with little accountability,  largely corrupt,   Indian Judiciary has become a criminal syndicate that needs to be addressed.  People need to rise against them.  A nation has to stand for itself with determination at critical moments.   A nation has to stand for itself with determination at critical moments.   In 1850's during the Civil war Abraham Lincoln was believed to have planned to arrest the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice if he worked against the matters needed for civil war to save the nation.  That is the courage and determination we need today if we were to have any hope in this nation.

Note: There is a petition to the CJI at this link.
(1) Are we going to be ruled by the Constitution or the Shariah Law?
(2) Indian Supreme Court Judges are block robed Criminals - did nothing to protect Nupur Sharma rights but rushes to protect criminals who did violent riots
(3) Why is the nation afraid to tell the truth that Nupur Sharma did not insult the prophet?

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