Process Tracking Numbers - More Visible?

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Petro Ploumis

Dec 18, 2018, 6:00:19 PM12/18/18
to Stone Edge User Group
After upgrading to 7.040, we've noticed that if there are tracking numbers waiting to be processed there isn't a very noticeable notification anywhere. On 7.024 it would put a Red "Process Tracking Numbers" link at the bottom of the menu, so our CSRs knew not to forgot to process at the end of the day.

So unless I make sure to check myself at the end of each day, our website, Amazon, etc will not get updated with tracking.

Petro P.

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Michael Monson

Dec 18, 2018, 7:46:01 PM12/18/18
to Stone Edge User Group

I agree, it is a little hidden.  What I don't understand is why we need to do this at all.  Is there any way to automate this clicking of a link?
I had a person out on vacation so this got missed for a couple of days.  Amazon though all my orders were sent late.

Kevin Horowski

Dec 18, 2018, 8:30:28 PM12/18/18
to Stone Edge User Group
If you are familiar with going into the code there is one line of code that you need to comment out and then one you need to un-comment.  The code is in Order Manager Functions>AccordionProcessTracking

Search for this line of code:
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Tracking WHERE (" & sSQL & ") AND DateAdded>=#" & OMDate(Date - lDaysBack) & "# AND (NOT IsNull(IsVoid) AND IsVoid<>'Y' AND IsVoid <> '-1')"

Then put a single quote in front of it.  This will turn the line of code green and comment it out.  Then on the line above that remove the single quote to un-comment out the line of code.  Then go to File>Save SEORDMAN.  You would need to perform this change on any PC's that you might run Process Tracking Numbers from.

This fix is already in the next release.

Something else you can also do to notify yourself about Process Tracking Numbers is to set one of the Quick Clicks options under Settings to Process Tracking Numbers.  When there is something to send, the text on the main menu button for Quick Clicks should be highlighted in Yellow and then when click on Quick Clicks there will be a link to click on for Process Tracking Numbers which also has yellow text.

We don't have anything to automate the Process Tracking Numbers process but you could always create some type of macro and have it run at the end of the day.  If you ship via USPS we do have a way to automate Process Tracking Numbers.  There's a parameter called DazzleAutoProcessTrackingNumbers.

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